Bentley Little - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Bentley Little is an American writer who found himself in the directions of horror and mystics. The works of the author are in demand. Interest in them increases the closure of Bentley and the lack of thrust to public life. By 2019, in the film Little, there was a bramstroker award and several nominations.

Childhood and youth

Bentley Little was born on December 21, 1960 in the American town of Mesa, located in Arizona. The boy's family was not among the secured, so he knew how hard financial income is given.

Bentley Little in 1997

I studied at school, Bentley was looking for herself, trying to work in different fields. The young man worked by the carpet of the windows and the community, was a member of Rodeo, tried to be realized as a photographer and a reporter. The writer came to the creation of literary works only in 1990.

Having spent time to understand what he wants to do in life, Bentley Little did not immediately receive a higher education. He graduated from California University only in 1996, and Roman "Revelation" was the graduation work. Little has completed training in the status of bachelor on communications and a master of English comparative literature.

Personal life

Writer is married and together with his family lives in California.


The secret of the success of Bentley Little is that his compositions unite the intricate plot peripetics, a description of the inexplicable phenomena, as well as the realism and humanity of the characters. The author describes the heroes that are not alien to ordinary experiences. Lessing the most expensive, facing suffering, the actors of his novels overlook the winners from unpredictable situations.

The debut book of the writer was "Revelation". Roman came out in 1990 and received enthusiastic responses from the legends of the world of Horror. Stephen King himself gave a positive assessment of the first literary experience of Little. He described the events taking place in the city of Randall. The dead children rebelled, putting fear and panic on local residents. Having received the Bram Stoker award at the very beginning of a creative biography, Bentley did not think to stop on the achieved.

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"University" followed "Revelation". This is a story about the confrontation of students and teachers Evil, who seized the university. "Incomparable" told about the crime of the main character of Bob Jones and the consequences with whom he encountered. "House" dedicated to the secrets of the dwelling that was fertilized by fear of his inhabitants.

Bentley Little Bibliography is regularly replenished by large-format works and stories. The talent of the writer is not in doubt, and in professional circles, he has long gained a reputation for the author of the chilling of the stories. Experts have repeatedly nominated mysticism on the Bram Stokechar premium, noting the novels "Call" and "Ghosts" and the author's collection "Collection". The "Black Feather" premium was awarded one of the stories of the American.

Among the popular creations of Bentley Little - the novels "Academy", "Heritage", "Slags", "Resort", "Insurer", etc. His books are translated into foreign languages, some have become the basis for decrees. Thus, the novel "University" served as a material used in creating a film of the same name with Eliges Wood in high roles.

Bentley Little Now

Bentley Little works in a genre that has age limitations. In several stores of Alabama and Mississippi, the performance of the author is prohibited for sale. Access to them is denied in libraries 34 of America. But the skill of the writer does not remain undervalued, since his works are dealt with literary courses in 18 colleges of the native country.

Writer Bentley Little

Unlike most colleagues on the workshop, Bentley Little does not like public events. He does not interview, does not publish a photo and does not advertise a personal life. Once stating that he wants people to judge his work, and not a person, the writer adheres to this opinion and now.


  • 1990 - "Revelation"
  • 1991 - "Postman"
  • 1993 - "Convening"
  • 1997 - "Inmployed"
  • 2000 - "Walks"
  • 2001 - "Association"
  • 2002 - "Collection"
  • 2003 - "Politics"
  • 2004 - "Shelter"
  • 2005 - "Letters, bearing death"
  • 2006 - "Kochegarka"
  • 2007 - "Cutting"
  • 2008 - "Academy"
  • 2009 - "Heritage"
  • 2010 - "Funcakes"
  • 2012 - "Essence"
  • 2013 - "Influence"
  • 2016 - "Consultant"
  • 2017 - "Handyman"
  • 2020 - "Bank"

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