Mikhail Murashko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation 2021



"From the women's bodies to state," they are joking about Mikhail Murashko, appointed Minister of Health of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Mishoustina. The fact is that the medical specialty of the official is an obstetrician gynecologist.

Childhood and youth

The doctor was born 2 days after the Orthodox Christmas of 1967 in the city of Sverdlovsk, who in 1991 returned the historical name Ekaterinburg. In the originality of Mikhail, his small birthplace was led by the future first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin.

Among the namesakes of the new government - famous musicians. It is the Polish rocker Adam Murashko and the Belarusian violinist Maimun Murashko (wilderness), in 2015, which represented the country under the leadership of Alexander Lukashenko on the Eurovision Song Contest.

Uralets from childhood was interested in natural sciences: he graduated from school with an in-depth study of physics, chemistry and mathematics and entered the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, from which he released in 25 years. The ripe age of a graduate is explained as a duration of training in the university and the fact that the guy passed the urgent service.

Personal life

About the personal life of Murashko knows little. The official does not have a verified account in "Instagram". Although a man is married, in the press it is difficult to find a photo Mikhail Albertovich with family members. For 2018, the declared income of Murashko amounted to about 4.3 million rubles, and his wife is 4.5 times less.

Career and politics

The beginning of the labor biography of Mikhail took place in the Komi Republic. Caring for the female health of the northerfish of various nationalities contributed to the rapid career takeoff of Murashko, who has passed the path from the traffic policeman to the chief physician of the Republican perinatal center.

Mikhail Albertovich and about science did not forget. In 1999, the Medic defended his thesis, which was devoted to the study of the influence of parental infections on the health of newborn children, and in the 2004th-doctoral aspects of objects in the unclosed regions of Russia. Mikhail Albertovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences in two directions: Obstetrics and Gynecology and Health Organization.

In 2006-2011, Professor headed the Ministry of Health of the Komi Republic. The Department of Murashko broke out a corruption scandal associated with the purchase of tomographs at overpriced prices. However, the investigation did not establish the involvement of Mikhail Albertovich to violate the law.

In 2011 and the first half of 2012, Murashko was headed by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Komi-branch of the Kirov Medical Academy. In July 2012, the female doctor went to work in Roszdravnadzor, and since 2015 officially headed the supervisory department.

The main activity of Mikhail Albertovich was the fight against drug falsification, but his initiative to marking each tablet was not yet implemented. In 2017, Murashko gave a detailed television interview with the program "Panorama" Alexander Minakova.

Unlike many officials, which began work in the Government of the Russian Federation in January 2020, Mikhail Albertovich - non-partisan. Over the shoulders of Murashko - the experience of leadership by several Russian medical journals.

Mikhail Murashko now

Most journalists and colleagues were satisfied with the news about the appointment by Vladimir Putin Mikhail Albertovich Minister of Health. So, Nyuta Federmeser argues that Murashko is a consistent supporter of full pain reliefing of patients. At the same time, some commentators talking about the castling of Mikhail Albertovich with the former head of the Ministry of Health of Veronika Skvortsova, who left Roszdravnadzor, recall the Bass, Ivan Krylov "Quartet".

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