Eric James (Leonard) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Fifty Shades of Gray" 2021



The writer Eric James became famous after the release of the Books series "Fifty Shades" and did not expect that success and popularity that fell on her head. In life, she is a modest woman, previously not engaged in literature, but managed to write novels that touched the hearts of readers. Her books were sold in 52 countries of the world, and then the story was shielded, although the film was not as frank, he received no less success.

Childhood and youth

Erica Leonard James, so the full name of the writer sounds, was born in the spring of 1963 in London, England. Her father is Scotland, and the mother - Chilean, blood mixing gave a woman an unusual appearance. In addition, she got a love for reading, an outstanding sense of humor and the ability to speak Spanish.

The first stories appeared in the biographies of the girls back in school years, however, only classmates were her listeners. Higher education received at the University of Kent at the historical faculty. A diploma on the topic "The fall of tsarism in Russia" she defended on perfectly.


The career of the future writer began in the years of study at the National School of Cinema and TV in Bikiksfield, where she had time to attend lessons and work as an assistant manager and administrator. At the same time, in his free time, the girl worked as a copywriter, wrote small articles.
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At that time, the woman did not think that he would once become famous for the whole world, having released the first book. At first she wrote amateur essays based on popular literary works and films, and it resulted in the creation of a bestseller who received recognition from a wide range of readers.


Eric did not think to engage in literature at a professional level, the family and work took their free time. Until a certain time, James constrained creative gusts. But once the Vampire Saga "Twilight" came across the eyes, which she read and inspired by a romantic and touching history. Immediately after the woman, he was writing his own essay - fanfasts called the "master of the world". Later, in an interview, the writer confessed that he felt obsessed, she was required to pour fantasies on paper than she took.

James did not publish an essay in paper, and posted it on a specialized site dedicated to the Falfs, under the nickname SnowQueens Icedragon and waited for readers reactions. It was important for her to find out how ordinary people would appreciate. The site of the site, the work of Ericika liked, what they were reported in the comments. Inspired by this success, the writer decides to expand a small story to a full-fledged work. According to the author, the new book will be independent, without common features with "twilight".

Thoroughly by worrying the text, Eric again lay out the book on the literary site. She did not know what to expect, but, contrary to fears, the work in a matter of days is gaining enormous popularity. It is downloaded by hundreds of people, soon the first enthusiastic reviews appear on the network, and then the number of people willing to take possession of the electronic copy at times.

In 2011, this activity of users attracts the attention of the Australian publishing house The Writer's Cofee Shop. His representatives find the contacts of women, contact her and offer to publish a story in paper. Nothing thinking, James agrees.

Soon, the work disappears from public access, and on the shelves of bookstores appear the first circulations called the "fifty shades of gray" with the name of the author E. L. James. So about Eric learns the whole world, her books literally sweep the stores from the shelves and do not regret money for the purchase of electronic versions.

Since the end of the work turned out to be ambiguous, people are waiting for the continuation of the story, and the writer does not cause himself for a long time. In September of the same 2011, she presents a book with an intriguing name "fifty shades darker." And completed the trilogy, the work of "fifty shades of freedom" (or "fifty shades lighter").

No one expects such a level of sales and the weekly income of the writer in $ 1 million from the implementation of books. Soon, her creativity was interested in the Vintage Book publishing house, which is part of the influential Empire Random House, and bought the right to publish. Because of the good advertising campaign, the company managed to beat the records of recognized sales leaders - the "magical" series of books J. Rowling about Harry Potter in the United States.

Eric James (Leonard) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

The trilogy is rich in the spicy details of the sex life of heroes, the writer admits that some pages have demonstrated their own fantasies. It is not afraid to freely express their own erotic preferences, and therefore decided to also give the opportunity to visit the world deprived of prohibitions and borders.

The acquired glory had enough Erica for a couple of years, noise around her name, and in 2015 the woman releases another book called Gray. This is the continuation of the trilogy, set out on the face of Christian Gray, whose story with the anasthest style touched the hearts of readers. With the advent of the novel, people have the opportunity to learn more about the main character who kept his life under control.

The next work in the bibliography of James appeared in 2017. The book "even darker" can be called the 5th part of the novel. The last volume ended with mutual reproaches and insults, but Christian cannot forget anasta. He even agrees to change, take the conditions of his beloved and no longer go on the dark desires.

Personal life

Erica is not only a writer, she is also a loving wife and mother. With a future husband met, still studying at school.
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They became a popular director and Writer Nilen Leonard, in marriage with whom two children were born. Therefore, the personal life of James was happily. The spouse supports Eric in her endeavors, which gives a woman inspiration to new actions.

Eric James now

Erica and now continues to work on new books. In early 2019, a woman presented a novel "Mr.", the work on which completed at the end of 2018. Pleasant to fans news James reported on her page in "Instagram", attaching to the publication of the cover photo.

In the shops, the book arrived on April 16. The writer promises that the new plot will postpone readers to the world of pleasures and may force you to remember the notorious Dorian Gray. In the history of Cinderella of the 21st century, who met the Prince, many dramatic moments, touching scenes and pure love, assures Eric.


  • 2011 - "Fifty shades of gray"
  • 2011 - "Fifty shades darker"
  • 2012 - "Fifty shades of freedom"
  • 2015 - Gray
  • 2017 - "even darker"
  • 2019 - "Mr."

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