Series "Defense Avenue" (2019): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Trailer


For sports lovers and boxing fans, the director Roman Nesterenko in 2019 presents the series "Defense Avenue". His plot "delays" from the first minutes. The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about the actors who starred in the picture, and interesting facts associated with the production of the series.


The dismanting picture of the "World Russian Studios" was filmed in the historic part of St. Petersburg. Roman Nesterenko races not only in the cinema, but also in the theater. Removed in the series and writes scripts. The Season "Defense Avenue" consists of 16 episodes.


The plot of the series develops around the ambitious boxer, which did not come to an important battle for the title of the city champion. To compete for this title, he needs to bribe officials from the Maxport. There is no major amount of the guy, so he agrees to participate in commercial battles.

Fans are waiting for the series with impatience, but the creators do not call the exact date of exit. It is known that he is planned for 2019.

Actors and roles

The main character of Denis Astakhova played actor Makar Zaporizhia. Boxer has put a goal to get the title of the city champion and does everything to achieve it. He risks health, participating in commercial fights. Zaporizhia appeared on the screen in 2003, but the roles were secondary. He became famous after the premiere of the Russian series about the hockey players "Molodechka".

Victoria Romanenko went to the role of his beloved wife Denis Astakhov. Natalia was not honest with her husband and led a double life. Victoria Romanenko made his debut in 2007 in the Drama "House on the Embankment", but she brought the series "Detach".

Denis's father lied his son and "twist" the novel with his wife Natalia. The role of the traitor went to Oleg Fomin, who directed the "Eralash" and "Day of Elections". First starred in the movie in 1984. The films that he shot after moving from Latvia to Moscow were not succeeded. They remained lying on the shelf.


Bortman (Sergey Kosonin) is a serious businessman who controlled not only commercial, but also non-commercial battles. It was associated with the bandits and threatened not one life. The Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Kosonin went to the scene in 1975. He worked for 20 years in the theater, parallel to the movies. In 2018, the painting "Melnik" with Kosonin was reached on the screens.

Bandera (Sergey Kolos) - a gangster working on the bordman. Businessman trusted his "right hand" and instructed him the most important tasks. The first role in the cinema immediately became successful for the actor of Sergey Kolos. He debuted in the rating series "Secrets of the investigation."

The role of a sports judge who was present on the battles of Astakhov, went to Vadim Pavlenko. He works not only by the actor, but also as Cascader. He is given dangerous roles where heavy tricks are performed: Chechen fighter, killer, gangster, diversity, etc.

The series appeared: Roman Kurtsyn, Kirill Polichin, Elena Rufanova, Yakov Shamshin, Sergey Karpov and others.

Interesting Facts

The NTV channel announced the end of the shooting of the series back in July 2017. The show was scheduled for the new season, but never went to the screens.


Boxing fights were shot in the house of composers, where the ring was installed specifically for work.

Spectators suggest that the absence of a trailer for two years is a thoughtful stroke by the creators who preserve intrigue.

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