Pavel Zhovnirenko - Photo, biography, personal life, news, political scientist 2021



Pavel Zhovnirenko is a Ukrainian political analyst, known in Russia on speeches in television transmissions. Regularly becoming the guest of the show "The Right of Voice", the "meeting place", "time will show," the observer defends the honor of his native country. Zhovnirenko supports state European integration and opposes cooperation with Russia. His arguments are often alogic, but the number of ether with the participation of the political scientist is not reduced, since the role-playing model chosen to them is relevant for the show. Zhovnirenko is often offended by opponents and leaves the studio, being unable to prove the rightness.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Pavel Zhovnirenko is little covered in the media. Only general data is known about childhood and adolescence. Scribe facts that are available from journalists say that the political scientist was born in 1952 in the town called Ilovaisk, located in the DPR. In the family there were no famous people who occupied a badge in the development of Ukraine, and the political scientist named himself.

Pavel Zhovnirenko

Paul's education received at the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade. Although the success on this field is unknown, Zhovnirenko has documents confirming that he is a candidate of technical sciences. Having received an education, a newly modified specialist preferred a policy area for future activities. This sphere seemed attractive and advantageous with the fact that in recent decades the situation in Ukraine is unstable.


The first notable steps on the career path of the political scientist did in 2002. During the parliamentary elections, he led the headquarters of the Zaporozhye Party "Yabluko". Why Zhovnirenko did not become a representative of his hometown, it was unclear, but, apparently, he had significant reasons for him. Predying the previously promoted populist glances, the political scientist replaced the party.

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In 2003, Paul Zhovnirenko became the head of the election headquarters of Viktor Yushchenko. Guiding in the Donetsk region "Our Ukraine", he supported the presidential candidate, forming his own image and reputation on the political arena. Subsequently, Zhovnirenko moved to Kiev, where he was studying political strategies. The official also has the experience of the assistant chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

A great success for the observer was the appointment of the head of the Board of the Center for Strategic Studies. This post he held in 2019. At the same time, the politician is building a career in the field of journalism, writing articles for the Ukrainian press. Speaking on Russian television in political show, Zhovnirenko gained the first fame.

Becoming the guest of the "60 minutes", "meeting place", "the right of voting", the observer found himself in the role of the hero speaking in the opposition. But many guests relate to him with disregard. Opponents often interrupt the speaker. According to Zhovnirenko, in comparison with the interlocutors, he gets much less airtime.

The popular pass of the browser was the removal from the discussion field. Locked in a stool with other political scientists, he prefers to leave the studio. In applications, the browser assures that he is trying to bring opponents "on clean water". In confirmation of this, at one of the show, Zhovnirenko even appeared with the folder on which the inscription "this lie" was concerned, exposing it to the chamber.

Defending the honor of the native country, Pavel Zhovnirenko proclaims Russia with an invader and considers it actions on the political arena with obvious manifestations of aggression. Discussing the position of other states, the observer negatively responds about countries that were loyal to the accession of the Crimea. So, he was sharp in statements about Turkey, not immediately supporting the claim by the United States and Europe.

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In support of their own views of Zhovnirenko, together with the Center for Strategic Studies, issued a allowance for the resistance of the Russian occupation. Propaging the publication, the observer described it as an instruction for the residents of Donbass and the Crimea, who fell under the oppression of the Russian government. Politician encourages readers for the struggle for independence. Speaking against violent actions, Zhovnirenko cannot offer an alternative approach to the establishment of relations between countries.

The observer supports the idea of ​​the European integration of Ukraine, seeing prospects for the economy of the native country. But as long as the situation is in suspended state, Zhovnirenko prefers to defend its interests through oratory skills, speaking at the "enemy" territory of Russian television.

Personal life

Like many politicians, Zhovnirenko does not apply to personal life. About the family, the presence of Pavl's wife and children is reliably known. On a personal page in Facebook it is indicated that the observer is in relationships, but it is not in the details of sharing.

The political scientist poorly supports the tendency to communicate with like-minded people through social networks. He has no account and photo in "Instagram" or "Twitter". Today, Facebook remains the only horror, through which Zhovnirenko outside the ethers publicly gives comments and reinforces its position.

Pavel Zhovnirenko now

In 2019, the browser continues to participate in political discussions on TV shows. Glowing passions reigning on the set is not always controlled. So, in the transfer of the "meeting place" there was a shake, as a result of which Pavel Zhovnireno was kicked out from the NTV channel studio.

Usually, the patient leading leading Andrei Norkin could not stand the loud condemnation of the Strategy of the President of Russia and the actions of the servicemen. He asked the interlocutor to retire.

Despite the fact that Zhovnirenko is proud of Ukrainian citizenship, now he often appears as a representative of the interests of his country in Russia. The political scientist is in a hurry to return to their homeland, defending his point of view in a foreign country.

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