Ursula andress - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The first "Girl James Bond" Ursula Andress in the 1960s became a sex symbol of France. Natural beauty and talent of the Swiss actress allowed her to carry this status with dignity. Photo of women decorated numerous movie billboard, as well as reversal of popular magazines. For the whole career, she left her name in the credits of not one dozen film.

Childhood and youth

Ursula was born in the Swiss city of Ostermundygen in the spring of 1936. Her parents had no relation to the world of cinema. They were religious people, often visited the Protestant church. In addition to her, four more girls and a boy were brought up in the family. The head of the Andress family, the German by nationality, worked in the Swiss embassy. During the war years, the man disappeared without a trace.

After the school, Andress moved to Paris, the creative abilities of the girl were manifested in his youth, but then she had not yet decided what he wanted to do. In the French capital mastered painting, fond of sculpture and dancing. And at 17 she had a familiarity with a French actor, which changed her further biography. The girl escaped to Italy, but soon returned to the family. This case helped her finally understand that she wants to be filmed in films.

Personal life

Personal life Andress is saturated with novels. Bright appearance of a woman attracted the attention of prominent actors. One of them was James Dean, with whom she had a connection shortly before his death in 1955. But Dean never became her husband. And soon she began to meet with John Derek, who was left of the family for the sake of Ursula.
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This marriage lasted 5 years, in 1963, the actress and director officially divorced. From John Andress went to Jean-Field Belmondo, according to the recognition of the artist, he became love of her life. Relations lasted 8 years.

Later on the filming of the film "Battle of Titans" Actress met Harry Hamlin, who was twice as younger, which did not prevent a couple to tie relations, and soon Ursula gave birth to a child from him. But it did not help to preserve the Union, and the Andress was sought with him too. There were no other children from the artist.


The climbing to the world glory of the Andress began in Rome, it settled in a film studio, in which first works began in her filmography. True, then it was a massive. At the same time, the actress attended castings, photographed for magazines, participated in fashion shows. Her shots in a swimsuit were popular. With a height of 165 cm and weighing 57 kg, the girl looked seductively.

It was on the work of the model that the American actor and film director Marlon Brando, who offered to try the forces in the film industry. The contract concluded in London helped her move to Holland and further start cooperation with the famous Columbia Pictures studio. With her, Ursula even signed a contract, but for a number of reasons she did not starred in any film of American film companies.

Working in the cinema, at first, andress received secondary roles, and the recognizable became previously after the first film about James Bond "Dr. Noow", where Hani Rider played - the main female character. After this work, the Career Ursula sharply went up, the suggestions for the filming began to flow regularly.

Among the most significant roles of artist, the famous western "four of Texas" deserve separate attention, the comedy "What's new, kitty?" and science fiction tape "Tenth Victim". No less positive feedback received pictures "Casino Royal" (parody tape about James Bonda), the Film "Red Sun" and the "Last Chance" tape.

Starting from the 1970s, most of the work of the artist was held in Italy and other European countries. During this period, the Andress was noted by no less decent projects, for example, the "Godwood God", "Battle of Titans" and "Peter Great". And in 1982 played a role in the film Sergey Bondarchuk "Red Bells".

Further, the Career Ursula went to the decline, gradually the heroine andress became less noticeable. Looking for the last time in 2005 in the film, the woman ended with television activities, not counting the rare appearances on the transmissions and shows.

Ursula andress now

Now Ursula lives in Italy with his family. In 2019, a woman noted the 83rd birthday. And although the acting activity she finished, fans do not forget about the talented artist. Andress herself does not even approve of modern cinema, netting on the absence of real acting skills, which is replaced by expensive special effects.


  • 1954 - "American in Rome"
  • 1962 - "Dr. Noou"
  • 1965 - "She"
  • 1968 - "Piano Casino"
  • 1970 - "Red Sun"
  • 1977 - "Love Boat"
  • 1981 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 1982 - "Red Bells"
  • 1986 - "Peter Great"
  • 1993 - "Golden Rose Cave 3"
  • 1997 - "Cremaster 5"
  • 2006 - "Marcello, one sweet life"
  • 2015 - "Belmondo's Belmondo's eyes"

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