Guzel Urazov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Singer Guzel Urazov - Destrade Decoration of Tatarstan and People's Artist of the Republic. The woman is marked by a lot of regalia, but the main achievement is the recognition of the public. For many years, Guzel is performed by popular and classic songs in Tatar language, both solo and in a duet with her husband Ildar Khakimov. Spouses are not just singing about love, they know exactly what it is: their strong family union inspires fans no less than a singing talent.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in 1982 in the family of Tatar nationality. The Mother's Girl was the Perm Village of Barda, where 10 thousand people hardly lived. However, life in a remote provincial settlement did not prevent Gusel to believe in the dream to become a singer. The daughter received the consistent support of parents - Fira Zamotovna and Askar Marselevich, who brought up three children.

Since childhood, she was diligently and with pleasure he studied in the gymnasium, and was successful not only in music, but also in languages, computer science, geography and physical education. Lessons in an educational institution took place in Tatar. Sport classes occupied a lot of time, no wonder urozen wins the district competitions in tennis twice. In parallel, the schoolgirl cooperates with the district newspaper and writes articles about sports, cultural events, school life.

The main hobbies were music and school of piano. The vocal teacher saw talent in the girl and devoted a lot of attention to her. Perhaps, therefore, on the outbound competition in Ufa, the young singer took the first prize and became the owner of the title "Bashkortostan asterisk". The first victory inspired the student not to stop and continue to engage in creativity.

The choice of further life path was associated with singing: after graduating from school, Gusel went to Tatarstan, where he became a student vocal branch of the Kazan State Academy of Culture and Arts. The girl studied from the People's Artist of the Republic of Aidar Faysrakhmanov. Having received a diploma, the graduate continued to study, becoming a certified economist at the University of Moscow. The third higher education of the singer received in Tatarstan, at the Institute of Preparation of Presidential Personnels.

Urzarov admits that one dream was not realized: it turns out that in his youth she wanted to become a journalist and even went to the journalism of Kazan State University, but, after having passed 2 stages of the competition, stumbled at the final.

Personal life

Guzel Urazov and Ildar Khakimov without stretching can be called the most popular pair of Tatar pop. This creative and family union has for many years. The concerts of spouses go to families - from kids to the elderly Aksakalov. The singer itself is grateful to the public for love and recognition, but notes that the main thing is the family in her life.

Husband Ildar is not only partner in the theater of the song "Guzel-Eldar", but also a musical producer. The couple raises three children: the daughters of Ellar and Camilla and Samira Son. The singer is open to fans and does not hide a personal life from them, laying out photos and video of children in a specially created account in "Instagram". The elder girl Usazova, inspired by the example of his parents, went to their footsteps and sometimes it comes out with them on the scene.

On the personal site of the artist is constantly updated by the news section, information about the tour schedule is updated. In the "Interactive" heading, a woman willingly respond to the questions of fans. From the response about the growth and weight of Guzel, it was evidenced, however, according to Internet sources, with 165 cm height, it weighs 63 kg.


The girl began a musical career, while still a student, and recorded the first songs in 19 years. The Debut Album "Mine Salem" came out in 2002 with a huge circulation, and the young performer who sings about the search for love became the star of the Republic of Tatarstan.

I produced the center of the center "Bars-Media", and cooperation with Ucezova turned out to be long and fruitful. The main composition with this plate Gusel believes "Timesen Tick Cuzlaren" ("Let you not be diagnosed"), which seems to be addressed to the future husband, the union with which will determine the further creative path.

In 2003, Urazov and Khakimov draw up a duet to the theater of the song "Guzel-Ildar". The theater was called because the performances of artists are accompanied by mass productions and costume ideas. In one show can simultaneously participate up to 150 people. The singer admits that he no longer wants to speak separately from her husband, and the viewer is dissatisfied when they see the performers.

Musicians give more than 100 concerts a year, successfully touring throughout the country and abroad, collecting thousandth halls of the Tatar audience, which misses the native Word. Over the years of work on the account of a pair of dozens of disks. Among the hits of singer, such compositions such as Romashklar, the Ball of Lifeshi, Mahebbet Ul Shundy ... "," Oshanam ".

In the performance of Gusel, they infirmly hear songs in foreign languages ​​and even in Russian, a woman sees his mission to popularize Tatar. In the song "Beautiful / good", filled with Duet with Elvin Gray (Radik Yulyakshin), the text is written in two languages.

Gusel Urazov now

Now Gusel continues to actively tour, write songs and keep blogs in "Instagram" and on YouTube. On video hosting, the artist lays out not only new songs and clips, but also sketches from family life. Fans are watching the singer bake cookies, sculpts dumplings with children or marks birthday.

On March 30, 2019, a significant event was held in the creative biography of Ucezova: their duet with her husband gave a big concert at the State Kremlin Palace of Moscow. The performance was dedicated to the 15th anniversary of creative activity and turned into a large show with mass dance and light effects. To congratulate and support friends on the stage, Dina Garipova, Vitas, Sogdiana, Elvin Gray, Aidar Galimov came out on the scene. For the choreographic component answered the show ballet Alla of the Duchovah "Todes" and the Dagestan dance ensemble "Lezginka".


  • 2002 - "Mine Sermon"
  • 2008 - "Yaratyp Karasan"
  • 2010 - "Behetle ITE Aldyn"
  • 2012 - "Berge Tselin Yorelar"
  • 2016 - Kilch Kilch
  • 2016 - "Maebbet Ul Shundy ..."

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