Early climax in women: causes, symptoms what to do


Climax is a period of extrusion of the reproductive abilities of a woman as a result of the body's hormonal rebuildings due to aging. The standard time of the start of menostsis is considered to be age from 45 to 55 years. Sometimes there is an earlier term of Climax - in women under 40 years old.

Symptoms of early climax in women

Early climax in women: symptoms, reasons what to do

The reasons for early climax differ. Sometimes these are diseases that are inherited, or the effect of aggressive external environment, such as chemical or radiation defeat. Also among the root causes are called:

  • acceleration - early durations of puberty ripening increase the likelihood that menostasis is approached faster;
  • Operational intervention - when due to injuries or diseases caused by diseases in work, you have to remove ovaries, the uterus, or their parts, the risk of early coming of menostasis increases;
  • exhaustion - regular malnutrition, high stress load, shortage of nutrients - all this is capable of leading to early time to reduce estrogen content and accelerating the onset of reproductive dysfunction;
  • Nicotine addiction.

What is dangerous early climax?

If the functionality of female reproductive organs begins to decline as standard, this process occurs gradually. Therefore, signs of the onset of menostasis, although they manifest themselves from different people with different intensity and saturation, in general, the rebuilding of an aging organism proceeds smoothly and does not cause too serious consequences. In cases of the early onset of Klimaks, for example, in women aged 30-35 years, changes occur too quickly, which leads to a negative change in health status.

Climate symptoms include:

  • Fear of the heat, replacing with chills;
  • abundant selection of sweat;
  • sleep disorders;
  • deviations in the cyclicity of menstruation;
  • locked anxiety;
  • drying the mucous membranes of the vagina;
  • anomalous increase in urinary frequency;
  • Chronic fatigue and malaise.

Indicated symptoms appear sharply and brightly - only this is enough to worsen the mental and emotional state of the victim of the coming of menostasis at an early age. And given the failures in the development of sex hormones who actively participate in the life of the body, with early Klimaks probably the appearance of unknown consequences:

  • bones acquire a fragile structure;
  • leather and hair lose the past shine;
  • violated the work of the intestine;
  • The likelihood of cholesterol plaques in vessels increases;
  • the risk of diabetes mellitus and cancer increases, as well as urinary infections;
  • Rapid nervousness.

Do not forget the moral aspects: a woman who has an early climax has been able to feel incomplete, losing a childbearing function at a young age.

Early Climax Pregnancy

Women, encountered with the early manifestation of the symptoms of the approximation of menostasis, as a rule, panic: what to do, how to live on? Not only that the signs that have appeared on themselves are unpleasant, so also the consequences of early Klimaks may be very deplorable. In particular, the opportunity to have children remains in question. But the source of characteristic symptoms can not be able to serve as not only the approach of reproductive dysfunction - sometimes hormonal failures are caused.

Early climax in women: symptoms, reasons what to do

Call the situation will help visit the doctor. If the survey has appeared that the follicles in the egg are present, then a course of therapy is waiting to normalize the hormonal background, eliminating the symptoms of menopause and stimulation of ovulation - to give birth to a child after such treatment is quite possible. In the case when the egg is exhausted, and the desire to start a child does not leave a woman, the only exit remains - donor egg and fertilization by an extracorporeal method.

Accordingly, pregnancy in early climax is possible, even if it is necessary to achieve the desired result and have to go for additional tricks.

How to Prevent Early Climax

Remove the approximation of menostasis is possible by following some recommendations. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to your own health: regular sports, the refusal of smoking and alcohol, as well as minimizing the resulting stress, will help relocate the arrival of an unpleasant moment. It is not necessary to ignore the periodic visits to the doctor for surveys: for example, to test the thyroid gland - the latter failures often lead to early violations of the hormonal background in the female body.

Early climax in women: symptoms, reasons what to do

Back to the advice on how to prevent early Climax, you should add a recommendation to make life measured and uniform: there is to sleep, it is necessary to work so as not to allow strong disorders of the routine of the day. The same applies to the intimate sphere - one should regularly have sex in order to maintain the performance of the genitals.

If the early climax has come, it is not worth a despair - this is not a sentence. Modern medicine allows to normalize well-being by taking special drugs, so regular visits to the endocrinologist, therapist and the gynecologist, and following their prescriptions will help continue life without too noticeable deterioration.

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