Film "Pokrovsky Gate": Lypa, curiosities, frames, actors


In 1982, the creation of the film "Pokrovsky Gate", filmed by the director Mikhail Kozakov on the eponymous play of Leonid Zorin. The film, which for a long time was not allowed to ether, was first shown only on February 11, 1983, and he immediately fell in love with the audience: heroes played with wonderful actors, and souls had to do with ordinary people. It is curious to remember how the work on the film was held, what curiosities and Lyapi accompanied her creation.

Art requires

Movie "Pokrovsky Gate" is associated with all sorts of funny episodes. So, to create a unique atmosphere of the Moscow courtyard, where Savva Ignatievich, whose role in the picture was performed by Viktor Fighters, plays domino, the requisites had to go to the crime. Under the cover of the night, the member of the film crew "Earl" from another courtyard who visited the gypsum pioneer - the requirement of the director to the requisitions to give the place of filming the unique flavor was fulfilled by all available ways.

Thrice Dzerzhinsky

It did not want to give permission to shoot the picture for a long time - the guide of the creative association "screen" saw in the scenarios of notes of nostalgia in the period of the "Khrushchev thaw". It was undesirable in the early 80s. To prove its "ideological purity" and get "good" to the picture, Mikhail Kozakov had 3 times to play Dzerzhinsky: in the series "State Border" and Series "Syndicate-2" and "December 20".

Instead of pure ponds

According to the scenario, the episode in which the comedy heroes rest on the rink, occurs on pure ponds. However, these frames had to be removed elsewhere - on the patriarchs. The fact is that at the beginning of the 80s, pour the rink in the area of ​​pure ponds for winter. So I had to seek the creation of a suitable nature in another address.


It did not cost in the "Pokrovsky gate" and without flashers, which, however, do not spoil the impression of the film.

The action of the film is occurring in the 50s, but periodically cars fall into the frame, obviously not suitable for that era. And on the jacket of one of the walking children, the emblem "Olympiad-80" is clearly visible.

Also in the film there is a sudden architectural transformation. Kostik (Oleg Menshikov) with a motorcyclist carries to an arch, which has a square shape, and appear on the opposite side already from the arc vaulted.

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Nelden is going on in the frame and with ties. At Hobotova, who was played by Anatoly Ravikovich in the film, this item of the wardrobe suddenly changes the color to the end of the party. And the bone tie suddenly appears instead of Sharfi in the meeting scene.

In the episode, the jump on a motorcycle with sparrow mountains on the asphalt is noticeable traces of tires remaining from previous doubles. Yes, and the motorcycle itself from the usual suddenly turns into a sports.

They meet in the film and other blunders, but they only give the film "Pokrovsky Gate" a certain charm. And do not interfere with the audience to love the picture for more than three decades - she has long searched for quotes, and the photo with heroes make it nostalgically to smile all those who looked at this film.

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