Lisa Cuddy (character) - Photo, "Dr. House", actress, specialization, Lisa Edelstein


Character History

Charming Lisa Cuddie, Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital, a member of the Committee on Body Transplantation and the Main Hero of the film "Dr. House", played 7 seasons of an exciting series. Lady Boss, skillfully controlling the separation and brilliant diagnostics of Gregory House, revealed to the audience from the unexpected side throughout the painting. And its appearance in the film and the final image can hardly be compared.

History of character creation

A medical topic in the filmmakers is no novelty. This American television series is very highlighted among similar paintings. The first series came out on November 16, 2004, and the last on May 21, 2012. The film found admirers around the world and even noted in the "Guinness Book of Records". A medical detective with the elements of the drama was also honored with Emmy and Pibody Prize.

The plot of the paintings is developing around the team of doctors who face complex treatment schemes and no less difficult situations in interpersonal relationships. The success of the series is associated with the stored plot lines, as well as the fact that every episode absolutely did not resemble the previous one. And this is despite the fact that the event scheme is enclosed in some standard framework: hospital, diagnosis, treatment of the disease.

Dr. Lisa, in the life of the daughter of a pediatrician from New Jersey, appears in the first season in the image of Meghegers with a unconnected personal life and in strange glasses. According to the idea of ​​the Creator "House", David Shura, such a role was to be fixed for the actress Liza Edelstein throughout the series.

Initially, it seemed that the terataging of Haus would be quite safely echoed with his ridicule and bullying. The image of the "self-director" and the conservative is similar to such an amplua of the evil chief, which by all means is trying to "crush" the main character.

But the ribbon creators quickly realized that the Union "Brilliant Diagnostics - Half-Mural Managing" is not what the audience expects. Indeed, in this case, these two would not have a place in the same hospital. Directors would have to dismiss the character Hugh Laurie, or recognize that Lisa is unreasonably occupied by a leadership position.

Instead, the Princeton-Plainsboro head begins to transform. With each series, the woman is more penetrated with a sympathy to the main hero. She is still stronger, but expensive and rightly gives an assessment of professional actions. Subsequently, it turns out that such talents allow it to control the "uncontrollable" haus, not allowing his genius to become a source of destruction.

Biography and image of Lisa Cuddy

Ambitiousness and purposefulness The future doctor has already shown in childhood. At the age of 12, the girl already knew that he would become an endocrinologist. Parents helped the daughter to enter a medical school, where she managed to "knock out" a scholarship in Michigan University.

There was a meeting of two main characters. Gregory House has already gained fame due to incredible theories in the talent of diagnoses. But few took an amazing technique, so the guy soon left the educational institution.

After passing the pre-diploma practice, the girl goes to Columbia University. Then masters the profession in South America, and after - in the USA. In the hospitals of the Eastern Coast, the graduate combines medicine and administrative management.

Thanks to such skills, a woman receives the post of Dean Princeton-Plainsboro, where he crosses with a house. Becoming the head, she hires Gregory to work. The evil genius comes up daily to the boss, letting the stinging jokes about her linen, figures and a unconnected personal life.

And it's getting into the "apple". The most important problems of a specialist are the inability to give birth to a child. Cuddy for 40 years, and the chances of motherhood are reduced from year to year. She in vain looking for ways to solve this issue, and Gregory only adds to her problems with patients. The doctor has to constantly stand on the defense of the diagnosis, perfectly realizing that he will not be taken in a single hospital.

By the middle of the third season, the audiences notice the harassment of the main characters to each other. Sexual attraction arises, and House even begins to frankly flirt with the head. True, before proximity, it did not reach, because it does not want this, despite the fact that it is aware of some sympathy.

In the fifth season, the events are developing rapidly. Talented diagnostics faced hallucinations in which he was engaged in sex with the boss. Soon, Cuddy understands that truly in love with the subordinate. She cancels the wedding with the current bridegroom Lucas and is trying to build an adequate relationship. But these attempts are in vain, since a shavy man is not able to become a support and a strong shoulder for her.

In the last series of 7 seasons, Gregory is crashed into a lover house by car. Such an incident does not remain in the shadows, so the head writes an application for dismissal. Eric Foreman comes to her place.

The actress went out of the series before the last season because of participation in other projects. The fact that she did not play in the 8th season was perceived by fans the films very ambiguously. The Love Line of Heroes required "Happy End", but the stars ordered otherwise.

Lisa Edelstein, a Jew for nationality and talented American actress, starred in more than 50 films. But it was the "Dr. House" and the image of the doctor brought her world fame.

The author himself, David Shor, confessed himself in an interview that most of the series he remembered Lisa in a tennis suit.


I love you. I would like to not love. But I can't do anything with it. In this and the relationship is concluded - the difficulties are divided into two. You see, I ignore you.

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