Hector Barbossa (Character) - Photo, "Pirates of the Caribbean", Actor Jeffrey Rush


Character History

Hector Barbossa is one of the bright and colorful heroes of a series of films "Pirates of the Caribbean". In the course of the filming, the character changes the role: in the first part it acts as a villain, then goes to the side of good, helping the captain of Jack Sparrow to overcome opponents - black beard, Davi Jones and others. The name of Barbossa - Hector - for the first time is mentioned only in the 3rd part of the "pirate" kintery.

History of character creation

The character was originally conceived by the creators of the franchise as an antigero. The figure of the hector turned out to be a bright, multifaceted, attractive, despite the fact that at the beginning of the film the hero is an antagonist. The image was thought out by the film crew to the smallest detail. Barbossa has an individual style, preferences, recognizable character traits, temperament. So, for example, this pirate is attentive to appearance: a man is closed in a dark skin coat, wears a hat with wide fields, decorated with feathers of ostriches and pheasants.

Hector also loves sophisticated details in a suit - fasteners on a coat are made of silver inks. The hero has original preferences in food - loves green apples. As a real pirate, Barbossa drinks rum. Having lost his leg in a battle with a black beard, a man stores a bottle with a drink in a new leg from a tree. A bright detail in the appearance of the captain, invented by the scenarios, is to rush the eye when the hero is annoying something.

Character Bruutalen, Surov, but at the same time feeds attachment to a manual monkey named Jack. The name for a pet pirate chose specifically to annoy Jack Sparrow. The hero does not forgive offenders - builds revenge plans, kills and robs of the city. At the same time, a man keeps pirated laws, keeps the honor of the pirate. Some facts from the biography of the hector came up with no scripts, but actor Jeffrey Rush, acting by Barbossa.

Biography of Hector Barbossus

As Rush said, the poor Irish nobleman became the mother of the heaker, nothing is known about the father of the pirate. The hero was born in West Country in England, as evidenced by the focus of Captain. In order not to keep a beggar existence, at 13, Barbossa left the house and decided to become a sailor. At first, the young man wanted to lead an honest lifestyle, but over time I realized that, remaining noble, it was impossible to accumulate wealth. From this point on, the character chooses the path of the pirate.

The guy takes on the ship "Black Pearl" by the senior assistant Jack Sparrow. Jack himself reports that he knows where the treasures of Aztecs are hidden. Thoughts about wealth take advantage of Hector, he inciterates the sailors on the riot and captures the ship. Jack leaves on a uninhabited island, and then go to search for gold. But, having received a treasure, pirates understand that gold medallions are cursed. Now the team acquires immortality, but cannot enjoy smells, taste and other human joys.

To get rid of the curse, the sailors must return the treasures and sprinkled them with their blood. But there is a problem - shortly before that, the team killed the villa of Bill, and the pirate gave him a medallion handed his son William to Terene. Now the task of the hector is to find the treasure. The ship arrives in Port Royal, where the Barbossa team finds the decoration from Elizabeth Suonn.

The girl, being a daughter of the governor, thinks that she is going to kidnap to redeem. Therefore, calls another surname - Turner. Knowing that Bill handed the medallion to the child, but not knowing what sex heir, Hector takes Elizabeth for the daughter of the pirate. The captain brings the girl to the island, where suddenly meets with Jack Sparrow and Wille Turner. Will dedicated to the secret sheds blood for gold, and now Barbossa becomes mortal. The hero dies from the bullet Jack.

But on this the story of the character does not end. After death, the captain returns to the world after 2 years thanks to Calipo witchcraft (Tia Dalmo). From that time, Barboss is changing his views and helps Will, Elizabeth and Jack get out of the trap Davi Jones. Then hero on time disappears and appears as a servant of King George II. The character appears in front of the sparrow one-leg. Without leg, the pirate turns out when the black beard attacks the ship.

Now the main goal of Barbossa is to destroy the enemy. For this, the hero covers a saber deadly poison. Okol, black beard, the captain takes the ship and the team, as well as the sword of the defeated. Time passes, and Hector already owns several ships, has prospect. However, the dead are attacked by the dead on ships. Hector manages trick to fight them. Life is preparing a character for another surprise: a man learns that Karina Smith is his daughter. Protecting the girl from Captain Salazar, hero dies.

Hector Barbossa in films

In the films of the series, the image of the Hector Barbossus appears in all parts. On the screen of the pirate embodied the actor Jeffrey Rush. The Contractor managed to create a bright, eccentric figure of the captain. Jeffrey Rush plays masterfully, accurately exposing accents and transmitting the character of the hero. Character quotes have become great popularity among the audience.


To detect a place to find which is impossible, you need to get lost! Otherwise, everyone would know where it is! It is not difficult to get to the world. It's hard to return. I'm not so stupid to enter with him into battle, without having a poisonous advantage!


  • 2003 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl"
  • 2006 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Chest"
  • 2007 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on the edge of the world"
  • 2011 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores"
  • 2017 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: the dead do not tell fairy tales"

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