Nikolay Cartridge - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Friday!" 2021.



Nikolay Cartridge - General Director of the Entertainment TV Channel "Friday!", Which is part of the largest Russian media holding Gazprom-Media. He calls himself a dictator, but with a portfolio of partnerships. He is a perfectionist and workaholic and believes that in his team exactly the same people. His channel Cartridge calls a pirated schooner "black pearl" and, while at the helm of such a ship, according to celebrities, it is obliged to bring him to the island of treasure.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai was born on May 5, 1978 in Moscow. His parents are intelligent people. It is known that he is the only child in the family. Georgian surname Cartridge is transmitted through the father's line.

Who was Nicholas by nationality and what she did - there is no information. But the father of Boris Arnoldovich knows well in the albate industry. He specialized in the construction of underground structures and mines. As a scientist engaged in the development of the integrated development of the underground space.

Grandfather Arnold Teimurazovich was also a famous Soviet businessman. He held leading positions in the state and state of the USSR.

Nikolai studied at school number 637, which successfully graduated in 1996. Immediately enters Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. Then remains in graduate school, where the science of scientific interest is cognitive linguistics. On this topic protects the dissertation.


On television, the cartridge comes in 1999. Since 2000, he comprehends the secrets of the journalistic profession on the TV channel "News", where it works as a correspondent and the chef editor.

In 2001, it goes to NTV. Leonid Parfenova and Vladimir Kulistikov, who made a significant contribution to his formation as a professional contributing to their teachers. 4 years Cartridge was a chef editor in the program "Namnedny", in 2004 it becomes the editor in the Directorate of the NTV information broadcasting and the chief of the department of special projects. In parallel, works as a chef editor in the "Profession reporter".

Since 2006, he was appointed head of the Directorate of the Prime Broadcasting of NTV. This post is 6 years old. With his participation in the light, such religious programs were published as "Maximum Program", "the main character", "Russian sensations", "Central Television", "Program", "defeat cancer" and others.

The phrase of the cartridge "without a scandal no channel" became quoted and largely determined the development of Russian television for a decade ahead.

In January 2012, Nikolay leaves NTV. The TV company reported that he left her by agreement of the parties. The same cartridge itself also did not discover the details of his decision, only voiced that there were several reasons. But the most important thing believes that he reached the ceiling and would like to focus on new projects. During the year, Nikolai continues to cooperate with "Central Television" as an external manufacturer of the program

2012 turned out to be one of the key producer in the biography. In June, Nikolai Cardosing receives the presidency in the Holding "ProfMedia TV" and becomes the general director of MTV Russia. Since 2013, at the frequency of the music channel, the broadcasting "Friday!" With entertainment content.

"I want to make a channel - a permitted antidepressant," tells about his brainchild the cartridge in the first days of his launch.

The name was not chosen by chance. According to the cartridge, Friday is part of the national idea of ​​Russia, when after the five days for most people, tortured work, a different life begins. On the TV channel, programs with a high rating are issued. Among them, "Eagle and Rusk" and "Audioralo". Interest in them is heated by scandals that arise with leading.

So, Elena Banya ("Vorizorro") leaves "Friday!", "Loudly slamming the door," on the first channel. The reason for the care of a popular leading becomes, according to her, worsening health due to stress transferred and blackmail from the program management. She allegedly threatened that in case of care, the leadership will prevent Elena career. Nikolai Cartridge What is happening gives a definition - these are rumors.

The program "Eagle or Rusk" has existed since 2013. Her leaders were Regina Todorenko, Jeanne Badoev, Anastasia Ivelev, Maria Gamayun, Alina Astrovskaya, Essay Kovalev, Yevgeny Sinelnikov, Peter Romanov, Anton Ptushkin and others.

At the end of 2018, a casting was announced on the leading programs from the number of personal page subscribers in "Instagram" Nicholas Cardosis. Head "Friday!" Sharply reduced and limited age for applicants for televislav. Anton Zaitsev and Olga Antipova led the Sample 2019 program (21st season).

In addition to entertainment programs, Nikolay develops its own projects. Among them, the poetic program "Live" is of particular interest. Invited stars read your favorite poem, which is important for him.

"I just want a talented person to read the talented thing, and his soul fragment flew into the soul to the one who at this moment at the screen," the cartridges clarifies.

In 2015, Anton Kozhannik Nikolay starts working on the film "Brodsky not a poet" with the correspondent of the Rain Channel. It tells about the formation of Joseph Brodsky in the West after the deprivation of his Soviet citizenship. The picture received positive feedback from critics, and the work of the authors was awarded the "Teffi" award in the nomination "Best Documentary Project". The premiere took place on the first channel.

In 2017, another documentary film of Cartonia and Znotna "Sasha Sokolov. The last Russian writer. "

At the end of 2018, in the grid of broadcasting "Friday!" There is a social project "Call of the Blood", which the creators call psychological roadguards. The main characters are looking for biological parents with which they parted for various reasons at an early age. The real history of the family reunification does not leave anyone indifferent, and this affects the rating and growth of the audience.

Personal life

If Nikolai is ready to speak about work for hours, then with the question of personal life immediately translates the conversation to another direction. There is no information about who the man is now found with. Apparently, the cartridges of his wife and children are not.

Nikolai Cartridge now

In his free time, Nikolai is engaged in writing music on the piano, which writes for himself. Loves Aquabik and poetry.

News about the life of the general producer of the channel "Friday!" You can find out in a personal "instagram" where it posts photos from filming, meetings and trips. There are also announcements about Casting. In Twitter and Facebook it is not.

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