Star daughters similar to Fathers: Russian, Hollywood


According to accept, the similarity of the daughter and father promises a happy life for the young lady. Is it really it's difficult to judge difficult. However, since childhood, it is noticeable that daddy bare adopted not only the external similarity, but also the talent of the stars. About daughters, which are similar to fathers, in the editorial material of 24cmi.

John and Ella Travolta

John Travolta's daughter and Kelly Preston Ella Blue inherited a massive chin from his father. In adolescence, the girl suffered overweight. However, the daughter of Travolta showed a character, went and blossomed in the eyes of an amazed public. In May 2019, the film "Poisonous Rose" came out on the screens, where dad and daughter were on one set. Journalists prophesy the star career of the daughter of the Hollywood actor.

Andrei Konchalovsky and Daria Mikhalkov

The kinship of the father and daughter do not have to doubt: Daria Mikhalkov is a copy of Andrei Konchalovsky. The director found out about the existence of Daria in the 90s. Mother Irina Brozgovka hid the truth from his father. The first meeting occurred when a girl was 17 years old. Daria notes that Pope immediately met her surroundings and provided material assistance.

Sylvester and Sofia, Sistin, Scarlet Stallone

Children are born in love. This can be seen, looking at Sylvester Stallone and the three of his daughters. Sofia, Sistic and Scarlet are real beauties. Girls were married to Jennifer Flavin, which was managed to land "Rambo". Sofia in character in the Father: Removed in commercials and adores a red carpet. Sistica tries himself in the model business. Scarlet focuses on learning. However, the frivolity for girls is not peculiar. Dad sees everything!

Philip and Alla Victoria Kirkorov

An amazing similarity with Pope Philip in Alla Victoria Kirkorovo. The audience was waiting for the daughter of the Russian king scene will continue the dynasty, but the girl is more interesting to figure skating. The daughter turned out to be the same fashionista as dad.

Dwayin and Simon Alexander Johnson

Simon Alexander - Daughter Duina Johnson on nicknamed the rock. Evil languages ​​in the network tried to respond about the appearance of the girl unflattering, emphasizing the resemblance to the Father. But the excellent sense of style and a wide smile opened Simone the road to the beauty industry. And in 2019, Daein's daughter entered the Higher Educational Institution, which the Father proudly reported in "Instagram".

Mikhail and Estella Galustyan

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Looking at Estella and Mikhail Galustyan, we can conclude that the charm is inherited. Papine daughter inherited sparks in the eyes and creative celebrity abilities. Estella plays in the theater circle and already acquired fans.

Bruce and Tallula Willis

Tallula Willis suffers from a permanent comparison of external data with the mother of Demi Moore, although the features of the face looks like Father Bruce Willis. The tabloids brought the girl to the dysmorphia - the state in which the complexes prevented the perception of their appearance. Today, the depressive views of Talluly remained in the past. On his page in "Instagram", she laid out the video where Ignoraly dancing in the pink bikini.

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