Anniversary Alexandra Pakhmutova: Interesting Facts, Biography, Personal Life, Children


On November 9, 2019, the famous composer, a pianist and the author of more than 400 Aleksandra Pakhmutov songs noted the 90th anniversary. In honor of the holiday, the editorial office of 24cmi collected interesting facts from the biography and personal life of Alexandra Nikolaevna.

Alexandra Pakhmutova in one of the interviews, answering the question of copyright, noted that she always receives funds if someone decided to use her songs. The composer calls them a good retirement to the pension. She also remembered a funny case: one day a man called Israel and asked for permission to establish her melody on the call of his phone.

About banning songs

The pianist said that there were periods in life when her songs were forbidden. Most often looked in words, but the music once did not land. Under the ban was the song "And Lenin such a young", which was written as a final composition for the Congress of the Komsomol. Too "crazy" melody asked to rewrite, to which Pakhmutov promised to think.

The star notes that I never rewritten anything, and the song was still released in the original version, but only a year and a half.

About modern music

Alexandra Nikolaevna recalls that earlier artists from all over the world dreamed of giving a concert in the Great Conservatory Hall or take part in the competition. Tchaikovsky. Now the Symphony Orchestra, according to the composer, can only be seen on the channel "Culture", but everywhere "jump" the same girls and open the mouth under the phonogram. She noted that Russia, which, in the whole world, continue to be considered the country of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich, turns into the "Tattoo" country.

About selling songs

Pakhmutova said that she was often asked to sell one or another song, but it disagrees. The composer notes that it is not a trader inspiration, therefore, it usually simply gives his work, without requiring a penny.

Secret of family happiness

Alexandra Pakhmutova is happy in marriage with Nikolai Dobronravov over 60 years. Children from spouses did not appear, but it does not prevent them from feeling a full-fledged family. The composer notes that steam, like many, is not without disputes. Creative people have learned not to be offended by each other, and the secret of the family happiness pianist calls the ability to not find fault.

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