Gregory Shargorodsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reads 2021



In 2019, graceful time came for lovers of Russian fiction. Domestic writers, as a conspiracy, released their works one after another - then completely, then in parts. Andrzej Yasinsky pleased the fans of the 10th head of the 9th book on the adventures of the Nika programmer, Konstantin Muravyov prepared the "Puttina of the Dark God" and "The World of Dark Sun", and Anatoly Drozdov - "Caudeno-doctor". This nice and impressive list confidently continued and Grigory Shargorodsky with his novel "Viot. Non-fat legend. "

Childhood and youth

Grigory Shargorodsky is the next author-fiction, about the family biography and the personal life of which there is practically no exhaustive information. It is known that his name and surname are real, and not a fictional lying pseudonym, and that he was born in Ukraine (in which specifically the village, it was not called) in the Orthodox Epiphany Christmas Eve. Moving to the capital of humor and the pearl by the sea Odessa took place much later, already in conscious age.

Writer Grigory Shargorodsky

As the writer admitted, from the ornament, he adored to read and watch the surrounding people, fantasize and invent incredible stories, invariably brought his friends and comrades. Subsequently, all this he decided to clothe into a printed form, appropriate on the pages of his own novels.

Unfortunately, who was his parents, where he received secondary and higher education, is there profession, in addition to writing, information is not provided. However, there is still a small hook. On the personal page in the social network "Vkontakte" in friends in the section "Relatives" you can see a few people - Peter Kirilyuk, Larisa, Anna and Vasily (all and from Rosha), Olga Shargorodskaya.


Active creative activity began with Grigory after he moved to Odessa. At first, the man wrote articles for local magazines and developed scripts and plots for television programs. Then he was even as close as possible from the movie, but, plunging into the world of art, realized that he had some framework. But in the literature, the flight of fantasy does not restrict no one to limit, so Shargorodsky confidently sat down for the creation of novels.

In 2012, the Debut Creation of the Writer "Clever Magician. Caliber 9 mm, "telling about the invasion of unfriendly elves tuned to humanity and their main opponent Andrei Korchak. A year later, the second book of the series "War of Nerluddy" was published, which continues the story about the fight against creatures that came out of a terrible fairy tale.

"The first was readably read, the second is a bit stretched, but still very interesting. According to the style of the presentation, the author is great, immerse yourself in the world completely. If briefly: the fighter is good, the plot is not boring, read with pleasure, "reader's first comments fell.

From under the pen of Shargorodsky, enveloped by the benevolence of the public, in the same 2013-m, two works of the next cycle "Lost Soul" - "Migranet" and "Diversian" came out. In the future, they joined the demonologist.

While the whole world moved away from the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the Bibliography of the Odessa science was replenished with the new series "Tamer", where the chief hero of Vladislav Voronov, who dreamed after his father to become a trainer, had to command not with circus animals, but combat monsters. Then the joy of the increasing army of fans appeared two-block "Chudak", the "face of fear" and "Wild Legion".

In 2018, the author put the beginning of the "Viotek" series, telling about the misadventures of the fallower, concluded in the body of the college secretary Ignat Silayva.

"Finding from the world without magic quickly used to the post of police Vidok. It would seem what else can you surprise such a person? But the fate is better than such questions not to ask, because the answers will have to receive at the other end of the continent in a fight with a "non-existent" monster, "said the abstract" foreign revenge ".

However, as soon as the summary of the summary, Grigory Konstantinovich tries not to retreat from his main rule - the life-affirming finale, helping people to raise the mood and recharge itself with optimism.

Personal life

On the same page in "VKontakte" in the "Marital Status" line, the user indicates a laconic and eloquent "not married". And this is perhaps everything that is aware of the personal life of the science is now.

Grigory Shargorodsky

Judging by the photos posted on the social network, Shargorodsky likes to spend time on nature, climb on high rocks and mountains, meditate and engage in snorkeling. As for musical preferences, it is confidently to declare that Grigory - Meloman, who is calmly adjacent and get along with Eminem and Basta Rap-performers and the rock band "Bi 2" and Eldja, as well as Michael Jackson and "Hands up! "

Here the writer indicated that he was inspired by the starry sky, it appreciates the mind and creativity in people, negatively refers to harmful habits - smoking and alcohol, and he prefers to call himself a storyteller.

Grigory Shargorodsky now

In 2019 in the creative biography of the author, there was a place for the next novel "Non-fat Legend" from the "Vocine" cycle. Those who have already managed to familiarize themselves with the content, crumbled in gratitude to its creator."The book is good, where the second is more dynamic. Thanks to the author, waiting for the fourth! Although the audience would also have not refused, at least the same second book, "said Someone Alexander Rachkovskaya.

By the way, as for the audiions of their own works, Shargorodsky indicated that the contract was already signed to voice the new work, but fans would have to be patient.


  • 2012 - "Clever Magge. 9 mm caliber
  • 2013 - "Clever Mages. War of Nerluddy "
  • 2013 - "Lost soul. Migranet "
  • 2013 - "Lost soul. Saboteur"
  • 2014 - "Lost Soul. Demonologist "
  • 2014 - "Tamper. Guide monsters "
  • 2014 - "Tamper. Defender of Monsters "
  • 2015 - "Teller. Fighter creatures "
  • 2015 - "Chudak. Wrong thief
  • 2016 - "Chudak. Troubleshooting "
  • 2016 - "Fear of Fear"
  • 2017 - "Anti-Squadron"
  • 2018 - "Vico. Alien pain
  • 2018 - "Vico. Alien revenge »
  • 2019 - "Vico. Non-fat legend "

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