Prince Michael Kent - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, United Kingdom 2021



The roots of the Royal Family are widely extended - as of September 2019, 56 descendants of Sofia Hannover are held in line at the prestroll chair. Michael Kent, the cousin of the current Queen Elizabeth II, is not even in the first half of the list. Although it is likely that the position of Head of Great Britain worries the Prince to last: one day he refused the throne for the sake of personal life and without a shadow of doubt will do it again.

Childhood and youth

Prince Michael Kent was born on July 4, 1942 in the Koppins residence, which north of the village of Iver in the County Buckingemshire. He is the youngest of the three children of Prince George Kentsky, the son of Ex-King Great Britain George V, and the princess of Marina.

Thanks to the mother of Mother, Michael Kentsky's pedigree significantly surrendered: her father was Nikolai, Prince Greek and Danish, and Mom - Elena Vladimirovna, granddaughter of the Russian emperor Alexander II. By the way, the Prince was named after the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, the younger brother Nicholas II. Fully his name sounds like this: Michael George Charles Franklin.

In an interview with an independent newspaper, Michael Kent told:

"I was born on July 4, when America celebrates its main holiday - Independence Day. Therefore, my father called Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd US president, and said: "My son was destined to be born on Independence Day. You must be his godfather! ". And Roosevelt agreed. "

The baptism ceremony took place on August 4, 1942 in the Private Chapel of Windsor Castle. There was no month as Prince Michael lost his father - Georg died in a car accident on August 25.

Michael Kentsky received education in Private School Stangdale and Ion College. In his youth, he mastered the French, German and Italian, and also became the first member of the royal family who studied Russian.

Military Career

In January 1961, Michael Kent was enrolled in the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst. He served in Germany, Hong Kong and Cyprus, where his squadron in 1971 was part of the UN peacekeeping forces. The next 10 years Prince Michael dedicated intelligence, military career completed the rank of major.

Now Michael Kent is an honorary counter-admiral of the Royal Naval Reserve, the Honorary Marshal of Aviation Air Base Benson of the Royal Air Force, Colonel of the Honorary Artillery Company and the Honorary Colonel of the Essek and Kent Scottish Regiment of Canada.

Charity and Public Activities

Michael Kent, in contrast to his brother Edward and Sisters Alexandra, does not represent the UK at official events and does not receive a parliamentary retirement. From 1978 to 2013, the prince in principle was excited from the courtyard because of a marriage with a Catholic. True, in exchange for a place in line for the throne, Michael Kentsky provided an apartment in the Kensington Palace, where he lives with his wife and now.

Prince devoted his biography of charity. Under his patronage, many organizations are open, including the Foundation in Russia. He finances socially useful projects in the field of culture, preserving the historical and cultural heritage, health and education.

Among the patronage of the Prince is the National Eye Research Center, Motorsport Association, Association of Small Ships Dunkirk, Sea Volunteer Service and much more.

Personal life

June 30, 1978, the wife of Prince Michael became Maria Christina von Rebnitz. The girl contradicted the main requirements that are presented to the spouses of the heirs of the British throne - belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and was already married. For the sake of this union, Michael Kent has had to refuse to become the king of Great Britain (in 2013 the right restored).

Michael and Maria Christina raised two children: April 6, 1979 Frederick Windsor was born, on April 23, 1981 - Gabriella Windsor. They were baptized as members of the Anglican Church, so they have the right to the throne.

Frederick has already presented Michael Kent's granddaughters - mod and Isabella. Soon it is worth waiting for replenishment and in the Gabriella family - 18 May 2019, she married Thomas Kingston.

Michael Kent now

Despite the political situation, with Russia, the Prince of Michael has so far have been preserved good relations. He visits this country since 1992, it is often encountered with President Vladimir Putin. Their joint photos are decorated with the Prince Website.

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Over the years of travel, Michael Kent has managed to see not only Moscow, but also more distant cities. So, on October 2, 2019, a visit to Ekaterinburg was scheduled. The capital of the Urals received not only a prince, but also British businessmen. The meeting is devoted to the development of Russian-British business connections.

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