Max Frey - Photo, Biography, Pseudonym, News, Reading 2021



Max Frey for a long time remained one of the most mysterious figures in the Russian book culture. Fans read out the "Labyrinths of Eho" series, but did not guessed, who writes under the mask of Sir Max - the person of the author Publishers intentionally kept in the shadows. Now the name of the writer has ceased to be a secret: the artist Svetlana Martynik works under the pseudonym, and in the creation of bizarre worlds and intricate names at first she helped co-author Igor Stepin.

History pseudonym

With the release of the first book in 1996, its creators did not think about popularity and commercial success. Therefore, the certificate of the author and the character was not a predetermined marketing move. Svetlana simply recorded the history of the hero in the fictional world, and when the manuscript was completed, showed her friend who worked in the publisher. Suddenly, he enthusiastically perceived this idea with enthusiasm.

When the question arose, a book will be released under which authorship, the name of Max Fray, hero, had the name of Max Fry - the Hero, from the person of which is a story. It so happened that Svetlana Martynchik remained behind the scenes.

Her last name was spelled out in copyright with the sign of the copywriter, along with Igor Stepin, so readers could indirectly guessed, who stands behind a mysterious pseudonym. But more suspected Igor, although that texts did not write, but took an active part in the development of the locations of the world of EXO, his fantastic laws, features of characters and their names.

In an interview, Svetlana said that the surname of the hero German and the whole combination of Max Fry can be translated as "without Max." Another transfer option is "as free as possible." Readers could easily accept a new author for a foreigner, since the flow of foreign fiction, which flushed in the 1990s to the Russian market was huge. But Frya was not lost in the total mass, but, on the contrary, attracted the audience of individuality and unique handwriting.

From the moment the Writer's name has only poured oil into the fire, working on its popularity. The fans have built guesses and hypotheses, suspecting the authorship of anyone: from the director of the ABC publishing house Maxim Kurtchenko to a group of Anonymov, writing with the rights of "literary blacks".

Svetlana Martinchik all this excitement did not care until the publishers did not decide to register the pseudonym Max Fry as a trademark and even turned to this in the Chamber of Commerce. It was implied that a group of authors will operate under love readers, which will increase the performance of the profitable project. The writer was outraged, and it considered it necessary to exit the shadows to avoid such a move.

In 2001, Dmitry Dibrov announced a "night shift" on who was hiding under Fry's mask. After that, Svetlana gave a detailed interview with Linor Mount, where he shared the details and the causes of the solution.


Svetlana Martinchik - a rooted Odessa, was born in 1965. Children's years girl spent in Germany, where her father served, being a member of the military orchestra. Light loved reading books and herself came up with entertaining stories, and finishing school, went to study at the philologist in the Odessa State University. Throwing her studies after the 3rd year, the girl went into free swimming and engaged in art.

In 1986, Martynchik met the artist Igor Stepinin, who became a friend, like-minded, and afterwards her husband. Igor also comes from Odessa and younger wife for 2 years. In addition to artistic creativity, the man was engaged in music and founded the punk-chanson group "Club Sad Streets", for which the lyrics wrote.

Having become acquainted, the couple turned into a creative duet. Since the late 1980s, Svetlana and Igor were engaged in joint work - sculpted the fictional worlds living in strange laws. For the creation of the Universe, Khomana left for almost 7 years, and artists worked for their own pleasure, not going to expose creation to the public. However, at the suggestion of Marat Gelman, in 1992, an exhibition was arranged in Moscow, which caused interest in Russia, Germany and the United States.

At this time, Svetlana came the idea to put his alter ego in the created world and see how it would come true. So the idea of ​​the book and the character of a stranger dropped into the labyrinths of ECHO from the usual world were born. In 1993, the couple moved to Moscow. Here, work began on the cycle of books of Max Frya. Igor took part in creating a concept, and the spouse took over the writing part.

In 2004, the family moved to live in Latvia and settled in Vilnius. After 2 years, Svetlana began to lead to the "Radio of Russia" the program "Free Login", where guests invited for conversation to reveal them in front of the listeners from an unknown side. On May 16, 2018, Igor Stepin did not become, he died in Moscow at the 52nd year of life.


On the account of Max Fray dozens of published books. And it all started with the work of the "stranger", the genre of which is balanced between fantastics and mysticism, a detective and a fairy tale, a parody and proverbs. It is from this story that the fans began to follow the biography of Max Frya, whose adventures continued in the "Eternity Volunteers" and the subsequent essays of the Labyrinths of Eho, which the author ended in 2000 by writing 8 volumes.

After 4 years, Svetlana continued to develop the topic of an expensive reader of the world, starting to write the epic "Chronicles of Eho", the work on which was lasting for 9 years and smoothly flowed into writing "Dreams of EKHO". Here the same hero surrounded by the loved characters forces the reader to empathize, laugh, sad and even at times angry. He has long been not new to the universe, where he fell many years ago to start investigating suspicious murders.

Separately in the bibliography is the cycle "My Ragnarök", started by the novel of the novel of the chimer, where the action is transferred from the EXHO to the world of Khoman, and Sir Max overcomes obstacles, trying to go back.

The works of Max Fray immediately after the exit became bestsellers and to this day continue to be published by huge circulations. "Dead Man's Chest", "Posted Book", "Chub Earth" is still in demand from the reader, as at the time of appearance. Fans fasciate stories from Sir Max, his friends, allies and beloved Melamori Blimm. Popular novels are translated into English, Spanish, Lithuanian languages, and also entered the form of audiobook, where they were voiced by Denis Verova.

Max Fry now

Svetlana Martinchik does not lose fruitfulness, and therefore, after year, readers meet new books under the authorship of Max Fry. The woman continues the series of "Dreams of EXHO", the last book of which, under the title "Dead Zero", was published in 2018. In the same year, the 7th volume of the "Fairy Tales of Old Vilnius" came out. The issuance of writer since 2014 is engaged in the AST Publishing House.

Not so long ago, Max Fry presented to readers a new epic - "Heavy Light of Kurtka", in June 2019, readers were able to meet the 2nd book with the subtitle "Yellow". The Roman's action unfolds on the streets of Vilnius, but the city has a different dimension - involis, where there is a place of magic and miracles, which the author tells with a branded mixture of humor, sadness and warmth.

Fans lead Max Fray's fan accounts in social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram", where there are photos of covers, quotes and reviews. Svetlana itself communicates with the audience via the Chingizid blog in the Live Journal. A woman is skeptical about the possibility of film enabling their works, although readers are waiting for the cinematic incarnation of its stories for many years.


"When you know, what to talk to a person is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to get silent about, it is the beginning of a real friendship. "" Everyone is always leaving forever. It is not possible to return - someone else is always refunded instead. "" To love unfamiliar places is easy: we accept them as they are, and we do not require anything other than new impressions. "" Wait and hope - the right way to surrender to cut back, but To rush around the city and do nonsense - this is exactly what you need! "


  • 1996 - "stranger"
  • 1997 - "Eternity Volunteers"
  • 1997 - "Himer's nests"
  • 1998 - "My Ragnarek"
  • 1999 - "Cattle Dead"
  • 2000 - "Labyrinth Menina"
  • 2002 - "Encyclopedia of myths. Genuine History of Max Fray, Author and Character »
  • 2004 - "Chub of Earth"
  • 2012 - "Tales of Old Vilnius"
  • 2015 - "The whole truth about us"
  • 2018 - "Dead Zero"
  • 2019 - "Silent Light of Kusta. Yellow"

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