Series "Nancy Drew" (2019): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Trailer


In the fall of 2019, the detective series "Nancy Drew" directed by Larry Tenga was released on the screens. About the roles, actors and interesting facts of the series - in the version of the editorial office 24cmi.


The basis of the series is the screen version of the cycle of detective novels, which are created by different authors. The plots are united by one main heroine - the girl Nancy Drew, who adores the riddles. In the first season, the audience will see an investigation into a loud case, accompanied by a mystical history. The authors of the scenario began to be a leg of Landau, known for the TV series "Wizards", and Josh Schwartz. Music for the first season wrote a popular composer Siddhart Khosla.

The release date of the series is October 9, 2019.

Actors and roles

Nancy Drew turned 18 years old. The girl takes a pause before entering college. To earn money for the school year, it is satisfied with the waitress. However, the cruel murder in which the Nancy friends began to suspect, change plans. In the role of Nancy Drew - Kennedy Macmann.

In the course of their own investigation, the girl learns that her father hides some kind of secret. The role of Father Carson Drew in a pilot episode was performed by Freddie Prince (Jr.).

Suddenly, from among the suspects, Ryan Hudson was excluded, whose young wife was found dead. Nancy is not fully confident in the innocence of her husband killed. In the role of Ryan - Riley Smith.

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Next to Nancy boyfriend Ned - an athlete with a mysterious past, which Tundzhi Kasim played. And a look at the investigation of a fresh look with a heroine will help Ace, a friend with an unusual worldview, performed by Alex Saxon.

An investigation into the presence of mystical forces in the mysterious murder of psychic Harrit Grosset, which Pamela Sue Martin was performed. Previously, the actress embodied on the screen the image of a young detective in the 70s.

Interesting Facts

During the survey, the actor of the prince on Scott Wulf occurred. Producers emphasize that there were no disagreements in the cast and the replacement was peacefully.

The film is designed for an adult audience, unlike a series of books. In particular, in the season there are sex scenes.

In the frame, the audience will see "Easter", sending to the design of books. For example, the main character will have red pajamas.

The main role was entrusted with a young actress, which only graduated from acting courses. According to the creators of the film, the actress Kennedy Macmann is surprisingly similar to the description of the book heroine.

The series "Nancy Drew" - a trailer in Russian:

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