Octavian August - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Roman Emperor



Octavian August is the founder of the Roman Empire, who managed to build a mighty state. On the era of the board of this emperor, the new covenant had the birth of Jesus Christ. Under the leadership of Octaviana, Romans lived for 45 years. The biography of the ruler, the commander and reformer is saturated with interesting facts, and the personal life is full of peripetia.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Octavian August - Guy Oktavi Furin. The boy was an outcomes from the state of Equitors, from a respected family. His great-grandparents left the descendants a rich inheritance, formed thanks to the banking business. Octavian Augustus had no relation to the elite of society. Emperor's opponents often reminded him of a pedigree, characterizing the position of the ruler as an unworthy throne.

Octavian bust Augustus

According to the records of the historian Svetonia, Octavi was born in 63 BC. Loud name August, synonymous emperor title, he received in 27 BC. At the age of 5, Octavian lost his father, the governor in Macedonia at the time. Mother of the boy, sister Julia Caesar, re-married Consul Lucia Philip.

It is related ties that have become fundamental in the biographies of the future ruler of Rome. The young man liked the ruling emperor, who had to him uncle. From his hands, Octavian received military awards, the title of Patricia and Pontif. Since Caesar had no children, he adopted a pet and made Octavian the owner of most of the property belonging to him, the main heir and the applicant for power.

Octavian August - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Roman Emperor 12760_2

In 44 BC Caesar was killed. At that time Octavius ​​was a student in Apollonia Illyrian. Having learned about the tragic event, he returned to Italy and decided to take advantage of the right of inheritance. The claimant for power was 18 years old, he did not have connections, reputation and necessary experience, while his main rival was the authoritative Mark Anthony. Having assigned finances and archives of the former ruler, he strongly recommended octavian not to count on the throne.

Octavian Augustus did not show timidity and did not retreat. Announcing himself with the heir of the former monarch, taking his name, he gave the money to the people who bequeathed the adoptive father and arranged the games in honor of the victories of Caesar. Having enlisted with the support of Cicero, who had his own interest in promoting a young man, Octavian convened the army and declared war on Marca Anthony. The Senate listened to the opinion of Cicero and recognized the Young Senator. Anthony suffered defeat.

Board and war

In 43 BC. Octavian received the title of consul. He gained the necessary powers and announced the killers of the Father outside the law. By agreement with Mark Anthony and Mark Emily Lepidov, the power was divided into three. Men became triumvir who have in the highest authority. Octavian in Anthony went to Macedonia to take revenge on Bruut and Cassia, guilty of conspiracy and the death of Caesar.

Mark Anthony in the chariot, harnessed lions

In 42 BC NS. Anthony began to manage the eastern provinces, and Octavian returned to Italy. A year later, he joined the war with Perusia, which the relatives of his opponent Anthony provoked. The conflict was respected by the reconciliation of the parties and marry Anthony on the sister of Octavian. The tension of relationships and friction on the issues of power is also replaced by a short truce. In 38, the triumvirate has expired, but the participants extended his action for another 5 years. During this period, Octavian August had a forensic position and was a commander. He also received the title of the tribune.

In the hands of the future Emperor focused on the power over the West and East of the country. Successful military actions in 35-33. BC. strengthened his position. Octavian decided to oppose the Mark Anthony, which at that time came close to Cleopatra. The expiration of the appointed 5-year term has become for Anthony's fatal. The Italians who understood that they were managing a love attraction, octaviana Augustus swore.

Cleopatra on the Egyptian throne

In 31. G. BC. It was announced a war with Cleopter. The army of the queen and a failed opponent hit. After the appearance of Octavian in Alexandria, Anthony and Cleopatra committed suicide. Egypt was in captivity of Octavian Augustus. This achievement together with the conquest of Illyry and the action a year later, the emperor celebrated in Rome.

Since 31, Oktavian was regularly elected to the consulate, but required unquestioned submission on the basis of the oath previously received from the people. The emperor revised the conditions for the appointment of the triumvirata, conducted a census of the population and expelled from the crowded Senate those who were not pleasing to him. He also took up the settlement of cases in the provinces.

10 years old Oktavian ruled Syria, Egypt, Spain and Gallia, and also had the right to declare war and enter into agreements. As Oktavian commander, Oktavian led almost seven legions. The face of the emperor captured on the coins with the inscription "Protector of Freedom of the Roman People". In the Western regions, the ruler has established a connection with non-subordinate tribes.

For dozens of years of finding Octavian Augustus, dissatisfaction with potential rivals broke out more than once. In 23, the risk of conspiracy against the ruler arose. He refused the post of consul and subsequently did not claim him, except for two times. From 22 to 19 BC Oktavian was absent in Rome, and the people advocated the return of the consul. In order to avoid the rebellion, the Senate asked the state husband to return. So August has gained executive power, and in 12 he was proclaimed pontiff.

Portrait of Octavian Augusta on a coin

Octavian Augustus actively attracted the Senate to the country management and the establishment of the republican management model. He tried not to change the legislation, retained the election system and controlled the army. Of all its titles, Octavian most treated the status of the princeps, the highest civil servant of the republic.

As a commander Oktavian talked for strengthening the northern border. It was submitted to the Region and Norik to the coast of the Danube. The military leaders of Agrippa and Tiberius won Pannonia and Mesia, attaching the provinces to the Roman Empire along with Illaria.

Octavian created a stable army, which became the support of the empire. He left 28 legions as permanent military units, and the remaining troops dissolved. During the rule of August, there were no questions with the provision of veterans. They received land and benefits as a reward for the service.

Octavian created a military treasury and due to the introduction of taxes regularly replenished it. The ruler organized 2 permanent fleets, as well as troops of bodyguards and a security unit based around Rome. Inside Rome functioned 3 military cohorts.

Expansion of the Roman Empire at Octaviana August

The internal policy of Octavian Augustus was successful thanks to thoughtful administrative mechanisms. At the head of the provinces and legions, the ruler put his attacked senators. The life of small regions was regulated by the prefects. Grain supplies, Pretorian Guard and firefighters obeyed riders.

Private agents managed finance. They were engaged in personal affairs of the ruler, as well as the material accounting and payments of the military. The era of the reigning world made the province rich, and they generously replenished the treasury. One of the important reforms was the abolition of the tax system. Now the fees have become fixed.

Provinces of the Roman Empire by 14 N. NS

Thus, the risk of extortion among managers has decreased. Augustus also affected the falsification of citizenship by limiting the provision of freedom to slaves from the number of freeds.

Octavian Augustus tried to influence the cultural sphere of life. He supported the restoration of temples, the cult of priests, retained religious traditions and rituals. The ruler encouraged an increase in fertility and promoted the Institute of Marriage, and therefore gave large families.

Tiburbinskaya Sivila shows Octaviana August Coming by Christ

Art during this period was also in price. Octavian prefers books and promoted reading literature, becoming a patron of writers and poets. Vergilius, Horace and Ovid described in their works an unprecedented rise of culture, accompanying the board of Octavian Augustus. The emperor influenced the renewal of the appearance of Rome, which from the clay city turned into a marble. There have been a forum of August, temples and buildings that have become architectural monuments.

Personal life

The emperor made his personal life as a guarantor of public administration. The first chief of Oktaviana became service, the daughter of a politician. Putting Serving Isavrik, but the engagement was terminated. Augustus decided to bore a triumvirate with the rival Mark Anthony, so he took Klody's Pulchor to his wife, who had an opponent's Padderitsa.

Statue of Octavian Augustus

Two years later, the marriage collapsed due to twilights with the relatives of the girl. According to the statements of Roman historians, Octavian did not share a special family bed with a young special family, so she retained innocence. The next wife of the ruler turned out to be a relative of the Pompey Sex named Scribes. The marriage also existed for long and ending with parting due to a quarrel with Pompey.

The memory of this union was the daughter of Julia, whom the spouse gave birth to the emperor. The frivolous behavior of the daughter and non-interference of the father was the reason for the expulsion of her from Rome. Together with her, the empire left the mother. Octavian adopted his grandchildren Guy and Lucia, children of Yulia, planning to make them heirs, but the young men died at an early age.

Octavian August and his third wife Libya Druzill

The third wife of Octavian Augustus, Libya, was a rare beauty and a noble lady. Knowing about the easiest moral husband, she sought him attractive girls, so a union with a seamless chief existed for several decades. Oktavian's own children did not appear in the future. The heir of his condition and powers was Tiberius, one of the foster sons, children of the third spouse.

The imperial throne after the death of Augustus got Tiberius. The generic branch did not cut into, and in the subsequent Roman throne took the greatness of Octavian, Caligula. After him, the state of the rules of the descendant of Emperor Nero.


The Board of Octavian Augustus was so successful how uncomfortable his personal life was. The ex-wife and daughter disappointed his daughter was greatly influenced by the emperor's well-being. He took a trip to one of the provinces in the Mediterranean to correct the health and relax from the experiences.

Ruins Mausoleum Octavian Augustus on a Marsfield

On the road, the emperor fell ill. The resulting alert served as the death of the ruler. In August 14 BC. he passed away. After death, the body of the emperor betrayed cremation on the Marsfield, and the urn with ducks were immersed in the mausoleum, to the remains of the ruler's relatives.

Octavian Augustus ruled the empire for 45 years. His principal was in force until the last days of life. The personality of the ruler and the value of his decisions today can be judged by historical records and chronicles. Information about the appearance has reached the descendants thanks to the portraits and statues submitted by Octavian Augustus.

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