Elena Ferrante - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Elena Ferrante is a mysterious writer of European literature XXI century. The author's books differ in large circulations, interest in the person is growing in geometric progression. In 2016, Ferrande was included in the list of 100 influential people in the world according to Time magazine.

Childhood and youth

Since the press still failed to establish whether the figure of the writer is real or fictional, then there is no truthful information about the biography of the Italian author. On the Internet there is information that Elena was born in Naples in 1943, in his youth graduated from a philological university. However, no documentary evidence of this information is provided.


Since the writer does not appear in public even during the presentation of books, the public suggested that the author named Elena Ferrande does not exist. Several points of view were offered, who can hide under creative pseudonym. According to one hypothesis, on behalf of Italian, Sandro Ferry and Sandra Sandra are creating. The version was born on the basis of the fact that a married couple - the owners of the EDIZioni E / O publisher, which published Romans Ferrandte.

Sandro Ferry and Sandra Santra

There are other options. So, for example, it is argued that the writer's books are created by the popular Napletite Writer and the Novelist of Domenico Starnion. In addition, the Italian journalist Claudio Ghatti published an article in which it was reported that under the mask of Elena, the official Roman translator of the author of Anita Rayya is hidden.

Among the published books signed by the Ferrandite signed, works that make up a cycle called "Napletinian novels" are the most popular. According to the status of the author's composition, female novels are reminiscent, philosophical prose, way essays and more. Such genre mixing had to taste readers, not only in Italy, but also far beyond the country.

The first romance of the series - "Brilliant Friend" - reveals the history of two girls-girlfriends, Lena and Lila living in the poor Naples quarter. Heroines associate common interests, problems, difficulties through which children will know the world. As in the life of adults, rivalry is born between girlfriends, closely bordering the sincere friendship. The paths of Lena and Lila with time, they disagree with time, then re-crossed, bringing new openings, experiences and joy to the life of young heroines.

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The work caused enthusiastic responses, the books were separated by a large circulation in a short time. Soon the writer released the second novel "The Birth of the New Name", which continues the story of the girlfriends. Those teen girls try to escape from the poverty of the Neapolitan Quarter. Before girlfriends, many temptations are revealed - Entertainment Schia, University Freedom and more. It seems that this will be an obstacle for maiden friendship.

The third novel of the cycle "Those who goes, and those who remain" covers the era of the 60s and 70s of the 20th century. The youth of girls passes against the background of turbulent historical events - protests of students, the growth of the trade union movement. Lila at this time he has time to marry, give birth to a child, part with his spouse and start life at first. Lena leaves Naples, publishes the book, going to marry.

Finishing in the Neapolitan cycle becomes the book "The story of the missing child." Lena and Leela are already adult ladies. The first lives in Florence, is engaged in literature. The second remains in Naples and becomes an entrepreneur. But, despite the fact that the lives of girlfriends are so unlike, young women are surprisingly retaining friendship.

Anita Rayya

After the phenomenal success of the Romani series, interest in the personality of the writer increased. In order not to disappoint the audience, the publisher collaborating with Ferrande released a book called "fragments", in which the writers of the author of the cycle to publishing house are collected, an interview with Elena. Here are the answers to the questions why the writer wishes to remain in the shade, does not appear in public.

Personal life

In one of the interviews, the writer stressed that the details of his personal life describes in the books. Keeping the secrets of the person, Elena pays more attention to creativity.

Elena Ferrante now

In 2019, the book of Italian writer continue to disperse huge circulations. About the talent of the author, the identity of the style of Ferrande write publishers. For example, in the spring of New York Times, an article about the books of Elena was published. The author is still not shown in the public, does not represent his own photo on the covers of his creations.


  • "It's easy to be a good father, if you do not need to fulfill parental responsibilities every day."
  • "Men with whom it is not difficult does not exist at all."
  • "There are moments when we offer the most ridiculous explanations and put forward the most absurd requirements, just to hide your true feelings."


  • 1992 - "Restless Love"
  • 2006 - "Dark Daughter"
  • 2007 - "Night Beach"
  • 2016 - "My Brilliant Friend"
  • 2017 - "History of the New Name"
  • 2017 - "Those who leave, and those who remain"
  • 2017 - "History about the missing child"

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