Oliver Sax - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Oliver Sax is an outstanding scientist of the XX-XXI centuries. The scientific works of the American neurologist and Neuropsychologist are published in many countries of the world. The researcher popularized medicine, fastened the secrets of human consciousness. The books described the clinical history of patients, continuing the experience of scientists of the XIX century. Two writings of the author - "Awakening" and "Anthropologist on Mars" - were decorated.

Childhood and youth

The scientist was born on July 9, 1933 in London. The boy became the younger of the four sons of Samuel Saks and Muriel Landau. A child from an early age plunged into the world of medicine. Father, having a Latvian origin, worked in general practice. Mother comes from Gomel was a surgeon. Oliver grew by a talented, intelligent boy, showed progress in chemistry, had an analytical mindset.

In 1958, the biography of the researcher was replenished with bright events. Sax received a doctor of medicine in Oxford University. After, in the early 60s, the guy left the foggy Albion and moved to the states. The young man has been in danger in San Francisco hospitals, just getting acquainted with American life and culture. Saks's friend was the poet Tom Gann, later the young man drove many states in the company "Angels Hell", as he wrote in the autobiography. Of these travels there are many photos.

Medicine and books

In 1965, Oliver arrived in New York and received a professorship in college. Albert Einstein. Already at this time, the young specialist thinks about creating the first book. The appearance of the debut work "Migraine" in 1970 was due to the need - at that time a neurologist led several patients suffering from strong headaches.

Among the scientific literature, Sax did not find a suitable source - labor on migraines, an affordable doctor, turned out to be published in the 1860s. Then Oliver decides on the basis of information received during the treatment of patients to write its own work. The first book was not popular in contrast to the secondary labor of the scientist who came out after 2 years.

By that time, a man had already led medical practice in the Beth Abraham clinic. Here, observing the treatment of patients suffering from encephalitis, the researcher described in detail the course of each medical operation and the reaction of patients on manipulation. The treatment was successful, patients returned to the former normal existence, as if having received a second breath. It is no coincidence that the second book was called "Awakening".

The publication of Oliver's labor has caused a scandal in the hospital. The author was accused of violating medical ethics, smoothing medical secrets (even if not calling the names of patients). However, among readers, the book became a bestseller. In 1990, the screening of the novel appeared, in which Robert de Niro and Robin Williams played.

Often, neurologist reflects its own pathology. So, interesting in this regard was the book "A man who took his wife behind the hat." In this work, a professor, among other features, described in detail the neurotic state - a transcopaging, in which a person is unable to recognize the faces of others. The book was partitioned by large circulations, was translated into different languages. In 1986, a Bestseller was opened in London.

Another example of the author's revelations was the work of "Leg as a Point Support". Here the doctor describes how in the mid-70s in the Norwegian mountains received a serious injury. Practically dying, the writer experienced powerful hallucination - the voice ordered a man to gather with the forces and move, as long as the strength.

It should be noted that even in the youth of Sax, he repeatedly experienced hallucinations, being under the influence of narcotic drugs. In the early 60s it was the norm, the doctors saw in psychotropic substances a beautiful cure for ailments. The doctor's books discovered for readers Features of human consciousness, helped find themselves in the world. Many quotes from Oliver's works have become covered.

Personal life

Being a teenager, Sax realized craving for men. The family of the young men negatively reacted to the recognition of Oliver, which was a psychological trauma for a guy.

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Sax for several decades abstained from love hobbies. Only at the end of the life of the neuropsychologist gained personal happiness in the face of Publicist Bill Heis.


In February 2015, the article published in New York Times, the writer admitted that he has an inoperable oncological disease. Saksa did not grow 30 August 2015. The researcher is buried in New York. The cause of death is called metastatic melanoma.


  • 1970 - "Migraine"
  • 1972 - "Awakening"
  • 1984 - "Leg as a Point Support"
  • 1985 - "The man who took his wife behind the hat"
  • 1989 - "visible voices"
  • 1995 - "Anthropologist on Mars"
  • 1997 - "Daltonik Island"
  • 2007 - "Musicifications"
  • 2013 - "Hallucinations"
  • 2015 - "In motion"

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