Michelle Galabrew - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, Cause



The French actor and movie actor Michel Galabrew acquired broad fame in the mid-1960s, after the screens came out a series of comedies who told the adventures of gendarmes from Saint-Tropez. And in 1977, a man was awarded the national cinema award "Cesar" for the role in the historical drama dedicated to the biography of the Rinel Killer.

Childhood and youth

Michelle Galabrew was born on October 27, 1922 in the French Protector in North Africa and conducted childhood in the city of Safi, where his father was engaged in the construction of bridges.

Then together with parents and brothers, one of which died at the age of 18, the teenager moved the Normandy region, where he went to secondary secondary school, and played football in his free time. The pain for one of the national professional teams, regularly speaking at the local stadium, Michel initially dreamed of being an athlete, but in high school he was fascinated by cinema and chose the profession of a comic actor.

Inspired by the images of such masters, like Sasha Gethe and Tino Rossi, the young man collectable their photos and, passionately wanting to resemble the idols, combed his hair on a straight sample. Such an appearance, complemented by costumes, not approached by low growth in 171 cm, did not like the demanding school teachers, and Galabrew later spoke that he was kicked out of seven schools.

Nevertheless, a young man was completed to graduate from college and at the insistence of his father and the mother to enter the legal courses, but he never received a higher education, having tried a number of working professions.

In the late 1940s, Michel, who visited Labor camps of Austria and Yugoslavia, became a student of the Paris Conservatory and after 3 years of study entered the theater-France. There, debuting in the layout of the ballet Lully on the comedy play of Jean Batista Moliere, the beginning actor played Shakespeare, as well as George Sudoron, Jules Romen and Pierre Marivo.

The performances brought good earnings, but in the soul Michel walked more and in the fall of 1957 left the theater and went to the movies.

Personal life

The personal life of the French comedian comic was filled with secret novels, but after the release of films about the gendarmes, he decided to acquire his family. His first spouse became Anna Jaco, who born the children of Jean and Philip, and from the second marriage with Claude Enthanon, his daughter Emanuel appeared.


Starting with episodes in films of French and Italian origin, Galabrew earned the attention of the director and created a collection of major roles.

Preferring a genre of a situational comedy, in 1962 the actor starred in the Golden Salamander, and then in Duet Louis de Fühnes became the hero of "gendarme from Saint-Tropez".

In this picture, which became the first part of the multi-sieuled history, Michel presented Sergeant Zherbera, who led the police station and solved the problems with his daughter and his wife. The audience really liked the image created by the weight of a low actor, and he repeated it in the "gendarme in New York" and the subsequent works of Jean Zhiro.

In the 1970s, other work began to appear in the filmography of Michel, the "Special Branch" and "Who is" ("Police or Bandit") began to appear. But the main achievement of this creative period was the picture "Judge and the Killer", which became the laureate of the national film and is duplicated for many languages ​​of the world, and then shown in the Cannes Festival as a hot-friendly French hit.

However, despite such success in the field of drama, Galabrew remained faithful comedy and regularly played the role of losers in films such as "Cell for Chudikov". And in 1980-1990, the piggy bank of the popular actor was replenished with the paintings of Asterix and Obelix against Caesar and the story in two parts from the life of the "assholes".

In the 2000s, Michelle, which appeared in hundreds of films, began to participate in the shooting on television in the "Wife of Pecary", "For two it is simpler" and "Big Restaurant". And in 2010, Galabrew was awarded the prize of the French Association of theatrical Council for outstanding achievements in the work and the picture "Love as poison."


In the first decades of the XXI century, the actor who survived the spouse and the last native brother Mark suffered from the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, which caused death in 2016. At the request of his funeral, his funeral was held on January 12 in Paris, and then the Montmartra cemetery set flowers and a grave plate.


  • 1962 - "We will go to Duvil"
  • 1964 - "Gendarme from Saint-Tropez"
  • 1966 - "Angelica and King"
  • 1966 - "Gendarme in New York"
  • 1968 - "Gendarme marry"
  • 1970 - "Gendarme for a walk"
  • 1973 - "Suitcase"
  • 1975 - "Special Department"
  • 1976 - "Judge and Killer"
  • 1982 - "Stools on vacation"
  • 1985 - "Subway"
  • 1989 - "French Revolution"
  • 1990 - "Uranus"
  • 1999 - "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar"
  • 2004 - "Sea Silence"
  • 2010 - "Love as poison"

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