Tatiana Lyannik - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Red-haired beauty and clever Olga, the wife of Intern Lobanova - such an actress Tatiana Lyannik loved millions of viewers. But the fans of talented actipers know that she has a solid filmography and many other talented roles played.

Tatyana Viktorovna Lyannik Presumably Muscovite (accurate information about the place of birth failed). The actress was born in November 1980 in the Military Family. Baby, and youthful years old girl spent in garrisons, often moving from one point of the country to another.

Actress Theater and Cinema Tatiana Lyannik

A miniature girl dreamed of ballet, but because of the movements, this dream was not destined to be incarnated. But Tatiana is perfectly dancing and constantly supports himself in excellent physical form. And in orphanage, she had a musical rumor, which pushed the parents to take a daughter to music school. Tanya gladly attended piano lessons and developed vocals. The successed successes made the girl seriously think about the musical career.

Tatiana Lyannik was easily entered into the famous Gnesinka and in 2000 received a specialty conductor of the choir. But this girl seemed a little. Probably during the years of study in Gnesinka Tanya thought about the acting career. Therefore, having received a diploma of musical education, the girl immediately went to Gitis. Received from the first attempt. Lyannik enrolled on the course to the talented mentor Vladimir Andreev. In 2004, Tatiana became a graduate actress.


Cinematographic biography Tatiana Lyannik begins episodic roles in the series. He made his debut in the airport tape in 2005. Then the projects "Medical Mystery", "Kulagin and Partners" and others appeared, and others, where the girl "stood his hand" and looked at Matrah.

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Simultaneously with the appearance on the set, the theater career Lyannik developed. Tatiana reached the scene of the Music Theater "On Basmannaya". Soon she was invited to the theater of nations, where Tatyana brilliantly played a rose in the "Roman without remarks" and a guest in Berliozé.

Roles in cinema who offered directions Tatiana Lyannik, became larger, and projects are popular. "Wedding Ring", "Volkova Hour", "Marusya", "Ceremonary", "Amazon" brought recognition to the artist.

But glory fell on her, of course, with the release of the TV series Bestseller "Interns".

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In the red-male green-eyed wife Lobanova, the audience fell in love at first sight. The actress appeared in the 1st season of the 7th series. With each new output, Olga on the screen it became clear that the actress is an integral part of the project. This star role brought Tatiana Lannik incredible popularity.

And yet - the main role in the next project. In the melodrama "Will it go together?", Released on the screens in 2012, the Lyannik got a key image. The film focuses on the plot lines of three completely different women: sweatshirts, a doctor with family problems and a cynical businesswoman. The role of the latter and got Tatiana. The actress played the role of the top manager of the wiki, which bursts between a successful career, raising a child and meetings with a married lover. This situation is a heroine, but the woman continues to live a familiar life.

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2012 brought Actress another major role - the role of Tatiana in the spy fighter "Phantom". This series was removed on the novel Nikolai Luzan "Phantom" to communicate. " He tells about the operation of the Russian special services to prevent the transfer of American intelligence information on the omen-m missile complex.

Another stellar role was played in the series "Primanka Man" in 2013.

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In recent years, Cinematographic biography Tatiana Lyannik continues to develop. A bright actress appeared in the series "Flashiness", "Private Detective Tatyana Ivanova", "Party for the champion", "House by the River" and others.

Personal life

About everything, except for relations with the opposite sex, the actress tells quite willingly.

The lancen calls his main hobby. She admits that crazy about his profession and happy, which made the only right choice. In addition to filming and accessing theatrical layouts, Tanya loves music, singing, dancing and horse riding. And she still keeps his skates.

Actress Tatyana Lannik

In 2016, the actress surprised fans with news from everyday life. As Tatiana, the publishing house "PROZVEZD" told Tatiana, the actress found a new hobby, and they were cutting firewood. The actress is already perekolol firewood at dachas in relatives and acquaintances, but the passion does not pass, so the actress even thinks about to offer unfamiliar people for free to some firewood.

Tatiana is already understandable in small nuances and has separate favorites: more pleasant, according to the actress, chop birch. And in the breaks between the hatch, Tatyana is preparing the author's program of romances.

Tatyana Lannik

The actress has long driven a car, riding on which also brings her pleasure. But in 2012, a unpleasant road accident happened to Tatiana Lannik. When the actress was returned from Vnukovo airport to Aprelevka near Moscow, Hyundai's car drove a truck. Fortunately, neither Tatiana, nor her mother, who was at that moment in the car, were not very affected.

But how is the personal life of Tatiana Lyannik - a mystery for seven seals. Rezoved and frank on the screen, in the usual life of the actress of the Little Summer and Mysterious. It is only known that red-haired miniature beauty about marriage has not yet officially declared.

Actress Tatyana Lannik

In the thick "wilderness" of the Internet to find at least some mention of Tatiana novels is very difficult. The actress does not lead an account in "Instagram", and the photo with Tatiana can only be found on the name hashteg # Tatianaannik, but it is worth remembering that mostly this photo made by other people in public events, so these personnel do not illuminate.

The page in the social network "VKontakte" under the name actresses exists, but it is updated extremely rarely and also does not contain information about the personal life of the actress. Therefore, there are rumors around this part of the biography of a ladler, and often quite mysterious and exotic.

Tatyana Lannik

For example, in 2017, there was a popular rumor that in April of this year, after two years of stable and happy relationships, Tatiana Lyannik married, and for the descendant of an ancient aristocratic kind, which even allows actress add to the name "Background" to the name, but a woman is not Does this either in the interests of prowness or - so as not to advertise changes in personal life. This version of personal life actresses has many details.

For example, it is known that the chief of Tatiana is working as a lawyer, and quite successful, and also engaged in charity. In addition, a man is engaged in educational activities and introduces children and adolescents from social institutions with art. This noble deed chosen actress does not do as an individual benefactor, but as a co-founder and member of the Board of the Cultural and Education Foundation.

Actress Tatyana Lannik

At the same time, neither the name of the mysterious spouse nor its fund or the aristocratic family to which belongs are not specified.

The actress really often appears in secular events along with the satellite, and the couple looks happy in each other's society. But at the same time, the actress itself publicly did not call a permanent satellite with her husband and did not give any interviews about this.

Tatyana Lannik now

In 2017, the actress received the role of the Irina Grafologist in the Morozov detective melodrama. The film tells about the work of the department of traditional examinations of the regional expert and forensic center. In parallel with this, the love line of the main heroine of Anna Morozova (Tara Amirkhanova) is developing.

Tatyana Lannik

The filming of the film was held in Kaluga, where the series is unfolded. In February 2018, Kaluga publications also reported that the second season was started in the city of this popular series. According to the director, the film director Ivan Schegolev, in the second season the main actors of the first part of the series, including Tatiana Lannik, will remain.


  • 2005 - "Airport"
  • 2006 - "Medical Mystery"
  • 2007 - "House Kwyrkom"
  • 2010 - "Wedding Ring"
  • 2010-2016 - "Interns"
  • 2011 - "Man in me"
  • 2011-2012 - "Newlyweds"
  • 2012 - "Look together?"
  • 2012 - "Phantom"
  • 2014 - "Judge"

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