Sergey Kirpichenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Ambassador of Russia in Egypt



Sergey Kirpichenko made a brilliant political career. For many years, the diplomat acted as the authorized representative of Russia under the League of Arab States, held the post of ambassador of Russia in Egypt. For merit before the Fatherland received two state awards.

Childhood and youth

Politician was born on August 13, 1951. Sergey Vadimovich's father is a Soviet intelligence officer, he worked as a resident in the countries of the East. In the late 1990s stood at the head of the consulting group of the foreign intelligence service of Russia. Mother - Philologist, Orientalist.

Diplomat Sergey Kripichenko

The family paid serious attention to the formation of a son, dating Sergey with oriental culture. From the young age, the boy studied Arabic, history and cultural features of the peoples of Arab countries. Such a cultural and informative base contributed to the further promotion of the career ladder for the future policy. After school, the young man entered MGIMO Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.


After graduating from the institute in 1973, the young man got a job in the Foreign Ministry. For 2 years, Sergey Vadimovich worked as an employee under the USSR Embassy in Syria. The performance of the young specialist was noticed by structural organizations, and the beginning of the 80s diplomat received an invitation from the Soviet embassy to take the position of ambassador to the Jordanian Hashemit Kingdom. In this position, Kirpichenko served until 1988.

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kripichenko

In the early 1990s, a new page opens in the biography of politics - he is appointed to the post of Messenger adviser from the USSR Embassy (later the Russian Federation) in Saudi Arabia. From the mid-90s diplomatic career Sergey Vadimovich develops successfully.

During these years, a Russian diplomat demonstrates professionalism, skill in complex state-level negotiations. In 1998, Kirpichenko is appointed to the post of emergency and authorized ambassador of the Russian Federation in the UAE. And in December 2000 this position is replaced by a new one - now a man is an ambassador from Russia to Libya.

From 2004 to 2006, politician works as an ambassador of special instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In early December 2006, he receives the appointment of Russian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Syria, in this status the diplomat was until autumn 2011. Professional work was grateful to the President of Russia in 2009. The activity of Kirpichenko took place in the territory of hot spots, in the zone of military conflicts.

Nevertheless, with the danger of the situation, the representative of the Russian Federation adequately performed the working destination, conducted meetings with the first persons of the states, read reports at meetings and state-level conferences. Participated in resolving political issues between Russia and the East.

Sergey Kirpichenko in Egypt

In September 2011, the Decree of President Dmitry Medvedeva Sergey Vadimovich is appointed by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Egypt. In parallel, the man is held by the post of politown of Russia under the League of Arab States. Tact, free possession of several foreign languages, education, the subtle mind made a brick-Russian diplomat.

Politician was in this status until September 2, 2019. For fruitful work for long years and contribution to the implementation of the foreign policy course of the Russian Federation, Kirpichenko was awarded in early February 2019, the Order of Honor. A lot of photos of bricks are posted on the net during working moments.

Personal life

Russian diplomat was married. However, there is nothing to know anything about the family, the wife of a wide audience.

The press has information that the children of Sergei Vadimovich - the Son and Daughter - went to the footsteps of the Father, work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.


Kirpichenko died suddenly on September 2, 2019. The last hours of life politician spent in Cairo Hospital. The cause of the death of a man is not officially disclosed. The fact that the brilliant Russian diplomat died was a surprise to colleagues Sergei Vadimovich.

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