Sergey Sichar - biography, personal life, photo, news, "house-2", sat in prison, wife, after the project 2021



Sergey Sichar - Belarusian lawyer, a businessman, a former member of the reality show "Dom-2". Now a man is engaged in crossfit and boxing, likes to read and listen to music, as well as having fun with friends.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Sichkar was born in the city of Smorgon, the Republic of Belarus, the date of the TV star's date - October 13, 1986. The father was a worker with higher technical education, Svetlana Alexandrovna's mother taught in a polytechnic lyceum.

At a young age, the guy wanted to be a sailor or pilot, engaged in weightlifting, basketball and went to the karate section. But the departure of the father from the family hit his faith in people. After school, Sichkar graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Belarusian State University, served in the army.


At the beginning of the labor biography, Belorus worked as a lawyer in a serious firm and even headed the legal department. But in 2011 he moved to Moscow, where he was engaged in modeling. Sergey also thought about the career of the actor, was tried in the movie.

"House 2"

On January 11, 2013, Sergey came to the Dom-2 project to conquer the heart of Varvara Tretyakova. But, according to the capricious participant, he behaved too quiet and did not show a special initiative. After that, tried to build relations with Valery masterko and Aliana Ustinenko, but quickly tired of the constant quarrels.

When Sasha Ancecratum appeared in the glade, everything changed. With her Belorus became a favorite viewers, received a dear car as a gift. True, because of the new lover, he had a fight with Valery Uvarov and Christina Pavlova, who had previously had no attention signs. The girls began to throw in Sergey with raw eggs, he did not stay in debt and hit Christina. After the "parsing of flights", Uvarov, as the instigator, had to leave the project.

Sichkar tried to return to the show in 2014, Anastasia Kovalev and Lisa Kutuzov were shown to him. But Sergey could not forget Sasha, after 2 months he left.

In May 2018, his third parish at Dom-2 took place, Sergey thanked the spectators in "Instagram", who voted for him. This time I stayed there only 9 days, Sichkar suffered from idleness and finally realized that it was impossible to establish a personal life on the program.

Personal life

In 2013, an 18-year-old girl named Olga turned to the chef editor of the site "House-2" Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova, called himself a civil wife of Succar and stated that a man threw her 3-year-old Son to participate in the program.

After the project, Sergey married a girl whose photo for a short time appeared in the social network of televisions. At the same time, the name of her Belarusian did not call, in all the pictures, the stranger stood to the camera back. The leading "House-2" Anton Beczuzhev spread rumors that the spouse of the former participant was the steward, and the fans agreed that the mysterious lady was like her. Succar said that they first simply met, but quarreled because of his problems with alcohol. At some point, the young man trembled and made an offer. He expressed the desire to create a normal family and make children. Presumably, the marriage soon collapsed.

Growth of Sergey 190 cm, weight of 100 kg.


After "House-2", Sergey returned to Belarus, in February 2016 he was planted for the hijacking of the car. The guy received 3 years colonies, but served a year, and then came out for exemplary behavior, the remainder of the period was served in an open-type correctional institution. Mothers had to take a loan to pay compensation to the owner of the machine. In an interview, the young man stated that the car hijacked his friend, and a little later wrote a jaw on the obey and pointed the sicar to the partner.

Sergey Sichar now

In 2020, Sichkar opened the Night Club "Soviet House 2" in Smorgon, on April 6, 2021, a competition of striptease "Night of Revelations" was held there. Despite the fact that the institution was clearly intended for adults, every Saturday, Sergey arranged a disco for schoolchildren. Also in the hometown of the businessman built a hotel complex at 100 landing and 40 beds.

On April 14, 2021, Sergey took part in the show "In fact," where Sasha Starsumov, who called himself his former wife of Belarus, accused him of an attack on a new beloved. He, in turn, stated on the air that Sichkar with friends took him to the forest to hang, torture, put on his knees and forced him to dig a grave. In the face of such serious accusations, a former lawyer kept confidently and without any problems agreed to check the polygraph. He shared the news with the subscribers and promised to tell the truth.

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