Emmanuel Singness - Photo, Films, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Model, actress, singer - Emmanyuel Singing a lot of talent faces, and each she is given to the sincerity inherent in it, without a rest. Another hollow woman is a loving wife and mother. With the cult European director Roman Polanski Emmanuel lives in marriage for almost 30 years. In 2013, for the role in the film, the spouse of Venus in Fursing was nominated for the prestigious French filmmaker "Cesar".

Childhood and youth

Emmanuel was born on June 22, 1966 in Paris. Her creative future predetermined the appearance in the artistic family. Grandfather Actresses, Louis Sense, theatrical and film actor comic amplua, Chairman of the Comédie Française Association. Father Jean-Louis is a famous photographer, the mother Alina Ponnel is a journalist.

Emmanuel Singness in youth

The media couple had 3 daughters - Matilda, Emmanuel and Marie-Ameli. Senior girls became famous actresses, younger - singer.

All three from childhood are passionate about the art. From the first years they have learned to keep in front of the Father's chamber, which has captured each step to the film. Emmanuel was 14 when she began to invite photo studio for coffee photo shoots. After a few years, the girl becomes a successful model (height 173 cm): Its latter, but the attractive beauty is in demand more than images with accurate features of the face. The photo is decorate the covers "Vogue", "L'Officier" and other fashionable magazines.


She was 18 when she met the director Jean-Luke Godra, which was so impressed with the mystical beauty of Emmanuel, which, without hesitation, suggested her role in his picture "Detective" (1985). The girl also, without hesitation, agreed. So the chapter called "Cinema" appeared in her biography.

The young model has already experienced the experience of filming in the episode of the film "Year of Medusa", but in the picture of the year, Shenya, although a small, but very vivid role of the Bahamas princess. The main stars of the film were Johnny Hollide and Natalie Bai.

During this period, Emmanuel meets his future husband - Roman Polanski, who at this point is already a titled director. A man who always fed a passion for young charming, offers a charming Frenchwoman in his new project - the criminal drama "frantic" (1988) with Harrison Forest in the lead role.

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Emmanuel played Michel - a girlfriend of the chief hero. However, despite the fact that the film passed with great success, this role did not become a breakthrough for the actress. But she brought happiness to the French man in his personal life - after the premiere of "violent", in August 1989, the Shenya and Polanski got married in Paris.

Already the next director's work Polanski - the melodrama "Gorky Moon", in which Emmanuel again plays a major role, brings actress so long-awaited success. The story of the strange love of the American writer and Frenchwoman Mimi is set to the chapter. The romance that originated on the basis of the insane passion turns into painful-perverted relations, to escape from which you can only pressing the pistol.

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Polanski masterfully revealed the talent of the muse, the actress showed that he had not only spectacular appearance, she could die from the innocent girl into a terrible fatal woman. It demonstrates the viewer the power of the image of the image. By proving that it is capable of being a deep dramatic actress, Shenya decided to try a new genre - comedy. So in the filmography There are pictures "Smile" (1994) and "chase for the Divine" (1997).

1998 became one of the most productive artist in the career. She debuts in American cinema, in the RPM tape, playing the main role in the company of Hollywood Stars - David Arquette and Famke Jansen. Also, the actress was starred in the French painting "Vandom Square" director Nicolas Garcia with brilliant Catherine Denev. For this work, the detention center was nominated for the prestigious film "Cesar".

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In 1999, Emmanuel is again removed in the painting of her husband. Polanski Roman has long carried out the idea of ​​a mystical thriller and finally started working on the film "Ninth Gate", approved on the main roles of Johnny Depp and Emmanuel. The woman embodied the image of the Babylonian harmnica, which helps the chief hero to go through all the circles of hell.

The new millennium brings the next bright work in different cytipers to the Frenchwoman. In 2003, the actress played a major role in the drama "Kidnapper of the Tel" - a surgery story about a surgeon trying to breathe life in the body of dead wife and daughter. The topic of thriller, but already with a tint of Horror, the work of the Jalo (2009) ribbon is continuing.

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A woman appeared in a secondary role in the Bayopic "Life in Pink Light", dedicated to the singer Edith Piaf in 2007. At the same time, the touching drama "Spa Tander and Butterfly" comes out about the editor of the glamorous magazine, which after the stroke was completely paralyzed, but did not lose his thirst for life and communicate.

In 2013, Master took his wife a major role in the Venus chamber film, the plot of which refers to the same product of Leopold von Zaher-Mazoha. The picture was presented in the main program of the Cannes Film Festival, and the game Emmanuel is again nominated for the category "Cesar" award.

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In 2017, Polanski presented a picture "Based on real events" to the court, in which his spouse plays a writer who suffers from depression. But soon, a woman named El, and their relationship develop very strangely to her life with threats. Partner Emmanuel became French actress Eva Green.

"We have tried to find something for a long time, which would not be just work, but what is ideal for him as for the director and for me as for the actress. From my mouth it sounds as if it is quite simple, but in fact it is not at all - the process was very long, "says the actress in an interview about joint work with his spouse.

Personal life

Emmanuel Shenya became the third spouse of Oscar-free director Roman Polanski. The girl did not embarrass the 30-year-old difference, neither the scandalous past of the future spouse: In 1977, he was accused of rape of a minor model. True, the echoes of this mistake of youth made themselves to know in 2009, when a new scandal broke out and the new victims of violence were allegedly opposed. But the couple managed to survive this unpleasant story with dignity.

Now the spouses prefer to live in their free time, outside the city. Their children have grown and are looking for themselves in the creative profession. Morgan's eldest daughter (1993) is a student of the acting faculty of the London Central School of Drama and Oratory. Son Elvis (1998) is removed from an early age. Photos with loved children are often found in the "Instagram" of the artists.

Emmanuel Singness now

In 2018, the actress played in the drama "Van Gogh. On the threshold of eternity "about the life of a great painter.

Emmanuel Singness in 2018

In 2019, a new work of Roman Polanski is preparing to exit, dedicated to the famous Dreifus case - "I accuse!", In which the director's muse is prepared a bright leading role.


  • 1985 - "Detective"
  • 1988 - "Few"
  • 1992 - "Bitter Moon"
  • 1998 - "Vandom Square"
  • 1999 - "Ninth Gate"
  • 2003 - "Kidnapper Tel"
  • 2007 - "Life in pink"
  • 2007 - "Spa Tander and Butterfly"
  • 2009 - "Jalo"
  • 2013 - "Venus in Furs"
  • 2017 - "Based on real events"
  • 2018 - "Van Gogh. On the threshold of eternity "

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