Albert Tanks - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Husband Anna Mikhalkova 2021



Albert Bakov - a Russian businessman who has to spouse the elder daughter's famous director Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov. Together with Anna, they raise three children. Outside of family life, a man is engaged in business and at the moment it is headed by the Central Research Institute of Accurate Mechanical Engineering. In addition, Bakov has the position of First Vice-President of the Non-Profit Organization "Russian Foundation of Culture".

Childhood and youth

Albert Vladimirovich was born in Pyatigorsk on May 27, 1962. Who were his parents, there is no information. By nationality he is Chechen.

Albert Bakov

It is known that he has a diploma of the Institute of Asia and Africa at MSU named after Mikhail Lomonosov, which he graduated in 1984. Bakova specialization - international economic relations. According to Albert Vladimirovich's qualifications - Economist-orientalist, Japanese referent-translator.

Business and Career

The entrepreneur has an extensive track record. The first place of work Bakova in the youth was the State Committee of the USSR for foreign tourism. Since 1991, career begins to gain momentum when he is invited to leadership of large Russian enterprises.

Businessman Albert Bakov

In 2001, he moves to the civil service, becoming deputy head of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region. In the same period, he holds the position of head of the representative office of the administration of the same region under the Government of the Russian Federation. A year later, the official writes a resignation statement. The media passes the information that the criticism of the Prime Minister is becoming the cause of the departure, in particular for the growth of tariffs, debts on salary and interruptions with heating. These questions oversaw just tanks.

On the portal, a message appears that in Russia the only domestic enterprise "Chelprom-Daimond", which is engaged in treating diamonds. It belongs to the entrepreneur Alexander Sinkaev. Nikita Mikhalkov, Albert Bakov and Mikhail Bolotin joined the business. Sinkaev takes a large loan for the purchase of raw materials and hides. Partners have to keep the answer to creditors. In 2013, the company is in a state of bankruptcy.

The newspaper "New Gazeta" publishes an investigation into offshore companies Albert Bakova and Mikhail Bolotin. Partners are submitted to the court to the court on the recognition of published information not corresponding to reality. According to the social and political newspaper The Moscow Post, the court left the complaint of entrepreneurs without satisfaction.

In 2006, Nikita Mikhalkov's son-in-law was appointed Director General of the Tractor Plants Concern. His branches are located in different regions of Russia. After a multi-billion dollant, the company starts problems. In 2018, the Moscow Arbitration Court decided to recognize Bakov bankrupt.

Albert Bakov and Anna Mikhalkov

In December 2010, Albert Vladimirovich became the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Machinery & Industrial Group N.V. Machinery & Industrial Group N.V. In 2016, the post of general director of the Kurganmashzavod JSC, from where it leaves in June 2018.

And next month, in July, the husband of Anna Mikhalkova receives a new appointment - the General Director of the Tsniychmash JSC (Central Research Institute of Accurate Mechanical Engineering), replacing the post of Dmitry Semizorov. It is part of the Central Council of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia.

Personal life

Albert Bakov and Anna Mikhalkov met in 1997 at the evening of the Russian Culture Foundation. The actress remembers that he immediately liked."For me, Albert is my half. He is very similar to the Father and fully corresponds to my ideal of a man. The cleaner is well educated, he has a wonderful sense of humor, "Anna said in an interview.

That evening the girl was most struck by the way he reads the Japanese Three Hockey.

Bucks are busy career, so much time gives work. Anna after the birth of children, too, was often shot in films. The couple raised two sons of the weather. Andrei was born in 2000, and Sergey was born over the next year. After 8 years of collaboration, the spouses decide on divorce.

Anna, together with children, he was seriously worried about parting with her husband. But soon the woman begins to build a new personal life. The chosen is the director Alexander Shayne. Parents actresses approved their relationship. Photos of the couple were constantly flashed in a secular chronicle. Shaine made a proposal of the hands and hearts Mikhalkova. But the wedding did not take place.

As soon as the tanks learned about the upcoming event, immediately began to care for his ex-wife. Every day he sent her a bouquet of flowers, gave gifts. After recognition in love, Mikhalkov refused the wedding with the cervical in favor of his beloved man of his life.

In 2008, the family reunited again, to the huge joy of sons. In 2013, in the biography of Bakova, another weighty event was added - Anna gave birth to Lidia's daughter.

Both parents continue to work much. But Anna tries that the shooting schedule does not affect the interests of the family and the relationship with her husband.

Albert Tanks now

Businessman actively engaged in the development of the TsNIIMash. During the last interview, he shared information about new weapons development. In particular, spoke about the equipment "Warrior", tests of the new pistol - replacement of Makarov and a complex for snipers.

Albert Bakov

In February 2019, Albert Vladimirovich and Anna Nikitichna, together with the children appeared at the birthday of Tatiana Mikhalkova.

In April 2019, there was information that the Moscow Arbitration Court ceases to produce a bankruptcy case of Albert Bakov. Lenders refuse complaints. We can say that the troubles of Bakov, associated with banks and loans, have now remained in the past.

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