Articles #78

Akaki Bashmachkin - biography, name, character, image, quotes

Akaki Bashmachkin - biography, name, character, image, quotes
Character History Character Tale Nikolai Gogol "Shinel". Poor Petersburg employee in the rank of the titular adviser. Minor man, object of permanent ridicule...

Jane Foster - biography, actress, in "Avengers", character, image

Jane Foster - biography, actress, in "Avengers", character, image
Character History In the Universe "Marvel" a lot of curious female images. Proud warriors, goddesses, simple mortal girls are endowed not only by super...

Daphne - Biography of Greek Nymph, appearance and image, myths

Daphne - Biography of Greek Nymph, appearance and image, myths
Character History Ancient Greek mythology is rich in curious characters. In addition to gods and their offspring, legends describe the fate of ordinary...

Daario Naharicis - biography, actors, replacement, age and quotes

Daario Naharicis - biography, actors, replacement, age and quotes
Character History In the series "Game of Thrones", many heroes, but the fact that different actors played the same character, considered nonsense. Daario...

Ja-Ja Binx - character biography, actor, quotes, image and character

Ja-Ja Binx - character biography, actor, quotes, image and character
Character History A ridiculous representative of the race of Gunganov Ja-Ja Binks is a truly happy creation. Despite the dangerous situations that the...

Remus Lupine - biography, image and character, actor, quotes

Remus Lupine - biography, image and character, actor, quotes
Character History Character of a series of books about Harry Potter of the British writer Joan Rowling, as well as a series of films taken on the motives...

Bronn - Biography Character "Games of Thrones", actor, character, quotes

Bronn - Biography Character "Games of Thrones", actor, character, quotes
Character History The universe "Games of Thrones" is rich in the original characters of the first and second plan. Bronn is one of the latter. His prototype...

King at night - biography of the character "Games of Thrones", actor, Bran Stark, photo

King at night - biography of the character "Games of Thrones", actor, Bran Stark, photo
Character History The silent and unhurried leader of the White Walkers army delivered a lot of problems in the residents of seven kingdoms. No one understood...

Grigor Kligan - biography, actors and roles, height and weight, without a helmet

Grigor Kligan - biography, actors and roles, height and weight, without a helmet
Character History Grigor Krigan, the faithful vassal of the house of Lannister, from the young age glorified his own name, carrying death and destruction...

Jorah Mormont - biography, appearance and character, actor, quotes

Jorah Mormont - biography, appearance and character, actor, quotes
Character History The legendary Saga "Game of Thrones", forcing the fans, hopping his breath, expect the premiere of each season, presented the cinema...

Cedric Diggori - biography, appearance, quotes, actor and how died

Cedric Diggori - biography, appearance, quotes, actor and how died
Character History Character of the Romanov series about Harry Potter of the English writer Joan Rowling, as well as a series of films filmed by these books....

Echidna - biography, myths and legends, appearance and character, image

Echidna - biography, myths and legends, appearance and character, image
Character History Character of Greek mythology. Refers to character - female snakes endowed with anthropomorphic features. Half semi-semi-mounted half-seater,...