Milliya Balakirev - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, music



The famous Russian composer of the 19th century Mulija Balakirev dedicated all his life to music and not finding common human happiness. He became an ideological inspirer and the creator of a separate course in art, and his talented heritage is relevant to this day.

Childhood and youth

Balakirev Miliya Alekseevich was born on January 2, 1837 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Empire. The boy's mother was engaged in raising children and household, and Father Alexey Konstantinovich was a representative of the nobility and a titular adviser.

Miliya Alekseevich Balakirev

The members of the Balakirev family were followers of the traditional Christian religion and the sown in the appropriate atmosphere. Little Miliya was so religious that the future of the bishopus was a joke on a joke. Belief in God subsequently remained an important topic for the composer for life.

From the early years, Balakrev Jr. demonstrated interest and ability to music, which did not disappear from his mother's eyes. At the age of 6, Miliya began to study the game on piano and demonstrate weighty successes. In order for the boy's talent revealed to a greater extent, the parents took him to Moscow.

In the capital, the child passed an accelerated course of piano technology at the popular teacher and composer Dubyuk Alexander, and in his hometown continued to master the instrument under the leadership of the local conductor and Pianist Karl Eiserich. It was he who introduced the student with A. D. Smybashev - a musician-amateur, a pheetset and an enlightener, which significantly influenced the formation of the personality of Mia.

Miliya Balakirev

In the house of Alexander Dmitrievich, solemn evenings were often set up with discussions of the problems of art and concerts, which were attended by all cream of creative society - local thinkers, writers and musicians. It was at such events that the foundations of the aesthetic worldview of the future composer were formed.

The unexpected death of Mother Milia laid an end to his constant music lessons. When Balakirev-Sr. married a second time, his salary was enough only to feed a big family. There was no speech to pay for their son's studies. When the boy was 12 years old, he was given to the Nizhny Novgorod Noble Institute. There, Milia managed to get secondary education due to the help of a local nobility.

At the age of 16, he entered the Mathematical Faculty of the University of Kazan with the VolosWhist, but his study was launched quite shortly - a year later, the guy stopped enough funds to pay for education. To feed yourself, Balakirev gave private music lessons. During this period, he composed his first works - Pieces for piano and romances.


Alexander Smilshev, watching how best of Miliya, decides to take it with himself to St. Petersburg in 1855 and introduces it with Composer Mikhail Glinka. Balakirev, for which music was the most important part of life, demonstrated its vocal essays by Material. A man highly appreciated the work of a talented young man and advised him to devote himself to writing musical compositions.

Composer Miliya Balakirev

In 1856, a novice creator presented his debut essays to the listeners, and also demonstrated the talent of the conductor and pianist during the fulfillment of the concert allegro with the orchestra for the piano. Music critics and viewers with delight took the work of Mia of Mia, after which he began to offer to speak in noble houses. This circumstance improved the guy's financial position, but influenced the workload - he did not have free time.

Balakirev whose works were composed in the national Russian style, gradually began to gain popularity in the Higher Society and lead an active concert activity. However, even then Melnia understood that his main purpose is to create music and the transfer of advanced ideas, so the young man reduced the number of concerts to a minimum, despite the fact that it hit his wallet, and took up writing music and enlightenment.

At the dawn of the 1850s, the guy's biography appears a large number of new acquaintances with musicians - V. Stasov, A. Dargomyzhsky, together with whom he formed a mighty hand circle, as well as with A. Serov. Participants of this association talked about works and fate of national music. Every day of like-minded people became more and more - over time, such impressive composers of the Russian Empire, such as A. Borodin, C. Kyu, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. Mussorgsky joined such impressive composers.

Milliilia admired each of the young tanks and considered himself obliged to help them find a unique musical style and develop talent. Gradually, a rich team of artists was formulated, in which each person had a personal manner of performance. But it did not interfere with young people to mutually help each other designate the overall national flavor. The "mighty hand" actively promoted the idea of ​​nation in contemporary art, which was avant-garde within Russian culture.

The solo creative activity of Balakirev began with the composition of piano plays and amateur romances. At the beginning of the path to the guy, an acquaintance with the composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka had a strong influence. In 1866, he invited Mia to the position of executive stage of operas "Life for the Tsar" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila", which were supposed to go through Prague Theater. At this work, the musician manifested himself as a talented conductor and a hardworking worker.

In the late 1860s, the difficult stage began in the biography of Balakirev - the composer began to be subjected to slander and persecutions that a lot influenced its general psychological state. Subsequently, a man lost inspiration for several years and practically stopped his musical activity. After more than 10 years (in 1881, he resumed his activities - began to engage in the leadership of Capella and writing new mature works. During this period, a symphonic poem called "Tamara" was published.

Under the end of the 1890s, the final creative and extremely active period of life of the musician occurred. He composed a lot of compositions for piano, worked on such symphonic poems as "in the Czech Republic" and "Russia".

Personal life

Due to the fact that Miliya Alekseevich was a hostage of difficult life circumstances (all his life he barely reduced ends with the ends, there were constantly ill-wishes about him) and the creative, fond of nature, he failed to become happy in his personal life, find his wife and create Own cell of society. The composer remained forever bachelor suspended in music.

Portrait of Millia Balakirev

An interesting fact is that, despite the huge contribution, not only in Russian culture, but also the European, nor in one city did not erect a monument or a pedestal with a portrait. All my life, a man was extremely pious and one time seriously thought about going to the monastery.


Balakirev Miliya Alekseevich died on May 29, 1910 at the age of 73. He lived a long and extremely rich life. The body of the composer rests on the Tikhvin cemetery in St. Petersburg. The exact cause of death is unknown.

Musical works

  • 1955 - "Spanish Song"
  • 1858-1861 - "King LIR"
  • 1864 - "Lark"
  • 1869 - "Islamey"
  • 1884 - "In the garden"
  • 1900 - "Dumka"
  • 1903 - "Sleep"
  • 1904 - "Sleep"
  • 1909 - "Zarya"
  • 1909 - "Rock"

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