Barry Force - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Smuggler, Pilot, Cause



In the 1970s, the Medellinsky cartel, founded by the most famous drug trains of Pablo Escobar and the Victims of Ochoa, controlled 80% of world traffic of cocaine. Barry forces helped them to make transcontinental transactions - "King of smuggling", a born pilot. For years he led a double life - I changed the weapons and drugs abroad, and about the cartel deals informed the CIA.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the smuggler is Adler Bermann forces. He was born on July 16, 1939 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the Mary Lou (in the Maiden Delta) and Benjamin Courtis, Pastier.

I understood the strength early, what he wants from life - to fight the endless celestial expanses. At the age of 15, parents sent him to rest in the Summer School. There is one of the teachers, Eddie Daffard, taught high school students with latrate skill. His skills tried and strength. It turned out that he had a born talent. Later, Duffard said that the boy would certainly grow their wings, if there were no aircraft existed.

Daffard was not afraid to plant the power behind the steering wheel of the training unit after 8 hours of briefing. The choice was true: Already at 16, the young man received a certificate of seniority, and in a year - a full-fledged license.

Passion The power to adrenaline explained a simple fact - he was a shrouded, fearless guy. Under his photo in the graduation album it is written: "Full fun, full of dullness."

In 1961, the force was enrolled in the Army of the National Guard of the United States, where he graduated from the School of Airborne Preparation.

Personal life

Crimes did not interfere with Barry power to lead an active personal life - he had three wives and six children.

From 1963 to 1971, the Chief of Men was Barbara Dodson. She gave birth to two children. From 1971 to 1972, she lived with Lynn Ross. The last woman became Deborah Dubua, who gave birth to three children.

Another heir is the power of the extramarital, the mother is unknown.

Criminal activities

In the 1964th forces settled by a flight engineer at Trans World Airlines (TWA), and 3 years later became the most young pilot of the company. It was the only one who conquered Boening 707 is one of the first reactive passenger liners in the world. It seemed that the power was waiting for a bright future in civil aviation, but fate decided otherwise.

In 1972, the force arrested for the transportation of explosives in Mexico. The case stopped 2 years later due to unlawful behavior by the prosecutor, but TWA still dismissed the pilot.

The criminal activity of the forces began with the smuggling of Cannabis, and since 1978 he began to transport cocaine kilograms. After all, the larger the crime, the more weeding the award for him. In December 1979, the pilot was arrested in Honduras. Instead of drugs, the plane found an unregistered rifle. It was enough to conclude the force of custody until July 1980.

The arrest did not follow the dust of the "king of smuggling", on the contrary, he expanded the business, joined the Medellian cartel. In favor of Escobar and the brothers of Ochoa Pilot transported cocaine in the USA from Panama and Colombia. One flight brought strength to $ 1.3 million.

By 1983, the effort was more than $ 60 million. According to some reports, it has transported more than 56 tons of cocaine.

At the end of 1983, the force arrested. The court of Florida sentenced him by 10 years of imprisonment. Forces, he was suggested to become an informant in exchange for a reduction in prison sentence. In March 1984, the smuggler gave testimony against the former employers and associates on drug trafficking, and many of them were behind bars.

At the end of the same year, the forces gave the country even more: on the landing lane Nicaragua he made photos of Pablo Escobar, Jorge Louis, Bernardo Antonio Vasquez and other members of the Medellian cartel, who shipped cocaine on board. The plane did not fly to the destination, and was confiscated the CIA. In the disappearance, the drug player suspected power, and it denounced his life.


The remaining prison term - 6 months - Barry forces should have served in the army of salvation in Baton Rouge. On February 19, 1986, he was killed next to the building of this Christian organization. The cause of death is a gunshot wound in the chest.

The murder accused three participants of the Medellian cartel, including Bernardo Antonio Vasquez, against which he testified. According to the investigators, the smuggler ordered one of the schoa brothers. The criminals sentenced to life imprisonment without the right to early liberation.


Biography Barry Strength repeatedly got into the frame of the newsreel, was described in the books. The most famous film in Russian - "Made in America" ​​(2017) with Tom Cruise. Also, the world is known:

  • 1991 - "betrayal"
  • 2013 - "on nicknamed mexican" (television series)
  • 2015 - "Narco" (television series)
  • 2016 - "Scam under cover"

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