Robert Frost - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Poems



Robert Frost is an American poet who received recognition of the public and critics while life. The writer 4 times became the owner of the Pulitzer Prize.

Childhood and youth

Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874. In the family, besides him, brought up the younger sister Robert, Jani. In 1885, the head of the family died from tuberculosis. Mother with children moved closer to her parents.

The boy experienced interest in literature from an early age. Being a high school student, he was published in the school newspaper. Having received a certificate, in 1892 Frost entered the Dartmouth College, but he had to leave classes. The young man began to work to help mother, teacher of private school Lawrence. He was a post-friendly newspaper and a worker in the factory. Testing dissatisfaction from the classes that, Robert decided not to torment himself and devote the biography of creativity.

Frost entered Harvard, where 2 years was a student of the Humanitarian Faculty. After the death of the grandfather, leaving him inheritance farm, Robert returned home to support his family. Nine years, the poet worked on Earth and wrote poems. When the farm began to generate income, he returned to the university.

Personal life

Family affairs of frost was not easy. After the death of his father, his sister suffered a mental disorder, because of which was translated into a psychiatric hospital, where he died.
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In 1894, Robert married Elinor Miriam White. Telections of young people were distinguished, it was difficult for them to find a common language. However, this did not hurt to appear for six children: Eliota, Leslie, Carol, Irma, Marzhori and Elinor. The firstborn died from cholera at the age of 4. The youngest daughter died 3 days after birth.

The poet was difficult to survive the death of mother and grandfather, and Suicide Carol and the death of Marzhori from the postpartum fever became an extra blow. In 1937, Robert's spouse died.


The debut poem of the poet "My Butterfly" dated 1894th. In the same year, Frost released the first selection of poems. In the US, he did not find publishers, so I went to the UK.

The first success was brought by the book "Will Boy". In Russian translation, the name sounded like "Farewell to Youth". The interest of the public attracted the second collection "north of Boston", issued a year later.

In 1915, the poet returned to the United States. The income from poetic works was not enough for the content of the family, so he worked as a lecturer at universities and performed as a reader of his own works. In them, the author described the nature of New England, household situations taken from the real life of surrounding people. In 1916, he published a collection "between the mountains". The next project saw the light in 1923. The book was called "New Hampshire" and already in 1924 brought the poet the first Pulitzer Prize.

Robert Frost thinly felt human experiences, any grief and joy. Poetic anthologies of frost were characterized by psychologism and philosophical manner. He challenged Stoicism and masterfully owned by a poetic rhyme, distinguishing the conciseness of expressions. The debut collection of essays of the poet was released in 1930. He was awarded the second Pulitzer Prize. In 1936, a collection of "Neoglyadal Dal" was published, and in 1942 - "Wood-Witness".

In 1945, the light saw the play "Mace Mask". She did not discharge much success unlike the later "compassion mask", published in 1947. In the same year, the bibliography of the writer replenished the collection "Tavolga", and 5 years later, "on the cutting" came out.

The dramatic worldview and the mood of Robert Frost turned out to be the consequences of tragic events from his personal life. Character hardness, stamina in heavy times, adjacent to solitude and alienation, and faith in the best did not leave the author. Poems about love were present in his work.

In 1961, John Kennedy asked the poet to read his poem "Gift forever" on the inauguration of the president. A year later, Frost visited the USSR, where he met Anna Akhmatova. On the slope of the years, Robert Frost lived and taught in the UK as an invited lecturer.


Robert Frost died in Boston on January 23, 1963. The cause of death has become complications arising after surgery. The writers buried in the cemetery in Vermont. Today, his poems are studying in American schools, and the quotes from the works of the author have become aphorism and familiar to lovers of art.


"The brain is an amazing body. He begins to work when you wake up in the morning, and does not stop until you come to work. "" Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistiblely desirable. "" The mother leaves twenty years to make a man from the boy, and Another woman in twenty-minute will make an idiot man. "" Education is the ability to listen to anything, without losing self-esteem and self-esteem. "


  • 1913 - "Will Boy"
  • 1916 - "Between the Mountains"
  • 1923 - "New Hampshire"
  • 1936 - "Neanlawic Dal"
  • 1943 - "Wood-Witness"
  • 1945 - "Mask Mind"
  • 1947 - "Mask of Compassion"
  • 1947 - "Tavolga"
  • 1952 - "On the cutting"

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