Favorite Music of Foreign Stars: 2019, Rock, Rap, Pop


Few people think that they listen to the stars and which songs play them in the headphones. Rarely song performers listen exclusively. Each of them has a favorites that they admire and whose compositions are inspired.

The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about the favorite music of stars, after which you can compare your preferences with the tastes of famous people.

Mariah Carey.

Foreign singer Mariah Carey began singing in 1990. She released 15 studio albums and continues to live the scene. Despite the rounded shapes, the actress regularly engages in sports. To do it she prefers under the tracks of the beloved Canadian musician Party Next Door. Being a rapper, he writes melodic songs that look like R & B by style.


In an interview with the American edition of Singer Beyonce, she said that her idol was Michael Jackson. She does not hide that there was a student of King Pop Music, and proud of it. In her headphones, his songs are often sounded, which Beyonce considers legendary. This position is divided by a millionth Jackson Fan Club, which in 2019 listens to him in the same way as in the heyday of the career.

Liv Tyler

The famous elf from the film "Lord of the Rings" Liv Tyler does not like heavy rock music. This is paradoxically, because her father is a popular rock performer Stephen Tyler. He founded the Aerosmith group. Liv gives preference to hip-hop and BEASTIE BOASTIE group, which combined in rap and light rock compositions.

Lady Gaga

Flood singer Lady Gaga, performs songs in the style of Pop. She has a lot of classes, among which are shooting in the cinema, design, producing. When Gaga relaxes, it includes the compositions of the legendary singer Whitney Houston. Her shifter execution inspires a rapid artist to create new songs.


In 2003, Rihanna "smiled at luck" - her famous American producer noted her and invited him to audition. For over 15 years, she sings in different style: pop, R & B, hip-hop, dance music. Her favorite singer - Bob Marley. She often listens to reggae, because it relaxes it. But Marley is not the only favorite Rihanna, 2Pac is found in her playlist. He performed hip-hop songs until 1996, until he was killed.

Lindsey Lohan

Popular actress Lindsay Lohan participates in scandals and does not get along with the law. It is not necessary to take an example from her how to live correctly, but you can share its musical taste. At parties that "rolls" the actress always sounds trans. She is enthusiastic by the Netherlands DJ Army Van Buren. Thousands of fans "come off" under his music, among which are famous artists.

Taylor Swift

In 2004, the singer Taylor Swift appeared on the American scene. She writes pop music and country. In an interview, the performer shared that the entire playlist consists of "Pops". Among the favorite performers, the Swift called Eric Haslah, Fib Raina and Alessia Kara.

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