Families of famous directors who never removed: Russian, foreign


Each cointer has a film that he dreams of seeing, but the famous director did not take him. This is due to various reasons, but sometimes such ideas are "cling to" the public is not less than blockbuster.


Alfred Hitchcock created a thrillers that left mixed emotions in the audience. Among such works - "psycho", "torn curtain", "blackmail". His films were in the soul for a long time and left an invisible trace. In 1966, Hitchcock looked at Mikneliangelo Antonioni Antonione "photo ending" and considered his films "last century".

5 films of famous directors who have not been removed

The director decided that he would create a picture in which the nudity and violence would be. A similar plot he has already thought out and spoke about the content. The film is divided into 3 parts, each murder occurs. The first happens in the factory, the second is at the waterfall, and the third is on the ship. The budget, according to its calculations, was small, less than a million dollars.

The idea and costs did not like the MCA / Universal studios, and she refused to carry out the dream of Hitchcock. The director removed on the shelf not only an idea, but also 1 hour of filmed samples.

"Leningrad. 900 days "

Italian film director Sergio Leone decided to remove a military film with an epic plot. At that time he read the book Harrison Salisbury "900 days. Leningrad blockade". He was so impressed by the story that he began working on the scenario of a new picture.

On the main role, he invited Robert de Niro, who was supposed to play an American photographer. The main character during the Second World War came to Leningrad, where the Germans "sat down". His task is to survive the war.

On the shooting, he found $ 100 million and agreed to work with the Russian government. Leone did not have time to start the film, because in 1989 died from a heart attack.

"Don Quixote"

The American "Don Quixote" is a film that did not remove and belongs to the idea of ​​the foreign director and Orson Wellsu scenario. In his filmography many unsuccessful works. Wells did not despair and continued to shoot. The next idea was to recreate the life of Christ in modern times. He himself planned to play a major role.

5 films of famous directors who have not been removed

The film took the "round" amount that the director could not find. Among his friends were popular personalities, but they could not help. Frank Sinatra has invested 25 thousand dollars into a film. There were few of this money, and Wells could not finish shooting. The captured parts of the picture demonstrate at the film festivals.


Ingenious director Stanley Kubrika could not remove the biographical film about Napoleon. He studied his personality, communicated a lot with historians. Kubrick was going to start shooting immediately after the premiere of the triumphal painting "2001: Space Odyssey", but did not come out. The MGM studio refused the project due to high cost.

The director has already thought out what actors to invite to act. It was planned to call Oscar Werner on the role of Napoleon, and his wife would be Audrey Hepburn. In 2013, Stephen Spielberg said in an interview that Kubrick was going to make an idea and remove the mini-series.

"Blood harvest"

In 1980, Bernardo Bertolucci was going to shoot a film on the novel Desil Hammet "Bloody Harvest". The director stubbornly worked, so he had 2 scenarios at once. Hammet and Bertolucci were similar to communist glances.

5 films of famous directors who have not been removed

American producers did not give money to shoot this film, so the scenarios remained lying in the desktop box of the Italian director.

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