Vladimir Serov - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



Vladimir Serov's brush has served the covenants of social immovism for many years, depicting the history of the Soviet people who spent half a century in the struggle, unrest and work. The artist believed in what I wrote, entirely dividing the state official ideology. His legacy is not exhausted by revolutionary canvases, but first of all the painter glorified the paintings dedicated to Lenin.

Childhood and youth

Motherland Vladimir Alexandrovich Serov - Village Emmaus, which is 15 km from Tver. The artist was born in 1910 in the family of rural teachers - Alexander Prokopyevich and Hydichna Hope. Mom was recognized as a Honored Teacher of the RSFSR School and was awarded the Order of Lenin. Grandfather's grandfather, Ilya Timofeevich Uspensky, was a priest.

Artist Vladimir Serov

Volodya had two senior brothers - Nikolai and Eugene.

The family moved to the county town of Navigonsk, where he met the artist Saveli Shlefer. He rotated in the circle of petrograd artists-avant-gardeists, and now saved in the Tver province from hunger, which struck the northern capital.

The painter willingly began to teach the boy to draw, accepting in his studio. Savely Yakovlevich tragically graduates from the days in Auschwitz, and the collection of his works will make his beloved student. Now they are stored in the Memorial-Art Museum of Vladimir Serov in Emmaus.

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For little Volodya there was no question of the future calling - he in early childhood realized that it would be an artist. The parents of the boy were convinced revolutionary, and the author of the future Leninians painted the first portrait of Ilyich as a child.

A significant moment of biography was the move to Petrograd, where in 1927, Vladimir entered the Supreme Art and Technical Institute (former Academy of Arts). The guy of the young man was the historic painter and Portraitist Vasily Savinsky. As a thesis, Serov presented the canvas "The arrival of Lenin to Petrograd in 1917."

Schoolchildren in the Museum of Vladimir Serov in Emmaus

Having finished the university in 1931, the young man went to graduate school to Honored Art Historicist Isaac Brodsky and graduated from training in 1934 by the graduation work "Siberian partisans".


Since 1932, the artist began to exhibit work, the first was the exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Red Army.

The main genre of Serov's creativity chose a monumental historical painting, and the revolution and her figures became favorite objects of the canvas.

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Throughout his life, Vladimir Alexandrovich does not lose interest in Lenin's personality. The artist depicts the leader in the critical moments of history and in minutes of privacy, surrounded by inspired associates and in the company of obscure people. The art chronicle of the life of Ilyich was the paintings "Winter taken!", "Walkers in Lenin", "V. I. Lenin proclaims the Soviet power "," Lenin Funeral "and dozens of others.

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The genre where the artist also showed himself, became a campaign and political poster. In the art of socialism, a poster was attached great importance, since he visually broadcast the ideology of the party and persistently called on the people to the feat. Serov writes posters during collectivization period, encouraging citizens to fight for high harvest and labor productivity.

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During the war, Vladimir Alexandrovich is headed by the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists and does not leave the blockade town. As part of the combination "Combat pencil", it is working to create anti-fascist posters, leaflets and newspaper illustrations. The photo has been preserved, where the team members meet a new year together, spilling boiling water from the kettle in cups. And the food on their plates is drawn.

In the wartime, Serov appeals to the heroic history of the country and writes the "Ice Battery" canvas. At the same time, his painting documens the present, covering the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War ("Baltic landing", "Last Cartridge", etc.).

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The heritage of the artist is not exhausted by the revolutionary military canvases and the challenge of the life of workers and peasants. From an unexpected side, the master appears in a series of portraits dedicated to family and friends. Here is a draftsman - with honed technician, which is psychologically true and lovingly dismisses live characters on canvas.

In the late period of creativity, the author writes landscapes, creates illustrations for Russian classics, works in the caricature genre.

Personal life

From the portrait of the artist's wife on the viewer looks at the brunette with a thoughtful view of deeply planted brown eyes. This is Henrietta Grigorievna Serov. Pictures dedicated to the spouse, Vladimir Alexandrovich wrote in the 1960s. They are gentle, sensual and straightened not like the loud canvas of socio-political orientation.

Painter's spouse is the author of the monographs on the work of Vasily Savinsky and Nikolai Kasatkin. She gave birth to her husband of children - Yaroslav and Maria.

Daughter and wife Vladimir Serov

The museum in Emmaus stores the page of the album, where the souls led the picturesque chronicle of his daughter's life. Here are the sketches and sketches of the girl from the first years: first she has a mother breast, then he takes the first steps, then holds a spoon and strokes the dog. These household sketches emit tenderness, lyricism and open the artist as a deeply loving father and her husband, whose personal life was hidden from prying eyes.

Until now, there is a question, whether the painter who challenged the case of the revolution, the conjunctural motive, or he kept the loyalty of the party's call. It is only known that his elder brother Nikolai has been repressed in 1939, and Serov and his family had even had to hide in a grandfather's house in Emmaus.


Date of death Vladimir Serov - January 19, 1968. The artist died in Moscow at the age of 57, his grave is located on the Novodevichy cemetery. The causes of death are not known for certain.

Until the end of his life, the painter defended the canons of socialism than caused annoyance and rejection in liberal circles of the creative intelligentsia of the 60s. At the same time, he left life, reaching all imaginable honors and regalia. For the past 6 years, Serov served as president of the Academy of Arts, and also headed the Soviet Union of Artists and was a deputy in the Supreme Council (Higher Public Authority) of the RSFSR.

Vladimir Serov's grave at Novodevichy Cemetery

Vladimir Alexandrovich wore the honorary title "People's Artist of the USSR", was repeatedly awarded orders and medals for creative and general merit and twice appeared to the Stalinist Prize.


  • 1934 - "On Yudenich",
  • 1934 - "Siberian partisans"
  • 1934 - "Mix technician, be in the first ranks of the builders of socialism"
  • 1937 - "The arrival of V. I. Lenin to Petrograd in 1917"
  • 1938 - "Chapayeva Headquarters"
  • 1941- "Replace!"
  • 1941 - "Protect the city of Lenin!"
  • 1942 - "Ice Bare"
  • 1942 - "Baltic landing"
  • 1943 - "To the complete defeat of the enemy!"
  • 1947 - "V. I. Lenin proclaims Soviet power "
  • 1950 - "Walkers at V. I. Lenin"
  • 1954 - "Winter is taken"
  • 1957 - "waiting for the signal"
  • 1960 - "Worker"

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