Joelie Richardson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Joeli Richardson was destined to become a star of the screen, because she grew in a creative environment. The actress conquered the audience thanks to the noble features of the face and the ability to confidently hold on to the frame.

Childhood and youth

Joelie Kim Richardson was born on January 9, 1965 in London, United Kingdom. The girl grew in a creative family, her father and grandfather worked in the theater, were directors, mom and grandmother filmed in the cinema. Natasha's older sister also became an actress, and then married Liam Nison, died in 2009. In an interview for The Telegraph, a woman told that the death of the sister broke it, it took 4 years to recover.

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Parents divorced when the girl was a child, but supported working relationships. Soon after that, the mother began to meet with the Frank Nero colleague and gave birth to a son Carlo. The couple got married only in 2006.

Already at 3 years, Joeli began to attach to the shooting, she participated in Father's films. But Richardson did not attract the acting career, she wanted to become a tennis player and for the sake of this went to the independent boarding school Harry Hopman, where he studied professional sport.

Mom continued to attract her daughter to work in films, and eventually the girl became interested in filming. She took acting lessons at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London.

Personal life

In his youth, the celebrity had a novel with Archi Sterling, which led to the collapse of his marriage. Later, the husband of the actress was the producer Tim Biven, from which she gave birth to Daisy's daughter, but soon the spouse decided to divorce. Nothing is known about other details of personal life, but the media attributed to her with Evgeny Lebedev.

Paparazzi rarely manages to capture a woman in a swimsuit, but on a few photos available on the network, it can be seen that she is trying to keep himself in shape.


The creative biography of Richardson began with the painting "Weatherby", where she played with Mother Vanessa Redgrave. After that, the girl appeared in the episodes of the "narrator", "reference of drunks" and "Poirot Agatha Christie."

Thanks to the noble features of the face and high growth (178 cm), Joeli often offered the roles of the Royal Persians and Court Ladies. She played the Finnish Princess Anna in the comedy "King Ralph," embodied the main character in the "Stories of Lady Chatterley". And in 2001, the star had the honor to appear in the image of the French Queen Maria Antoinette in the film "History with a Necklace".

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Soon after that, the actress appeared in the image of Julia McNamara in the "body parts". In the center of the plot of the soap opera - the talented surgeons of Sean and Christian, who distinguish values ​​and views on life. The project enjoyed success in the audience and broadcast 6 seasons. Vanessa Redgrave played Joeli's mother in the series.

When the drama shooting ended, Richardson joined Castoo "Tudor", where he again embodied the noble lady. In the final season, she fulfilled the role of the wife of the English king Heinrich VIII Catharina Parr. The series shows complex relations between the spouses up to the death of the ruler.

Then Joeli managed to participate in the cult film David Fincher "Girl with a dragon tattoo." She appeared in Anita Wanger. A detective story tells about the disappearance of the niece of the chapter of an influential clan, which hires a journalist and hacker to unravel the matter.

In the following years, the Richardson filmography replenished projects that had moderate success. In the romantic drama "Anatomy of Love", she embodied Ann Batterfield, in the fantasy melodraman "Vampire Academy" played Queen Tatiana, and in the horror movie "infected" played the role of Caroline Fogel.

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In the series "Emerald City", whose show has begun on the NBC TV channel in 2017, a woman appeared in the form of a good magician. The project is the modern interpretation of the "Wizard of Oz" and tells about the adult Dorothy Gale. The audience did not appreciate the work of the scripts, and the drama shooting stopped after the 1st season.

The actress was not left without work, already a year later on the screens, the thrillers "Red Sparrow" and "Invisible," where she played secondary roles.

Joelie Richardson now

In 2019, the series "Ladya" came out with the participation of the actress. Now she continues to take off. Joeli does not apply to the active users of "Instagram", but the news about her career fans can learn on the IMDB page.


  • 1968 - "Attack of Light Cavalry"
  • 1989 - "Poiro Agatha Christie"
  • 1991 - "King Ralph"
  • 1996 - "101 Dalmatian"
  • 2000 - "Patriot"
  • 2003-2010 - "Parts of the Body"
  • 2010 - "Tudora"
  • 2011 - "Girl with a dragon tattoo"
  • 2014 - "Vampire Academy"
  • 2019 - "Lady"

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