Vladimir Ryzhkov - biography, personal life, photo, news, Russian politician, "Echo of Moscow", Daughter, Father 2021



Vladimir Ryzhkov - Russian historian, politician, writer and public figure. At the beginning of a political biography was a democrat-stateman, then moved to the liberal opposition. It believes that now in Russia an unfair society and catastrophic inequality in income distribution.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Alexandrovich Ryzhkov was born on September 2, 1966 in Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory. For some time, he lived in a small town of the miner, the father Alexander was the investigator on the fight against the embezzlement of socialist property, the mother of Galina has headed the culture in the region. Parents divorced in 1971.

Together with Mother Ryzhkov listened to the songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, played on the accordion, read Alexander Duma and Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. He also listened to the Chinese radio, where the war in Afghanistan was covered from the point of view of the Mujahideen, calling the Soviet soldiers "invaders". In the years of restructuring, the consciousness of a young man finally turned the magazine "Spark", as well as the books of Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the texts of Gabriel Popov.

After school, Vladimir studied at the Altai State University, although the entrance exams received the top three for the writing, on the 2nd course he was called. In the army, it was in the troops of communication near Novosibirsk, was the deputy commander of the platoon, it was sent to the senior sergeant and received a medal.

Career and politics

Ryzhkov taught in Barnaul at the Department of Universal Stories, lectured, led the seminars. In 1991, he was appointed Deputy Internal Policy by Governor-Democrat Vladimir Rafikesht, German by nationality appointed by Boris Yeltsin. The man began to lead the personnel, supervised the city, regions, culture, city and regional archives, was responsible for the interaction of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities, determined informational policies. At that time, Vladimir had already acquired such a political weight that he was called "Altai Vladislav Surkov".

The professor was a deputy of the State Duma of the Four convivations, in the late 90s held the post of deputy chairman there. From the first days he entered the coalition of Viktor Chernomyrdin, was supposed to prepare the Charter of the Party, the program, to organize a constituent congress. In 1995, I went to St. Petersburg to create a regional branch of the party, where he met Igor Sechin and Vladimir Putin. Then they made a favorable impression on Ryzhkov, but afterwards everything changed.

In 2001, the historian moved to the opposition, because he did not like the arrest of Vladimir Gusinsky, after which the NTV channel was in the hands of the federal government. Also, Ryzhkov did not approve the reform of the Federation Council, when from there excluded the governors and speakers of legislative assembly.

In 2009, he oversaw "public anti-crisis initiative" to find a way to restore the economy. Vladimir offered to stop the growth of the tariffs of natural monopolies, freeze the prices of gas and electricity for 1 year, otherwise they will grow by 27% against the background of the decline in production. The politician spoke against the conflict with Ukraine, which prevented the main buyers to supply gas to Germany, Italy, Western Europe as a whole.

On the radio "Echo of Moscow", a public figure led the program "Special Opinion", visible journalists and publicists were visible, she was broadcast in Israel, Europe, the United States. An interview video appeared on the Youtyub-Channel of the same name. Also Ryzhkov performed as an expert in the program "Personally yours". Most of the deputy was outraged by social inequality: "Elite" bathed in luxury, and the whole country collected money for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Opponents of the opposition repeatedly tried to collect compromising on him. In February 2012, a scandalous video appeared on the Internet, where a man, similar to Ryzhkov, was engaged in masturbation, reading a printout of documents, and then oral sex with a blonde girl, as some sources assumed, a graduate of one of the Altai public policy and civilian education schools. In August 2014, Vladimir reported in Twitter, which was beaten by two unknown and go to the hospital with a broken nose.

Personal life

The politician reported that he was not a typical representative of the sign of the Virgin, who were usually alielly, he in love seriously in his life. With his wife Galina met when he returned to the university from the army. Former classmates were ahead of him for 2 years, the young man came to someone else's institutional group, where the future wife studied. Marriage concluded in 1993. The spouse graduated in absentia by the Law Faculty of Altai State University, tried to develop an arbitration court in Russia.

Daughter Natalia was born on one day with a politician, September 2. He studied at "excellent," engaged in music, playing piano. A man regretted that because of his work was practically not engaged in education.

In his free time, Vladimir writes paintings and engaged in horses, performs horse hikes in Altai, collects ceramic houses from Mexico, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, USA. Also collect photographs, interviews and records of the German opera singer Rita Shtrech, which was born in Barnaul.

It has friendly relations with Mikhail Gorbachev, because Raisa Maksimovna was born in the same city as he, Rubatsovsk.

Vladimir Ryzhkov Now

On February 27, 2021, Ryzhkov participated in the shares of the memory of Boris Nemtsov together with Nikolai Svanidze, Julia Navalny, Vladimir Kara-Murz - Jr., Mikhail Kasyanov, Gregory Yavlinsky, Viktor Shenderovich. Those who wish laid flowers at the site of killing politics at the Big Moskvoretsky Bridge.

On April 21, Vladimir was detained when he left home to work, he threatened arrest for 10 days. On April 23, 2021, he was recognized as a Khamovnic court guilty of organizing and calls to an unauthorized action in support of Alexei Navalny, for the repost of news "Echo Moscow" about the upcoming rallies. Liberala appointed a fine of 20 thousand rubles. Despite the fact that at the time of the repost, he could not know that the share would not agree.


  • 2000 - "Fourth Republic"
  • 2006 - "Dated democracy"
  • 2015 - "Victory price"
  • 2015 - "Fatherland"
  • 2017 - "Shining Altai"
  • 2018 - "Faces of War"

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