Mikhail Pogrebinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Political Store 2021



The Kavaler of the Russian Order of Friendship Mikhail Pogrebinsky marks reproaches in the surgaziness and considers himself a representative of the "Russian Ukraine". Kharkiv and Odessans differ in language and culture from residents of Lviv and Vinnitsa, and their interests should be taken into account in the European state, a political scientist believes. In numerous publications, Mikhail Borisovich calls a catastrophe of Ukraine for a break with Russia.

Childhood and youth

It is difficult to find a public person in the post-Soviet space, whose childhood information would be as scarce as the origin of Mikhail Pogrebinsky. None of the interviews a man of medium height with the appearance of the discharge of the 19th century reports nothing about parents and nationality. The early pages of the biography of Mikhail Borisovich, born in Kiev in December 1946, also remain behind the curtain.

The surname of the complete thesis of Khodorkovsky has Jewish roots and comes from the name of the village of cellars. Empress Ekaterina The second after the section of Poland has ordered to give such names with the new submitted Jewish religion, who used to be only names and patronymic.

At 22, Mikhail graduated from Taras Shevchenko University, having received a specialty "physicist theoretical". From 1969 to 1990, a man, remaining non-partisan, passed the way from the engineer to the head of the laboratory modeling in the Institute of Micropribors, located in the capital of Ukraine. In the bibliography of the Pogrebinsky there are no books in physics, but there is a publication dedicated to the biography of the Stalislav Kosira repressed by the Stalin party functionar, published in 1980.


Mikhail Borisovich's interest in politics was able to implement with the beginning of restructuring. In 1989, Pogrebinsky participated in the electoral campaign of a candidate for People's Deputies of the USSR Yuri Shcherbak and collaborated with the Interregional Deputy Group created at the congress. In 1990, the physicist became a deputy of the Kiev City Council.

Ukraine's independence in 1991 contributed to the establishment and growth of the Pyrutyrsky as a political technologist. Specialist in mathematical modeling was a companion of such politicians as Leonid Kuchma, Viktor Yanukovych, Valery Pullochutenko and Victor Medvedchuk.

Mikhail Borisovich was preparing for Ukrainian media "Dathers" - inspired directives about how to cover news, which topics are better to avoid in reports and articles. In 2014-2016, Pogrebinsky worked as a columnist in the Russian publication Lenta.ru.

Mikhail Borisovich is the founder and permanent head of the Kiev Center for Political Studies and Conflictology - an organization engaged in analytics and forecasting changes occurring in society. The results of sociological surveys conducted by the Center often come against the position of the Ukrainian authorities.

Thus, the respondents among the main problems of Ukraine were not called the contradictions, which Petro Poroshenko voiced - a person, according to Pogrebinsky, accidentally became the president. The research of the center was based on the books of the political scientist published in the 21st century.

Personal life

Mikhail Borisovich knows about the personal life of Mikhail Borisovich, the photo of the family political scientist in Facebook does not lay out. Pogrebin is married, has a daughter and granddaughter. Since, in an interview with 2013, Mikhail Borisovich said that he communicates with his granddaughter's friends and considers them as conscientious people, it can be concluded that the Pyrbrub-youngest is an adult girl, and her comrades are also not children. The continuation of the logical chain is the conclusion that the political scientist, which in 2013 turned 66 years old, married his youth.

Mikhail Borisovich considers himself a Soviet intelligent, loves to read fat magazines and watch interesting cinema. Political analyst like to travel (Favorite cities - Jerusalem, Rome and Paris), but the wife of Natalia, like the ex-wife Vladimir Putin, is abruptly long trips and the attention of reporters. Therefore, Chet Prubbinsky free time, as a rule, spends at the cottage near Kiev.

The man is agnostic, the owner of the sophisticated manner and intelligent Russian speech. He opposes the legalization of same-sex marriages, although it recognizes that among gay and lesbian a lot of cute, talented persons, and communicates with some of them.

Mikhail Pozrbinsky now

From May 2019, Mikhail Borisovich, who has repeatedly coming on the show "The right to know!" On the channel "TV Center", he became the leading of the transfer "Look for the week" on the channel "112 Ukraine". 2 weeks before the appointment, April 22, 2019, in an interview with the Russian journalist Vladimir Poznor Pogrebinsky said that he considers the election of Vladimir Zelensky by the president by law.

In the elections, he said, a person could be defeated, at the same time known in Ukraine and in no way connected with the administration of Peter Poroshenko, and Showman was at the intersection of these two sets. On June 5, 2019, the political scientist advised the young Ukrainian leader:

"Remember that your parents are intelligent people, and stop painting, occupying the highest state post."

On the same day, Pogrebinsky expressed the hope that Ex-President Leonid Kuchma, reappointed by the negotiator on the settlement of the Donbass crisis, will be free in actions than it was under Petro Poroshenko.


  • 1981 - "Stanislav Vikentievich Kosior. Life and activity »
  • 1986 - "Chairman of the VGC"
  • 2005 - "Orange Revolution". Ukrainian version "
  • 2013 - "Crisis of multiculturalism and problems of national policy"
  • 2016 - "Ukraine. Waiting for the inevitable "

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