Bernardo Bertolucci - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Bernardo Bertolucci Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema did not teach the director at the institutes, however, the tapes of the Italian Matra - the Treasures of Art. The recognition of the films did not prevent the exotic views of the author, representing a rattling mix of Marxism, Buddhism and Freuddism.

Childhood and youth

The Great Director was born in 1941 in the north of Italy, in the city of Parma, based before the new era. Bernardo had two brothers wearing common names in the country: Senior Giovanni and Junior Giuseppe. Both became movie figures.

Bernardo Bertolucci in youth

Father - Professor, film critic and poet - took young Bernardo not only for the premiere shows of tapes, but also on shooting. Mother worked as a teacher and also encouraged the interest of his son to cinema.

An interesting fact: In earlier youth, the future Oscar-axis director wanted to become a poet and even received 2 literary awards, and also studied philosophy in the University of Rome. However, Sinefilia defeated the rest of the young people. At 21, Bernardo throws a university to replace the first full-length film. By this time, the biography of Bertolucci already had amateur tapes and work as an assistant in Pasolini's paintings.


The first full-length of Bertolucci "Bony Kuma" is a detective thriller about the murder of the "night butterfly". The tape "Before the revolution", filmed after 2 years, much further from the cinematic mainstream is a reasonable interpretation of the Roman Standal "Parm Resident", telling about the young man who, protesting against the bourgeois morality, is tearing a relationship with the bride and comes into contact with the aunt.

Director Bernardo Bertolucci

Next, in the filmography of Bertolucci, there is a mysterious picture about Sinefil's madness ("partner") and the fascinating tape "Spider Strategy" - the first appeal of the director to the study of sources of fascism. In the "strategy" borders between the past and the present, the truth and fiction are blurred, and Verdi music constantly sounds behind the scenes. Fabul ribbons somewhat resembles the plot of the next film "Once in America."

The world-famous picture "Conformist" was removed Bertolucci after joining the Communist Party. The director makes the audience feel the participants of the fascist crimes. Sexual inversion of heroes play a major role in the plot.

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The destruction of the audience an erotic thriller "Last Tango in Paris" received 2 nominations for Oscar, but both performers of the main roles - Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider - claimed that they felt humiliated director. The tape is mentioned in the picture of another Oscar-free laureate of Vladimir Menshov "Envy of the Gods". The Italian court banned the film's rental, sentenced the director for a suspended period and deprived the right to participate in the elections for 5 years.

The next Masterpiece Bertolucci was the epic tape "The Twentieth Century" with a duration of 317 minutes, telling about the friendship of the simplet and the hereditary aristocrat against the background of the era. Gerard Depardieu and Robert de Niro played the main roles. The film shocked the audience an episode of double masturbation of the main characters.

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The beginning of the 80s was marked by the filming of the "Funny Human tragedy", in which the owner of the plant for the production of cheeses suffers from the need to pay a ransom for the abducted son.

The following 3 pictures of Bertolucci were filmed in exotic countries for Europeans. This was 9 "Oscars" tape "The Last Emperor", whose consultant was the brother of the monarch, shot in Africa "under the cover of heaven", who was unhappy with the author of the original source - the classic of American literature Paul Bowl, and the polarization of the foundations of Buddhism "Little Buddha".

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The picture, approved by the Dalai Lama, tells about the search for the next reincarnation of the Buddha. The film is interesting to the game of Keanu Rivza and the first in the history of cinema filming in Bhutan. For the role of in the ribbon, the actor Chris Aizek is nominated for the antipremia of "Golden Raspberry".

In the film "Extralling Beauty" Heroine Liv Tyler finds out who is her biological father, and dreams of proximity to a person who gave her a kiss 4 years ago. It is curious that the artist herself learned who her father, only at 9 years old.

Bernardo Bertolucci on the set

The film "Dreamers" comes beauty and youth. Two guys and a girl against the background of a student revolution in the French capital enjoy the freedom and erotic joys, rejecting the bourgeois morality. This is the most young, perceiving, the film Burtolucci. The future "Girl Bond" Eve Green debuted in the picture.

"I and you" - the last film of Bertolucci, filmed by the director, chained to the wheelchair. The photos confirming the working heroism of Bernardo are preserved. Tape talks about a teenager experiencing difficulties in communicating.

Personal life

Bernardo married twice, but both unions did not bring children cinematogram.

Bernardo Bertolucci and his first wife Adriana Asti

The first life companion - the Italian artist of Adrian Asta was older than the director for 8 years and by the time of filming in the film Bertolucci "before the revolution" already flashed in the star ribe Lukino Wisconti about Boxer Rocco. Family Union has existed for 5 years.

The second wife is a screenwriter and director, a native of Tanzania Clair Piplow. This marriage ended up checking time and lasted 40 years, to the death of Bertolucci.

Bernardo Bertolucci and his second wife Claire Piplow

In general, about the personal life of the director, sentenced to the suspended term "for immorality," is known. An artist is attributed to the film with artist Maria Paulla Mao. Bernardo was a fondant man, but he fell in love with not so much in people as in ideas - Marxism and Freudismu worshiped, from Atheism, who was pretended in his youth, moved to Buddhism. But the main passion of Bertolucci was cinema.

Titanium Italian movies owns a number of bright aphorisms. Cinematographer believed that "Love is not there, there are only confirmation of this feeling," and the prohibitions provoke people to fight boredom.


Since the beginning of 2000s, as a result of an unsuccessful operation on the spine Bertolucci turned into a wheelchair disabled. After several years of despair and maitivities, the director returned to the cinema and took off his brightest ribbons.

Bernardo Bertolucci in old age

The unstasive soul classic in an interview said that he wants to marry the 80th anniversary of the next cinematic premiere. But these plans did not come true. Bernardo died in September 2018, the cause of death became cancer.

Bertolucci considered the year of the death of the composer Giuseppe Verdi in the actual beginning of the 20th century. The death of Bernardo marked the end of the century, which shake into the cinema ingenious self-taught.


  • 1962 - "Bony Cum"
  • 1964 - "Before the revolution"
  • 1968 - "Partner"
  • 1969 - "Spider Strategy"
  • 1970 - "Conformist"
  • 1972 - "Last Tango in Paris"
  • 1976 - "Twentieth Century"
  • 1981 - "Funny Man Tragedy"
  • 1987 - "Last Emperor"
  • 1990 - "Under the cover of heaven"
  • 1993 - "Little Buddha"
  • 1996 - "Extralling Beauty"
  • 2003 - "Dreamers"
  • 2012 - "I and you"

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