Jedda Krishnamurti - Photo, Biography, Spiritual Teacher, Books, Personal Life, Cause



Jedda Krishnamurti is an Indian spiritual teacher, a speaker, a philosopher, and another person who refused to become a Messiah because of love for the truth, which called the "country without roads." His lectures on the themes of the nature of consciousness, meditative practices, religion, freedom of a person found a szvuk in the minds of millions of admirers worldwide. Biographers and fans of Krishnamurti claim that the thinker influenced the policy of Indira Gandhi, and Bernard Shaw called him the most beautiful of the people.

Childhood and youth

The future speaker and the philosopher was born in the family of orthodox brands in the spring of 1895. Jedda - the eighth child, after it were born three more children. Father is a simple administration of Administration by Jedda Nariana - was the theosophist, and the mother worshiped Krishna, according to the legend, the eighth child in the family. Therefore, the newborn received the name of the Divine. The family adhered to the strictest vegetarianism and rejected the European food.

Jedda Krishnamurti in childhood

In 1903, the family moved from the town of Manadapalle to a more civilized Kadappu in the south-east of India, where Jidda became infected with malaria. The boy survived, but the seizures tormented him for many years. An impressionable painful child, immersed in his thoughts, was often subjected to peer attacks. Due to the removal of the surrounding world, he was considered mentally defective, not complaining of either at school or at home.

Five daughters and sons of Nariaria died, without surviving until the age of adulthood. When Jedda Krishnamurti turned 10, Mom died.

In 1909, after retirement, the head of the family, a member of the theosophical society, asked Anni Besant for help to his president. The leadership approved the candidacy of Nariania and, offering work, called him in the city of Madras (today Adyar), where he was located headquarters. Moving played in the biographies of Krishnamurti a turning point.

In Madras, a strange boy noted the famous theosofe and the occultist Charles Webster Lymbiter and Annie Besant. They "recognized" in a teenager of the future spiritual teacher and a year later, the guardianship of the guardianship over him and his brother.


After the guardians showed the guy Tibetan teachers who recognized the great creature in him, the teenager began to prepare for the future transformation into a deity, the arrival of which was predicted by theosophists. The 14-year-old guy gave teachers and theosophists. Six months later, he communicated in English and received the foundations of knowledge on major subjects. At the end of 1909, Krishnamurti became a member of the esoteric section of society, and in January the next initiation rite passed.

Jedda Krishnamurti, his brother Nina and Annie Besant

In 1911, theosophists founded the Order of the East Star, putting Krishna at the head. In the year of the foundation of the Order of Krishnamurti transported to Britain, where he remained 10 years. But education in Oxford and Cambridge, as guardians planned, he did not receive: in the oldest schools did not want to take the "brown Messiah". But an unusual young man enjoyed success in the circles of the intellectual elite of London and Paris.

In the early 1920s, Krishnamurti settled in California, in the estate near Santa Barbara. It began his spiritual transformation, accompanied by painful attacks and immersion in trance. Theosophists were rejected, anticipating the soon rebirth of a young man in a deity.

However, the joy was premature: In August 1929, in the crowded meeting of the Company in the Netherlands, Krishna refused to become a Messiah and dissolved the Order of the Star. He talked about the fact that any authorities are harmful, and seeking freedom does not need teachers and guide. With Krishnamurti, loyal fans were left, among which Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Oldhos Huxley, Bertrand Russell.

The philosopher returned to his homeland in 1947, after the war. India recognized in Krishnamurti a great thinker and the rule of mind. 40 years old he collects crowd followers in America and Europe. His ideas and interpretation of events turn the cruel peace in kind and light, filling the souls with love and faith in the future.

Personal life

In 25 years, Jidda fell in love with American helen, but the novel did not lead to marriage.

Jedda Krishnamurti and Rosalind Williams

In the adulthood, Krishnamurti became closer to the wife of Rosalinda Williams. A couple hid a love connection for many years. The society learned about the details of the personal life of the philosopher only in the early 1990s, after his death. Children in this secret "marriage" was not.


The cause of the death of the speaker and the thinker was the pancreatic cancer. 90-year-old Krishnamurti died in February 1986. The remains of cremated and dispelled in the territories of three countries where he lived the longest: India, America and Britain.

The philosopher left after himself an extensive bibliography. Dozens of books and monographs devoted followers to the outstanding teacher. A hundreds of photos are preserved on which Jedda Krishnamurti is captured.


  • "Notebooks"
  • "Immediately change"
  • "Freedom from the famous"
  • "The first and last freedom"
  • "Out of violence"
  • "The only revolution"
  • "On the most important. Conversations J. Krishnamurti with David Bomom »
  • "Conversations with Krishnamurti: Favorites"
  • "Comments on life. From the notes of J. Krishnamurti »
  • "Bombay conversations"
  • "At the feet of the teacher"
  • "Start of knowledge"

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