Aksinha Astakhova - biography, image and character, age, quotes


Character History

Beauty Aksinya lived most of his life, without feeling his beloved. A poor girl tolerated the bullying of his father and her husband for a long time, until he met a man in which she was able to dissolve. And if initially, Axigny's love to Gregory Melekhov is filled with only a selfish desire to know the beautiful feeling, then the beauty has learned to give a bright feeling of his own beloved, without causing pain.

History of creation

Writer Mikhail Sholokhov

The first attempt to create a work that tells about the revolution on Don, the writer Mikhail Sholokhov made in 1925. Initially, the volume of the novel was only 100 pages. But the author who was not satisfied with the result obtained, went to the village of Veshinskaya, where he began to resign the plot. The final version of the four-volume work saw the light in 1940.

One of the main characters in the book affecting military events is Aksinya Astakhov. The biography of the Heroine of Sholokhov describes from 16 years of age, affecting the deep psychological problems of the character. Residents of the village, where the work was carried out on the novel, they are confident that the image of the unfortunate beauty Sholokhov wrote off from the girl named Ekaterina Chukarin.

Roman Mikhail Sholokhov

The Cossack was personally familiar with the writer. The author of the novel even woven to beauty, but the father of the girl did not agree on marriage. However, Sholokhov himself argued that he did not use images of friends in the "quiet don", but only generalized features and characteristics of common characters:

"Do not look for Aksinhu. There were a lot of such axis on our Don. "


Axigna was born in the Cossack villages nearby from the Rostov region. The girl became the second child in a poor family. Already at 16 years old, the Cossack was distinguished by bright appearance and attracted the attention of men.

Illustration to the novel

The girl did not hide long curly hair and lower shoulders. Special attention was attracted by black eyes and chubby lips of beauties. Due to the attractiveness, the fate of the Cossacks and went under the slope.

Even before Marriage, Aksinhu raped his own father. Having learned about the course of her husband, the mother killed the villain. To hide a shame, the girl forcibly married Stepan Astakhov, who could not forgive the beauty of the absence of innocence.

Not loved by her husband, tolerant beatings, Aksinya converges closely with a neighbor - Gregory Melekhov. The girl understands what he hurts his relatives and loved ones, but the beauty is so tired of the humiliation, which does not pay attention to the peres of the Cossacks.

Aksinya Astakhova and Grigory Melekhov

Concerned about the behavior of young people, the parents of Gregory wipe for the guy Natalia Korshunov. Understanding that marriage, albeit with the unloved, is the best way, a man tears a relationship with Axign. But the feelings that Grigory woke up in a unhappy beauty, do not fade so quickly, so I will soon be resumed a love relationship.

Unfigured heroes I leave our own families and go to build a joint future. Soon Grigory and Aksinha become parents. The pair is born daughter Tatyana. But happy time is interrupted by military fees. Beloved take the service, and beauty remains alone.

Grigory Melekhov

Suddenly, Little Tatiana, which takes all the thoughts of Young Aksigni, dies from Scarlat. I barely cope with the grief, the beauty plunges into the novel with Evgeny Lyadotitsky. However, no matter how tried a woman to forget Gregory, the relationship of men and women renew each time with all the same passion.

Beloved Axigny is prescribed the main operations on Don, Grigory takes a woman with him. And again the circumstances and our own families disconnect the beloved. Military actions in which Grigory Melekhov takes an active part, constantly separating heroes. Does not lose hope to return the man and Natalia Melekhov.

Natalia Melekhova (Daria Ursulak, TV series

Ultimately, trying to hide from the gangsters with whom Gregory unexpectedly tied life, a man and a woman run away to Kuban. But, turning the steppe, Aksinha gets a bullet wound from the pursuers - employees on the outpage. A woman dies in her arms from his beloved man, the only one who presented the beauty present, sincere and full of life feeling.


In 1930, the first screen version of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov was published on the screens. The film "Silent Don" affects the plot of only the two first volumes of the drama. The role of Axigni in Smey Kinolent performed the actress Emma Cesarian.

Elina Bystritskaya as Aksigni Astakhova

In 1958, the director Sergei Gerasimov shot the film about the fate of the Don Cossacks. The image of Aksigni on the television screens wished to recreate many Soviet actresses. As a result, Nonna Mordyukova and Elina Bystritsky claimed the main role. The final choice made Sholokhov, which brought through the films with samples. Seeing the Bystritsky, the writer expressed the opinion that Aksinya should look like.

In 2006, he was entreprenered to Sergey Bondarchuk in 2006, the final installation of the painting was performed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. The initiator of the new film was performed by Sholokhov, who did not like the final version of the movie Gerasimov. Negotiations on the shooting began back in 1975. The role of Axigny played Dolphin Forest.

In 2015, the "Russia-1" television series "Silent Don" took place on the TV channel "Russia-1". New screen version is timed to the 110th anniversary of Sholokhov. The plot of the paintings is very different from the original source - the focus in the film is made solely on the relationship between the main characters. Aksinyi's role played actress Polina Chernyshev.


"For life for love! .. And there they kill it! MY MICHER! My! "" Drizhchka is mine ... Major ... Let's leave. Mine and we leave. And her husband, and all the kin, if only you were. We will leave for mines, far. " "I am not impoverished come, do not be afraid. So, our love ended? "

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