Celebrities who lived over 100 years: Russian, Hollywood


The life of a person flies rapidly, approaching an inevitable end, from which it was not possible to flee any of the people. However, some had to delay their own death for an unprecedented time - and to such representatives of human clause include not only ordinary inhabitants. Among the long-livers who have translated a three-digit mark, there are also celebrities. About the stars who lived in the world for more than 100 years will tell 24cmi.

Vladimir Zeldin

Wrinkle talking about long-lived stars, you can not forget about Vladimir Zeldine. The future People's Artist of the Soviet Union was born in the city of Kozlov Tambov province in the 15th year of the last century and lived rich on events life, selflessly serving art.

Even the centenary anniversary Vladimir Mikhailovich met, remaining in the profession, - while memory and health allowed, the actor continued to perform on stage. Artist died on October 31, 2016. To the secrets of their own longevity, he attributed a passion for work and women, as well as love for life and hiking.

Nikolai Annenkov

The second Russian actor who marked the 100th anniversary on theatrical stage was another leaving from the Tambov province. Nikolai Annenkov was born in 1899 in the village of Kalugino. For his life, he managed not only to become a People's Artist of the USSR, but also to learn as a teacher of Schukinsky schools a whole cohort of Soviet actors, among whom Oleg Dahl, Victor Pavlov and Vitaly Solomin.

The latter for the actor was the role of Kolsnin (LuWP) in the play "Tsar Boris" - Nikolay Alexandrovich died in 1999. The artist was confident that there were no secrets in his longevity - only charging in the morning and kefir for breakfast.

Kirk Douglas

But Hollywood actor Kirk Douglas, whose 103 anniversary fell on December 9, 2019, the hundredth anniversary was noted outside the screen. Because of what happened in the 96th stroke, he had difficulties with a speech, which was why the artist was forced to retrain the writers.

The retired actor wrote more than a dozen novels and memoirs. Also, the elderly celebrity continues to re-give a blog on MySpace. Kirk Douglas for a long life thanks his beloved wife Ann Baydens, who, by the way, was 100 years old in 2019.

Isabella Yuryev

If we talk about singers and singers who have lived more than 100 years old, it is worth mentioning Isabelle Yuryeva-born in 1899 by the famous romance performer, devoted to lasting oblivion after the Second World War. Only in the 90s, they again remembered, assigning the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Visiting the 100th anniversary, Isabella Danilovna retained a voice capable of stunning and captive even without a microphone. What is the secret of the longevity of the artist, to say hard - life she lived in difficult. But but she loved only two: the only husband who died in the 1971st, and the case of life is singing. Isabella Yuryev died in 2000.

David Rocfell

You can not forget about the long-lived of wealthy circles. David Rockefeller was born in 1915 and managed to leave a noticeable trace in history over the years of life - primarily in the banking sector.

In addition to economic activity, the banker manifested itself as a politician, a globalist and patronage in 2017. And the longevity David Rockefeller is obliged to doctors who operated 7 times the heart of an aging billionaire is such a secret.

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