Rosie Peres - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Rosa Maria, or Rosie Perez, has knowledge in many professions, but most famous as an actress, dancer and director. The woman became famous in the 1990s, when films and plays with her participation deserved prestigious nominations and produced a real extension.

Childhood and youth

Rosa Marie Pier was born on September 6, 1964 in the family of a poor poorericans, in the youth moved from Agudalia to New York. Ancestors who were not in legal marriage settled on the outskirts of Brooklyn and at first after the appearance of the daughter experienced a stormy delight.

The future actress was not the only child Lydia Fontainas, from her former husband had five more blood children. Father served in a shopping fleet, so childhood girls passed in the house of aunt and uncle and a number of adoptive families.

At the 3rd age, the baby, deprived of the attention of relatives, fell under the custody of the state that determined it in the orphanage. The family tried to return Rosie, but the authorities responded with refusal, and communication consisted of visits that lasted 15-20 minutes.

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In an interview with Peres, he said that such a situation had benefited her because she could learn at school at one of the New York churches. The nuns Catholic performed the duties of mentors and educators and were the most stringent and demanding of possible teachers.

They noticed that the girl has a speech defect, and at the 8th age determined it in a specialized class. Rosie got rid of flaw, memorizing patterings and inserting them on the task of a speech therapist in a connected artistic story.

Having become a teenager, Rosie learned that the mother died from the consequences of AIDS, and the relative of the father's line wants to pick her into a family. The childless woman, who was named Ana Domingo, Ryuo Serrano, gathered documents for sole guardianship and persuaded the state judge.

At the new stage, the biography of Perez went to school in Queens, and then he entered the college in Los Angeles and left the Tetkin House. Studying chemistry and biology, the girl attended nightclubs and soon began to make money, carried away by a dance craft.

American paparazzi began to hunt hot photos of a pretty Puertorikanka, but she, appearing in the show business, behaved like a professional. Since the late 1980s, thanks to strict upbringing, Rosie managed to make a career, without hitting any loud scandal.

Personal life

About the personal life of Rosie Perez fans know a bit, but they know that her boyfriend at one time was Tupak Shakur. Rapper did not talk about the novel and did not appear with the girl in public, since the musical world was one of the key figures.

Puertoricanka with a low growth that has reached 156 cm, in his youth possessed chic forms with weight about 50 kg. Therefore, men spent her glances and were often invited on dates, but Rosie was in no hurry to join the number of officially married ladies.

As a child, undergoing physical violence from a mentally unstable mother, Peres suffered from anxiety and depression and tried to avoid people. But thanks to therapy, she created accounts in Facebook and Instagram and without popular photographs in a swimsuit acquired hundreds of friends.

In the 90s, she was combined with a marriage with the playwright of the network of Zvi Rosenfeld, but after a decade of relationships for obscure reasons, it was submitted for divorce. Artist Eric Haze became a second husband who gave family happiness and managed to cope with her fears, finding the only right approach.


Before joining the cinema Rosie was a professional dance stage, working with Janet Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and the Boys group. In the show Soul Train and "in bright colors", as well as a dozen music clips, the girl acquired a lot of useful skills and properties.

It turned out to be implemented on the filming of the film "Do as it should!", Which in the middle of 1989 went into American rental. The story of a young man from Brooklyn was shown at the Kansky Festival and honored nominations for Oscar and a number of prestigious film charts.

Perez did not mention the ceremonies, but its role did not remain unnoticed, and the Writer Terrence McNale invited a girl to the Broadway Theater. She brilliantly played in the play "Franki and Johnny in the Lunar Light" and, together with the recognition of critics, received a solid fee.

In the 90s, Rosie appeared in the film "White people do not know how to jump" with Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson in central male roles. The comedy became the hit of cinema due to a simple story, who narrowed about two enterprising, but very unlucky guys.

Then the picture "Wild Heart" and the psychological drama "fearless" came out, for the last rose nominated for Oscar among other secondary actresses. She received the Boston and Chicago Critics Association awards and, standing on the stage, watched anxiously, as prizes are taken out of dark scenes.

The directors began to "hunt" for a talented Puertorikanka, and her filmography quickly replenished with a number of high-quality filmtin. "Happy case", "Perdit Durango", "The one who is in love" and "not leaning" successfully went to the screens, conquer the audience.

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As a rest, after shooting Perez, the cartoons "Road to Eldorado", "Cafe Lolo" and "from the 104th floor" were voiced. She grabbed the intonation on the summer and knew how to choose a voice for each ridiculous and sad animation.

In addition, Rosie worked on television in the TV series "Law and Order", as well as in the American Sitcoma "Fraser", popular in the 2000s. Then the project "Sandy jungle" in the genre of a melodramatic comedy was released, where Brooke Shields, Lindsay Price and Kim Raver in 20 episodes starred.

In 2019, the central project of the actress was the film Jim Jarmushe "the dead do not die" - a comedy about zombies who attacked people. The work of the cult cinematographer, in which the Hollywood stars appeared, became the object of mixed reviews of the authors of critical articles.

Rosie Peres now

In 2020, Rosie in the image of Ren Montae appeared film "Precious Birds: Awesome History Harley Queen". Perez starred along with Margo Robbie, Jerney Smalllet-Bell and Chris Messina in one of the most spectacular and expected superhero paintings.

About creative plans for the future Puertoricanka now does not apply, but it is known that the tape "Last, which he wanted" is launched. Then the series "Forep conduit" and other television and film projects will follow.


  • 1989 - "Do how it!"
  • 1992 - "White people do not know how to jump"
  • 1993 - "Fearless"
  • 1994 - "Happy case"
  • 1997 - "Perdit Durango"
  • 1999 - "24 hours from the life of a woman"
  • 2001 - "Fast Nature"
  • 2001 - "Strong Woman"
  • 2005 - "Invisible children"
  • 2008 - "Pineapple Express"
  • 2012 - "Games of the Gods"
  • 2013 - "Advisor"
  • 2019 - "The dead do not die"
  • 2020 - "Painting Birds: Awesome History Harley Queen"

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