Alexander Luria - Photo, Biography, Psychologist, Books, Personal Life, Death



Romantic scientist, "Beethoven Neuropsychology", the inventor of the detector of Lie Alexander Luria science helped to survive heavy times, distract from family troubles and political cataclysms. Luria-writer left a large literary heritage, among which fundamental textbooks, books in the genre of the science, poems and fairy tales.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in 1902 in Kazan in the doctor's family. The father of the boy - the only one in the city - there was a device that allowed X-ray shots. The younger sister of Sasha Lida in the 30s of the 20th century suffered from Stalinist repression.

Gymnasium Alexander graduated with a silver medal, and then there was a Kazan University, "conquered" in 19 years. Psychology interested the young man not immediately, first "Science about the human soul" seemed sachet sistered from life.

For the formation of Luria psychologist, a great influence was acquainted with Lvom Vygotsky and the study of Sigmund Freud. In Kazan University, Alexander created a circle of psychoanalysis, reported this to the Austrian scientist and, no matter how surprisingly, received from Freud approving a response letter from Freud.

Psychology and medicine

The psychologist was interested in a variety of problems: whether the memory and intelligence of man depends on the upbringing and intelligence, how to compensate for the mental backwardness in children and aphasia (dips in memory as a result of injuries) in adults, as the brain reacts and the body to stress. The applied research studies of the doctor about the restoration of lost skills with the help of work therapy and the redistribution of the load with damaged parts of the brain on healthy are important.

Luria was distinguished by astounding scientific mobility. When the genetics in the 30s of the 20th century began persecuted, a world-famous scientist (in 1932, the Book of Alexander Romanovich "The Nature of Human Conflict: An objective study of the disorganization of human behavior", which came to the Russian reader only after 70 years) Externally graduated from the Medical Institute and went to work for N. N. Burdenko ordinary surgeon. And when the war came, Luria deployed a hospital in the Chelyabinsk region specializing in brain injuries.

In the scientific and personal biography of Luria, 2 patients had special significance, for each of which a psychologist was observed for 30 years. One of them is the younger lieutenant of Lion Single, the wounded on the front in the head, the doctor helped remember. Another - Solomon Sherosevsky, who suffered from outstanding memory syndrome, forget.

Studies Luria Fenomena Sherosevsky formed the basis of the book "The Little Book of Greater Memory (Mural Mnemonist)", published in 1968 and re-delivered in 2019. According to the work in 1999, the director Christopher Doyle removed the film "Words of Excess".

Personal life

In his youth, Alexander was friends with Sergey Eisenstein. The author of the "Barny Potemkin" consulted with scientists on issues of psycho-emotional impact of the video detector on the audience. The neuropathologist loved to dress elegantly and give gifts to relatives and colleagues. From youth and to Old Town Luria was fond of amateur photo.

The first wife Luria Vera Blagowyov - Actress Peresty, who moved along with a psychologist from Kazan to Moscow and served in the Tairov Chamber Theater. In 1931, she loved another man and left Alexander.

Happiness and peace in the personal life of Luria found with the second wife - microbiologist Lana Pimenova Linchina, with which he lived in 44 years, while death did not give spouses. Lana gave birth to Alexander's only daughter Lena, who later became a scientist-biologist and the study of brain cells.

Luria's memory researcher quickly remembered foreign words - owned German, English, French and Farsi, could explain in Georgian and Uzbek. When the scientist received the opportunity to go to international forums, from abroad, Alexander Romanovich brought detectives who were not published in the USSR, and read them in the script.


Luria died in a sanatorium aged 75 years. An unfinished manuscript "memory paradoxes" remained on the desktop Alexander Romanovich. The cause of the sustainable death of the neuropsychologist is a heart attack.


  • 1927 - "Speech and Intellect in the Development of the Child"
  • 1930 - "Etudes on behavior history: Monkey. Primitive. Child"
  • 1940 - "The doctrine of Afani in the light of cerebral pathology"
  • 1947 - "Traumatic Alfa"
  • 1948 - "Restoration of brain functions after military injury"
  • 1956 - "Speech and the development of mental processes in a child"
  • 1960 - "mentally retarded child"
  • 1962 - "Higher cortical processes and their violation at local brain lesions"
  • 1966 - "Frontal shares and regulation of mental processes"
  • 1968 - "Little Book of Big Memory (Mural Mural)"
  • 1973 - "Basics of neuropsychology"
  • 2001 - "Stages of the distance traveled. Scientific autobiography "
  • 2002 - "The nature of human conflicts: an objective study of the disorganization of human behavior" (in the United States published in 1932).

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