Anna Gorokhova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Pattuts" 2021



The winner of the 3rd season of the popular realistic show "Patzanka" on the TV channel "Friday" proves a personal example that it is never too late to radically change his life for the better. The girl, in the past, who had serious problems with drugs and law, is now successfully engaged in blogger, musical and charitable activities, and most importantly - inspires the peers to work on himself.

Childhood and youth

Gorokhov Anna Sergeevna was born in the small town of Sverdlovsk region, Kirovgrad, September 4, 1999. Zodiac sign - Virgo. The father of the girl was cruelly killed when she was very small, and Mom, without surviving the mountain, began to abuse alcohol. Not getting due attention from the parent, little Anya escaped from the house and herself asked for an orphanage to secure a full-fledged 3-meal nutrition and warmth.

However, life in the state institution was not as iris, as she was presented. After just a few days, the girl began to run away, spending the night in basements and residents with dubious companies, and sometimes suspend to have some money for food. Alnya often allowed the fists. This way to solve problems was used by it and in more mature age.

Such a difficult life led the girl to the fact that she began to use alcohol and drugs, in order to disconnect from cruel reality. Forbidden drugs, theft, fights and permanent conflicts did not pass the gift - Gorokhov was placed in a closed-type school, where she received incomplete secondary education. Despite the difficult life, Anna had time to read a lot and write poetry.

According to the girl when she decided to participate in the casting of the 3rd season of the popular reality show "Patzanka" and filled out the questionnaire, life seemed to her irrevocably lost. Gorokhova did not hoped for a response response and invitation to Moscow for a personal meeting with the organizers of the project, but a miracle happened - after a couple of months, she came a letter in which there was information about the 2nd stage of the casting.

TV project

The sad biography of Anna Gorokhovoi has changed radically after participating in the program "Patzanka" on the "Friday" channel. Realistic shows is the Russian adaptation of the Ukrainian project "Vіd Patzanka to Panyanka", the main goal of which is to help young girls whose life went under the slope, turn out of the summers in the real lady.

Mountain (such a nicknamed it was given the organizers) almost immediately began to consider one of the most promising, responsible and strong participants on a par with Ksenia Milas. Between two girls from the pilot release began tough competition - they came up on the first day, and later constantly conflicted. The audience was interested in such rolled relations of Anna and Ksenia, the Tychy Fanities of the project began to fantasize that they were a couple, creating photo colleges and fan fiction with the participation of heroines.

Until the final of the 3rd season of the "Pazonok" reached 3 participants - Anna Kostina, Zarina Golubsyova and Anna Gorokhov. Milas was also in a hemisphege from victory, but at the last moment decided to leave the project, not explaining anything to the audience, organizers and finalists.

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As a result, the victory won the Gorokhov, who was almost the most young participant (at the time of arrival in the "Lady School" she was 18 years old). She read a touching speech on the solemn ball on the occasion of the end of the season, which caused tears from teachers and classmates. The girl really transformed - she appeared on stage in a magnificent evening dress of pearl color, with a high hairstyle and perfect makeup.

Award for your efforts is a gold brooch and a certificate of 1 million rubles. - Anna got from the director of the Lady Luina Louury School of Louires. Two other finalists were also not released with empty hands - they divided 500 thousand rubles among themselves. The winners of past seasons were Julia Kovaleva and Tatiana Buura. Their portraits are decorated with an educational institution in which they transformed into true ladies. Soon the photo of the pea appears next to them.

Personal life

Anna carefully hides the details of his personal life. It is unknown, the reason for this is a contract for the non-disclosure of some details with the television channel "Friday", or its conscious secretion. Nevertheless, from the live broadcasts of the girl in "Instagram" it became clear that she had a serious relationship, which lasted 2 years.

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The fans of the pea are guessing what sexual orientation gives themselves "Patzanka". According to some reports, her girl was an oriental beauty from Yekaterinburg Sabina Agayev. The fact is that before the project they often laid joint photos of unequivocal content - with kisses, bouquets of flowers and gentle arms.

Be that as it may, Anya is open now for new relationships, which periodically reminds of social networks. In the meantime, she lives together with the darling of Golubovaya and Anna Kostina in a removable apartment in Moscow, actively engaged in creativity, charity and tries to be implemented in music. According to the girl, at the moment she has a career building, not a personal life.

Anna Gorokhova now

By 2019, Gorokhov managed to record the song "Breathing poems" under the pseudonym of the Dity of the streets, release a colorful video and create a channel on YouTube, where she lay out the sobs from their daily life. Anna is also actively driving around the cities of Russia and participates in various events as a guest celebrity.

In addition, after the success of the 3rd season of the "Pazonok" TV channel "Friday" suggested a talented girl to continue cooperation, having launched a new show called "Cell" with a pea in the role of the only lead. The essence of the project is that Anna is found with girls from different cities in Russia, which also need help, as she once. Using psychology, as well as personal support, motivates the heroine for positive changes in life.


  • 2018 - "Patzankas"
  • 2018 - "Cell"

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