Virginia Andrews - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Virginia Andrews is an American writer, creating novels in the genre of sentimental romance. The most famous literary work of the author "Flowers in the attic" was specialized and was repeatedly set in theaters.

Childhood and youth

Cleo Virginia Andrews was born in Portsmouth on June 6, 1923. In addition to the girl, two senior son brought up in the family. When Virginia was a teenager, misfortune happened. She fell from the stairs at school and received a spinal injury.

Virginia retained the vigor of the Spirit and studied perfectly. At the age of 15, she was allocated a scholarship for a parody of the work of "Idylli King" Alfred Tennison. The girl was also interested in visual art.

When the head of the William Andrews family died in 1957, Virginia and Mother lived for some time in Missouri from one brother, and then in Arizona in the second. During this period, she worked as a portraitist, illustrator and artist. Andrews's work was in demand, but the occupation did not bring satisfaction.


Creative searches led the girl to the first pen samples. Virginia began with releases and letters, and then created a manuscript, which was based on the biography of the author. Realizing that he did not want to share the nuances of his personal life, the writer destroyed the work.

The debut novel "Gods of the Green Mountain" Virginia Andrews graduated in 1972. A fantastic story has not reached readers, since it was not published. But followed by the following creations. By 1979, Virginia replenished with bibliography 9 novels and 20 stories. Publications awarded one work.

The book "Flowers in the attic" is a real story. Roman became a bestseller and brought the writer of the fee of $ 7.5 thousand. The book narrated about four children from the secured family prisoners in the attic. They waited for the death of the older dolnengroom and the distribution of inheritance.

Next came the novel "Petals in the Wind", which brought $ 35 thousand to the author. The book was listed by the bestseller for 19 weeks. For 2 years, 7 million essay copies have been implemented. The continuation of the Saga about dolnenekeepers received the name "Garden of Shadows". Virginia paid $ 75 thousand. After 2 weeks of sales, the work took 2nd place in the list of bestsellers.

The creative style of the author allowed to combine the history of family relationships and Gothic horror. The reader meets the secrets of heroes, it turns out to be a witness for the forbidden love and the formation of characters.

After the release of the 3rd book of the Virginia Series, Andrews took a break and turned to other works. Having created several independent novels and stories, in 1982 the author returned to the family to the public. "Thorning" turned out to be extremely successful.

Despite the fact that the writer is most famous for the creation of novels about dolnegenger, its bibliography has several series. Among them, "Field Flowers", "Falling Stars", "Gemini", "Shadows", "Sorodii" and others. Its works were separated by a circulation of 54 million copies, were transferred to foreign languages, and on the novel "Flowers in the attic" filmed 2 films.

Personal life

Operation on the restoration of the spine after an accident was carried out poorly. Andrews suffered from pain caused by its consequences and arthritis. Most of the life, the woman spent in a wheelchair, sometimes moving with crutches. Rare photo of the author did in the post office. Virginia did not like a public life, and she reluctantly gave an interview.


Virginia died December 19, 1986. The cause of death was breast cancer. The writer was buried in Portsmouth.

Virginia Andrews in recent years

The end of Virginia revealed a curious fact. It turned out that under the name V. K. Andrews came out works belonging to her duet with his colleague Andrew Naderman. The man served as a "Ghost Writer".

He completed the unfinished works of the writer, according to rumors, collaborated with her already when creating the 4th and 5th novels about the family of dolneryholders. In 1993, there was a trial regarding the tax nuances, which was identifying that independently Virginia graduated from only the novel "Seeds of the Past". This is the 8th book from more than 50 published under her name. Andrew Naiderman became the author of most of the works, using colleagues.


  • 1979 - "Flowers in the attic"
  • 1981 - "Through thorns"
  • 1980 - "Petals in the Wind"
  • 1984 - "Seeds of the Past"
  • 1986 - "Heben"
  • 1987 - "Garden of Shadows"
  • 1990 - "Dawn"
  • 1992 - "Whispering in the night"
  • 1992 - "Child Sunset"
  • 1993 - "Long Night"

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