Where to go and what to see in St. Petersburg from October 21 to 27: Events, Museums, Exhibitions


St. Petersburg - the cultural capital of Russia. It takes interesting events every day, which attract tourists and please the locals. Every person will be able to find a suitable occupation: from the athlete to theater amateur.

In order not to spend time in search of where to go in St. Petersburg, the editorial office of 24cmi has prepared a list of events that will be held in the city from October 21 to October 27, 2019.

Show "Prince of Circus"

WITH October 26. A presentation with talented artists will take place in the circus on the fountain. The show will give bright impressions of adults and their children. The program will take part trained exotic animals. Bright decorations and musical accompaniment envelop this ambitious magic event. Prices for tickets: from 800 rubles. up to 10 thousand.

Exhibition "Magic Theater"

To spend the weekend with pleasure, money is not needed. In the library number 3 22 of October A free exhibition of the picturesque works of the artist - a native of St. Petersburg - Anatoly Annenkov will take place. With the help of paintings, he involves the viewer into the world of the theater. During the day, those who wish can visit the event and enjoy the paintings.

Volleyball Match "Zenit - Ugra-Self-Self"

Lovers of sports October 26. There will also be something to do. On the Sybur arena, "the volleyball between the Petersburg" Zenit "and Nizhnevartovsky" Ugra-Selflor "will take place. Live atmosphere, bright emotions and entertainment program - all this is waiting for viewers on the game on Saturday. The entrance to the sports match costs from 250 to 600 rubles.

Film "Watchman"

October 24. The long-awaited film Yuri Bykov's "Watchman" will be released on Russian screens. The plot is spinning around a lonely man who lives away from the city in an abandoned sanatorium. It works a guard. Once his measured life breaks a young couple.

Kinokarttina will be represented by the audience in 20 cinemas of St. Petersburg. Cheap Price: From 150 to 350 rubles.

Children's play "Tarakanische"

After the labor week, parents spend all their free time with children, so wondering what to see and where to go. October 26. In the theater dolls, the "stray dog" will take place, in which clowns and dolls will fall into one show. Turquoise bears, an acrobat mosquitoes, the toad Equilibristka - this is a small part of what opens in front of the audience. You can see the performance for 470 and 520 rubles.

Exhibition "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Medical Detective"

The Military Medical Museum will host an exhibition for mysteries and adventure lovers. In addition to seen exhibits, visitors will participate in the investigation of the mysterious case. Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes left the prompts to help disclose the crime. Allow everyone will be able to participate in the quest-quest all, because the price of a ticket is 100 and 200 rubles.

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