Nikolay Sladkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Books



Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov is a rare writer who has chosen its creative paths to the service of nature. His talent surprisingly combined the gift of an excellent storyteller and brilliant knowledge of the flora and the fauna of the native land. His works of sweet devoted to children to the younger generation responsible for a reasonable attitude towards nature. His books "Underwater newspaper", "behind the bed of blue bird", "the edge of the eye" and others are widely known.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov was born on January 5, 1920 in Moscow. The father of the little one worked to the turner, mother was a housewife. From the earliest childhood, the walk delivered a special pleasure boy. Kohl loved to be in the parks and squares, where it was possible to meet the squirrel, then a bright diatlav, then a lot of funny birds.

Nikolay Sladkov

With the moving family to Leningrad, such walks have become more fascinating. The sweet family settled in the royal village, which is famous for picturesque groves and forest parks. Here Kolya learned to recognize the "voices" of birds, distinguish between traces of animals, poisonous plants from useful. The boy recorded his surveillance in the diary, and the knowledge gained complemented by reading the set of books about nature, its secrets and laws.

Being a schoolboy, sweets signed up in the mug of Yunnat at the Leningrad Zoological Institute. This came here well-known zoologists who shared knowledge with the guys. One of them was the writer Vitaly Bihanka, he appreciated the diary records of Nicholas and invited him to his literary school. Young students went to fascinating campaigns in the corners of wildlife. Here sweets made the first steps in the writing work, wrote the first stories.

Portrait of Nicholas Sladkov

The youth writer fell into the difficult war years. Nikolai immediately left the volunteer to the front, where his knowledge of nature was useful than ever. The guy passed the front with a military topograph, studied the terrain, looking for the shortest and safest roads, participated in creating traps for fascists.

Nikolai Ivanovich left a loved profession and in peacetime, aligning it with his beloved hobby - to share love for nature in wonderful writings for children.


Nikolay Sladkov's first stories wrote in the early 1950s, and in 1953 the first book called "Silver Tail" was published. In it, the author gathered short stories about his meetings with funny forest inhabitants, their lives in the wild, habits and features. After 3 years, another collection of "nameless path", filled with the impressions of the writer about the majestic mountains of the Caucasus. In a series of almost 40 stories, the author describes the unusual inhabitants of this area, natural attractions: ridges, rivers, lakes.

Nikolay Sladkov with Cobra

Collecting material for its works, the writer travels a lot. For example, the book "The Earth of Sunfire", published in 1970, he devoted his study of the desert, the life of the inhabitants of this world. As always, on a trip with the author, the faithful assistant is a camera that allows you to make amazing pictures - future illustrations of the publication.

In the extensive bibliography of the writer there are books on traveling in Africa (Miombo, 1976) and India ("White Tigers", 1981). And how many times the author crossed the native country - just do not read: both, and on foot and helicopter. Sometimes these warriors became truly extreme.

Books Nikolay Sladkov

Known, for example, the case when sweets, planning to sail the river or downstream, lost kayaks. Then he sailed a part of the river to Balkhash, woven on his back, placing an inflatable pillow under his head, and things and supplies placed on the rubber fuel and tied to his leg.

And once Nikolai Ivanovich lived on the mountain cornice at the nest of the Berkukhs. When lifting, part of the mountain ledge collapsed, concluding a person to the stone "trap." The writer fastened part of the extraction brought for chicks, and then slowly descended, using branches borrowed from the nest.

Nikolay Sladkov with a camera

However, no difficulties scared the naturalist writer. On the contrary, each touch of nature brought a new joyful experience, the knowledge that I wanted to share with readers.

The most grateful and sincere audience of the writer there were always children. He himself, having loved nature in a gentle age, desperately needed books that would be guided by the welfare and magical world for him. Therefore, herself wrote children's fairy tales, in which she endowed the forest inhabitants of human qualities ("Bureau of Forest Services", "Forest Calendar"), short live stories about how people and animals interact ("Shaking" letters "," Bear Gorka ") .

Illustration for the stories of Nikolay Sladkov

In the 1980s, the author writes the books "to the forest on the riddles", "I am in the woods", "ABC of Forest", which can be called benefits for young traps. In these works, sweets immerses the reader into the world of observation of nature, describes traces of animals, their holes, hunting manners. All stories author complements personally made photoillus.

The latest works are written by the author in the early 1990s. In total, in the creative piggy bank of the writer more than 60 books about nature.

Personal life

Personal and family life of a writer is a white stain in his biography. In the sources there is no information about whether Nikolai Ivanovich was married, whether he has children. Colleagues and friends characterize sweets as a soft, intelligent, sensitive person. Writer Daniel Granin said so about him:"In the forest, in the mountains, awe in front of life, the joy of communicating with it filled his being. The city is for him - a huge tombstone over buried land. "


Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov died aged 76 years of June 1996. The reasons for the death of the newspaper did not report, only the fact that the writer was buried at the Volkovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.

Nicholas Sladkov's grave

There is a modest marble stove on his grave. It does not have a portrait nor lush epitaph, only poetic lines:

"Discover sorrow my skies.

Take me in the undergrowth, forest. "


  • 1953 - "Silver Tail"
  • 1956 - "Unnamed Trop"
  • 1961 - "For bird voices"
  • 1963 - "Planet Miracles"
  • 1970 - "Sunfire Earth"
  • 1972 - "Earth over the clouds"
  • 1976 - "Miombo"
  • 1977 - "Bold photo butter"
  • 1978 - "Drops of the Sun"
  • 1979 - "Aspen Invisible"
  • 1981 - "Behind the pen of the Blue Bird"
  • 1983 - "In the forest on the riddles"
  • 1984 - "Multicolored Earth"
  • 1986 - "Under the invisible hat"
  • 1991 - "Spring Joy"

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