Famous filmcenes that actors want to forget: Sharon Stone, Twilight, Game of Thrones, 2019


Kinomans love to reconsider sometimes one scene from the cinematic masterpieces sank, and the performers who loved viewers of roles are proudly straightened by the shoulders, enjoying the work done. However, it happens that the actors are not at all burning with the desire to remember famous filmcenes with their own participation - on the contrary, prefer to forget about them, as if about a nightmarish dream.

On the moments from the favorite film, with the memories of which the stars begin to displetely frown, will tell the material 24cmi.

"The basic Instinct"

Sharon Stone about the famous interrogation scene from the "Basic Instinct" remember does not want. The moment with the demonstration of the lack of underwear of detectives, considered one of the most spectacular filmces and in 2019, the actress is not ready to attribute to the number of pleasant memories. After all, the director promised that the piquant parts would not be marked on the screen, but as a result "forgot."


The mainwester of the vampire franchise can not not know what sighs were accompanied by the scene fans in the cinemas, in which the actor expressed the pumped torso in front of the cameras. However, Taylor Lautner's delight itself from this episode is not experiencing. It believes that the image of a muscular handsome man does not allow the audience to evaluate his true acting talent, "he also remembered the fans with a mighty clutch without a T-shirt, and not gifted artist.

"Distivative G8"

Kurt Russell would prefer to forget about the episode that happened on the filming of the film "Distivative Eight" when the actor's character snaps out from the Heroian heroine Jennifer Jason Lee a guitar and breaks the tool into sins. According to the plan, in the frame of the actress played on a real guitar - a museum exhibit value of $ 40 thousand. But to break the russell was to have one of six harvested copies. But something went wrong - the actor "broke" historical value.

"Breaking Bad"

Not all moments from the series "In all serious" is nice to remember the artist to the leading role - Brianan Cranston. We are talking about the moment, where Walter White performed by the actor watches the death of his student, - during the filming of the scene in the head, the artist persistently came the thoughts about his own daughter, and therefore the inaction of the hero for Cranston is unacceptable and causes a sense of guilt.

Brian Cranston in the series

"Game of Thrones"

Not without unpleasant moments and actors of the television series "Game of Thrones". Thus, Alfa Allen, who performed the role of the Greydoy Theon, recalls the scene of the first marriage night Santa Stark and Ramsi Bolton from the series "Disposher, unreleased, unlucky." According to the actor, this shooting day turned out to be the most terrible for him during the participation in the project - about this episode of Allen would prefer to forget.

"Suicide detachment"

But Harley Queen's played in the film "Self-suicide" by Margo Robbie prefers not to revive the episode in memory with the fall of her heroine into a pin-filled with mucus. An unpleasant substance covered the body and penetrated into the nose, ears, mouth, prevented breathing and see. It is clear why the actress does not burn with the desire to recall the shooting of the said scene again.

"Back to the future 3"

Michael Jay Fox does not want to remember the moment of hanging from the third part of the film "Back to the Future". On the set of this scene, the actor almost did not really use because of his own mistake. The film crew did not immediately realize that the artist of the role of Marty Macflage is too realistic choking. This double, by the way, did not get into the final version of the film.

The roles for which actors are ashamed

The roles for which actors are ashamed


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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Lawrence admitted that the scene with a kiss in the film "Passengers" was the first frank scene in its practice. To remove the tension, she had to drink a little.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Vladimir Epifantsev, despite all the originality, shakes his debut in the movies. It was the Tresh film "Green Slonik", which went to the memes and quotes.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Matt Damon considers his role in the film "Ultimatum Born" failure. However, the vinit of this is more than the screenwriter, and not.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Pavel Maikov, whose name thundered to the whole country after entering the light "Brigades," believes that this series can not be shown to people and very much regretted that he took part in the shooting.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Aniston does not like to talk about his debut in the cinema. The actress first appeared in the horror movie "Lepricon". At the time of filming, Jennifer was proud that he received a major role, but over time she began to be ashamed of this work.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Dmitry Nagiyev agreed to the role of Mikhail Lesnikov in the Kamenskaya series only because there was no other offers from directors. The actor never liked his character, so he left the project.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Robert Pattinson tolerate can not "twilight" and his hero. The actor does not understand why the film is so popular.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Paul enjoying more often plays good guys. To enter the image of the scum for the painting "bad blood" he did not like at all.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed


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