Program "The Fate of Man" - a photo, leading Boris Korchevnikov, the channel "Russia-1", issues 2021



Invitation of the idol for a frank conversation, a conversation for souls, difficult memories and sincere confessions - all this collects from TV screens many fans of the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov. Since the release of the program on Ether in October 2017, dozens of Russian celebrities visited the TV host visitors - actors, singers, athletes, TV hosts, public figures.

History of creation and essence of the program

Boris Korchevnikov, whom the audience got used to see in the "Direct Ether" program on the TV channel "Russia-1", in the summer of 2017 upset many fans with their dismissal. But soon the joyful news was announced - Korchevnikov returns with the new author's program "The Fate of Man".

It is noteworthy that earlier the program with such a name has already been published: we are talking about the author's project Mikhail Tukmachev, who he led on the Ren-TV channel in 2011. The journalist made an emphasis on complex life stories of ordinary people, invited experts and stars who came to similar situations.

Boris Korchevnikov presented a new project in a portrait interview format: his heroes are popular artists with a difficult fate who are subjected to harsh life tests, but not losing tastes and interest in life. Each story is a frank confession, re-opening the invited guest. "Is it possible to change your destiny, or is it predetermined?" - Journalist is trying to answer these questions.

It is no secret that the stars often fall into loud scandalous situations: divorce, inheritance, love triangles, unrecognized paternity and much more. Journalists do not always objectively file the development of events, but in this studio the audience receive comments from the artists themselves, as they say, first-hand.

The premiere of the program was broadcast on October 2, 2017. A guest of the transfer was the colleague Boris Korchevnikova on the TV channel "Russia-1" Vladimir Soloviev.


Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982 in Moscow. The boy brought up Mom Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, a well-deserved worker of culture of the Russian Federation. A woman worked almost all his life in Mkate named after Chekhov, on the stage of which the first acting steps of her son took the first acting steps: Boris played in more than 10 performances since 8 years.

Acting from childhood carried a young man, but he was not indifferent to journalism. Therefore, at the end of the school, I passed the documents at once in two universities - a school-studio MCAT and Zhurfak MSU, passed in both. As a result, made a choice in favor of the journalistic profession. He graduated from the university in 2003, began working as a student in 2002 to work on television - prepared a report for the NTV television channel. Leonid Parfenova, Andrei Kryak, Pavel Lobkov, Anton Kharov and others, considers their teachers in the profession.

Since 2008, he worked for STS: first by the director of the regional broadcasting department of the TV channel, then a creative producer. At the same time, he acts as the author and leading fascinating TV projects ("I want to believe!", "History of Russian Show Business", "History of the Russian humor", etc.).

Korchevnikov, although he did not graduate from the acting university, did not leave the passion of his youth. Since 2003, he removed a lot. Among the popular projects of the actor - the series "Other Life", "Cadet", "Ancentny Bath", "Guys and Paragraph".

Journalist is known and copyright documents. His film has a study "I do not believe!" The relations of modern society and the Orthodox Church, shown by the NTV television channel in 2013, caused a wide public resonance.

After STS, Boris continued his career on the Federal Channel "Russia-1": in 2013 began to lead a talk show "Direct Ether". The journalist changed Mikhail Zelensky on this post and handed over to the rest of Andrei Malakhov in 2017. Also, Korchevnikov worked on the public Orthodox channel "Savior" as the Director General and the General Producer.

Two years earlier, Korchevnikov suffered an operation to remove a benign brain tumor.

Guests of the program

In the studio of the program "The Fate of Man" visited guests. And every air is filled with its special atmosphere, which depends on the identity of the guest, and on the location of the TV presenter. Boris Korchevnikov considers his main task to talk to the interlocutor, let him reveal and tell about the innermost one.

As it was, for example, in the transmission with actor Nikita Panfilov. The man frankly told about the fate of his fate. About evil rock called "betrayal", which literally pursued the artist in personal and family life. Care towards another beloved girl, severe depression, treason in the first marriage, treachery in the second - all this strongly suned the actor and almost destroyed faith in love. But in the third marriage, he finally knew that such genuine happiness.

Of course, not all guests are ready to open in front of the camera. For example, actor Yaroslav Boyko refused to deploy the topic of personal life in an interview. To the question of Korchevnikov about the novel with the actress Evgenia Dobrovolskaya (she gave birth from him, already married family man, the son of Yana) Boyko briefly replied that this is the case of the long-lasting years, and his family experienced it calmly.

Sometimes the fate of the favorite actors frankly shock. Elena Chiclekova actress has fallen out and nationwide glory, and spectator love, and a deadly disease. The artist barely died in Africa from the bite of a malarious mosquito, and when she smoked, heard a new diagnosis that sounded like a sentence - "you will not have children." But the difficulties only hardered and without the strong character of the Chickens, she learned on the director, found happiness in the third marriage and came to faith.

The fact that in the fate of a person can be moments that allow a new one to look at life, proved the history of Bard Alexander Rosenbauma. The artist shared heavily, he was given to leave the medical profession, as he went on hot points with concerts and looked into the children of the guys, who tomorrow could not return from the battle, as losing close friends and how once escaped a monstrous danger.

Good luck for the TV presenter becomes an invitation to talk-show people, which from the principle support public revelations, there are still called people closed. A vivid example is a popular actor, the loves of the public Alexander Dyachenko. The artist shared the details of his life in America, early marriage in the foreigner, how his life turned the invitation of Alexei Balabanov to the film "Brother-2", which became the beginning of brilliant film director in Russia.

How difficult is the creative path to the top, does not know the dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Ballet star story included a revelation of a difficult profession, about the opposite side of the talent, on recognition in the eternal love mom, who made everything to be brightened on the main ballet scene of the country.

Rumors, intrigues, scandals - these phenomena accompany the life of any popular person. In the fate of the actor and producer Sergei Zhigunov, who became a guest of the program at the beginning of 2019, they were painful. In 2007, when the artist had a spontaneous affair with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk at the Sitkom Sitkom site "My beautiful nanny", journalists literally touched him - everyone wanted to learn the details of the novel, as well as the loud divorce of the actor with his wife Verra Novikova. Only in 2009, the producer returned to the family.

"A couple of years in a row around me was quite noisy, and it was impossible to do anything about it. Journalists then drove me very much, "the actor confessed the air.

A true gift for fans of actor Stanislav Bondarenko was the program with his participation. After all, the artist practically does not give interviews, and fans crave to find out the details of his personal life. Bondarenko told about how the Hero-lover was played in his fate, as his first marriage collapsed, and how he unexpectedly met his happiness in the face of the second spouse.

Sometimes, guests of Boris Korchevnikov become guests in the studio, far from creativity. As, for example, the most famous doctor of Russia, leading the transfer "On the most important" Alexander Butchers. The doctor shared the episodes of his childhood, which he spent with his grandfather, academician and the luminary medicine. And Alexander Leonidovich admitted that he would not achieve such success without his beloved Natalia's wife, who then, and now supports him in everything.

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