Kirill Torovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



Orthodox theologians and the enlightener of the XII century Kirill Turovsky gained glory as a selfless preacher of the Word of God and the owner of deep church knowledge. In his biography, monastic closure, and nationwide glory and confidence, erected him in San Bishop, and serious educational work. Kirill Tourovsky left behind a huge literary heritage: sermons, parables, prayers. All this to this day attracts genuine attention of researchers who discover new verge of spiritual development of this enlightened personality.

Childhood and youth

Cyril enlightement was born in about the 30s of the XII century in turn. Today, this oldest city is part of the Republic of Belarus, located in the Gomel region. At the same time, the tours was the capital of the Principality of the same name.

Portrait of Kirill Torovsky

Kirill's father, as sources write, was close to the court of Prince and was a man provided. However, the boy from an early age did not show any interest in the material benefits, on the contrary, sought to know the spiritual principle, studied the lives of saints, read many church and theological books. Cyrill became acquainted with the heritage of such authors as John Chrysostom, Gregory Theologian, Epiphany Cyprus and others.

Tours at the time was a cultural and religious center, so the advanced ideas of spiritual thought reigned here. The future bishop received proper home education and education: besides church disciplines, studied languages, art, was caught in music.


Kirill early came to the decision to devote the lives of God's ministry. But the stop did not take to mature age, believing that he must first comprehend deep canonical knowledge. In 1161, as sources mention, Kirill decided to take a victim at the Tourist Borisoglebsky monastery. Previously, the novice refused a rich parental inheritance and forever left behind the threshold of the monastic cell of the joy of personal life and worldly pleasures.

Icon Kirill Torovsky

After years in strict obedience, Cyril is appointed by the abbot to the usual Turov monastery, where he began to work akin to educational - he shares his own deepest knowledge with young monks, gives advice, instructs. The main thing in the philosophy of Cyril - "To be similar to Rzea: in their will, create, until it was not supplied, and after no one thought, even if they rupt her on the rag."

A true spiritual feat was the voluntary rebel of the rector of Kirill, who, wishing to close to God's sacrament even more and strengthen the ministry, retires in a pillar (close tower cell), where he holds days and nights in prayer. It is at this time that his literary and educational activities begins. In the navation, Kirill writes most of the works - Scriptures, teachings and books about spiritual life.

Belarusian Church of St. Cyril Tourovsky in London, England

Glory about the wise hatded spread throughout the tour and beyond. Him went to the councils both in worldly and in spiritual affairs. All this led to the fact that in 1169 (the Ipatievsky chronicle reports this) on the initiative of the Prince and the support of the residents of Kirill was ordained to the bishops of Turov. The new sacrant worries a lot, staying in the responsible San: he skillfully managed the diocese, spent numerous sermons in the temples, cared for the well-being of the flock and church grace.

It was not without the wise intervention of Cyril and in state-political affairs. So, for example, in 1169, the Russian church was in the center of the scandal: Vladimir Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky put in Rostov Bishop of some Feodor, who attempted to separate from Kiev Metropolis.

Church of Saint Cyril Tourovsky in Toronto, Canada

Of course, this caused a perturbation from the Kiev Metropolitan Constantine - he demanded to remove the impostor. In this statement, His supported by St. Cyril. It was he who became the main exposer of the "heresy" of Theodore, who was subsequently judged and betrayed executions. In San, the head of the diocese of the Rev. Cyril is up to 1182, after which it is removed from church affairs and is devoted to spiritual and creative activities.

Literary activity

It is believed that in the period of the monocarbage of Kirill wrote 3 famous writings, among them - "Tale of the Chernorrhiz rank from the Old Law and from the new."

Kirill Torovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause 12063_5

Over the years of creativity, the St. Cyril is written dozens of work: Proverbs about the soul and body, legends, confessional prayers, sermons for church holidays. All of them are combined into a large-scale theological and literary heritage, which is difficult to overestimate, given what all writings are written in a very early historical period. In fact, each book of Cyril is a monument of ancient literary art. To a greater extent, it concerns the so-called "words" (8 words of Kirill Tourovsky reached this day) - prayers for every day for church services.

The popularization of the works of the saint contributed to the fact that he did not use the canonical texts in his works, but allowed himself to advise and add gospel plots. These include "parables about the human soul", "the word about relaxed", where he, figuratively speaking, creates a generalized portrait of mankind.

Kirill Torovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause 12063_6

The main thing is what focus on the author in his own literary philosophy is - the problem of man and his ministry to the Lord. At the same time, Kirill demonstrates the bright talent of the artist's artist who cares about the interest of the reader, giving him a fascinating plot and an affordable syllable.

The writings of the former bishop used so popular and authority, which was included in the handwritten collections together with the creations of the fathers of the Church. And he himself is nicknamed "the second zlatoust." About myself, Kirill spoke Humbly:

"I'm not a reaper, but collecting an ears; I am not an artist in book matters ... "

In addition, researchers also celebrate the oratory, which owned theologians.


St. Cyril Tourvsky died on April 28 around 1183. In the sources there are no information about what caused the death of the theologian.

Monument to Kirill Tourovsky

He bequeathed to bury himself next to the honorable teachers at the Church of St. Nicholas in Turkey. The famous theologian, enlightener and spiritual figure Russian Orthodox Church ranked with the saints.

Interesting Facts

  • Some sources call Kirill Tourovsky by the author of the oldest work "Word about the regiment of Igor", but most researchers do not support this statement.
  • Having gate, Cyrill became the first "Stalnnik" in Russia. This type of mobility came to Russian land from Byzantium.
  • Kirill Turovsky is considered the spiritual heir to Feodosia Pechersk.

Literary works

  • "Parable about the soul and body"
  • "Tale of the blackberry rank"
  • "Prayers for the whole seventh"
  • "Word about Beltsy and Monastic"
  • "Word about relaxed"

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